Ryan Mathews

White Power

Feb 25, 2007
Reb He dosen't look white I beleive he is a pacific islander, but I will root for him if you think we ought to because I like diversity at the running back position no matter who it is except a brother. Your thoughts are welcome my freind.
White Power, I think he is either mixed mexican or maybe polynesian. Anyway, it is easy to see that he is some white and definitely not black. I looked him up Friday night but didn't list him until yesterday after a conversation with Jimmy Chitwood and further investigation on my part. I'd rather see a man as white as me running the ball, but if I have to choose between a black and a something else, I'd take the something else.Edited by: Colonel_Reb
He really looks like Donald Brown of Connecticut to me perhaps further invesitgation of Brown might be in order. I have noticed Brown has been benched in favor of a no doubt black running back by the name of Dixon. Which leads me to this question can the caste system work against those who are not 100% African American or should we really care. In any case your comments are welcome.
I read a story recently of how a recruiter found out a supposedly white kid had some black in his family a couple of generations back and then proceeded to recruit him. I don't think the Caste System is as strong against mixed backs, after all, multi-culturalism and miscegenation is part of the cultural marxist's plan. It may not even exist at all for those who are part black. As an example, right now there are part black mixed backs who get more carries than every white back in the NFL except Leonard; Fargas, Goings, and a couple more. The catch, as it seems to me, is that these players are all some sort of black and white/polynesian/etc. mix. The rare non-black/white back seems to be treated much more like a completely white back. These are very rare, but I think Mathews is one of them. I hope that makes sense. I could be wrong, but I think a white/mexican back would have a tougher go of it than a white/black or polynesian/black back would. Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Basically if you look black ie. "Somoans" or are one half black or more; you are "one of them" to them IMO. White men playing a black mans position is agitating to many of them, and even to the ones it isn't agitating to most question if it is "legitimate". This is especially so w/ blacks competing for playing time at that position "the white man just can't hold a brother down!"

Edited to add: I think a Chinese RB would be frowned upon by blacks almost as much b/c they are seen as a privileged "rich" group as well. I think they would have more tolerance for a mestizo Hispanic, but still less than a "one of their own".Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
point well taken however I will still root for players who are bucking the trend no matter who they are or where they come from except a brother who feels his position is owed to him.
White Power said:
point well taken however I will still root for players who are bucking the trend no matter who they are or where they come from except a brother who feels his position is owed to him.

True, I cheer for other races than whites as well in the NFL, but rarely blacks b/c they have a monopoly on the league. The only black I thought I might cheer for this season other than a few I like on the Giants was Vince Young b/c he is playing a non-caste position and he is an exciting player. However, he has turned out to be mediocre at best and is still treated like a God, so that has worn out with me.

I am starting to see the trend that this site talks about w/ QB becoming a caste position as well with how the media overrates black QBs and the way the system wants more of them even though they don't deserve it. I used to cheer for Barry Sanders b/c he was so exciting and was a class act and Tiki Barber for the same reason and b/c I am a Giants fan. However, my favorite recent players were always Jeremy Shockey and Jason Sehorn.

In the NHL I would have no problem cheering for a black b/c there is no caste system there. In addition blacks are rare in the league and they are not treated like Gods by fans and media simply for being black. Just my three cents. -TJR
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