Nov 12, 2007
Hall (Nevada states head of dopking) stated during interview that Jones had tested positive for anabolic steroids use when the two met back in May of 2000.

Hall stated "I now tender my resignation he (Mr Jones) has now failed four doping test (97,98,00 x2) they have also lost seven of Mr Roy Jones samples. I have written to both the NewYork and Nevada state athletic commisions stating that he (Jones) has tested positive for Testosterone Enanthate at least four times, his serum levels were 100x that of normal levels."

when pressed into the effect that would have on his performances he added: "Its like he is taking a machine gun into a knife fight his strentgh and speed would be too much for two men to overcome".

By Elisa Harrison
Posted: Wednesday, June 09, 2004


When questioned about his lack luster form in training Roy Jones seemed lost for words and so he should. This is his first bout since the new approved commissioned human growth hormone test is being used. Anthony Hall the former head of doping was newly re-appointed after being proven right in the James Toney case (See appendix 43) has demanded weekly tests for Testosterone and groth hormone for Roy Jones Jr.

Mr Hall has claimed and shown undeniable evidence of irregular testosterone levels in mr Roy Jones, who has claimed that it was suppliments that caused the ****e in his serum levels. Those claim have been squashed by male hormone experts who called them farsicle.

I caught up with Mr Hall during my stay in Las Vegas last week and he stated: "This is the first fight that we are able to put together a testing regime foolproof to any comebacks. Its the same regime mr Jones took part in back in 97 but this time it has a government seal on it, his lawyers or anybodies lawyers for that matter can contest." When pushed by his distain for Jones he added: " I and the rest of the Nevada and New York state know that he (Roy Jones) was using illegal means going into all of his fight from 1996 FACT." a loophole and good lawyers got him off." When i pushed Hall about the statements hes made he said: "Look its in black and white every fight since 1996 we tested his serum testosterone levels they were through the roof. Now those tests which are 99.9% accurate were called wrong i will be intrested to see how he performes in his next bout if his performance levels stay the same then i say hes still a cheat, but i have a feeling he (Roy Jones) will not be able to sustain the level of performance without using these hormones"

"Lets see how he does in the Tarver bout"


Anyone remember how he looked in terms of performance in that Tarver fight? YOu know what fight was right before that one? A career defining win over a heavyweight in John Ruiz. A slight difference in performance?
Nov 12, 2007
whiteathlete33 said:
This is nothing new. Tons of blacks use steroids and get away with it.

I have known this for years..but most outside of boxing dont know this..also my point is that the media has been throwing "superman" in our face for 15 years now...well now "superman" is a fraud to the public. If Joe Calzghe had used them it would be on the front page of the New York Times.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Jones always had a body of roider. He was too ripped and as he went up in weight he only put on pure muscle. Contrast this to Joe who has the look of 20's or 30's boxer and gained water/fat/muscle as he moved up to 175. When Jones went up to heavyweight to fight Ruiz he looked like he was retaining water and really didn't gain enough fat for that twenty pound transformation in three months. Nobody questioned his new bodybuilder physique.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
If Joe Calzaghe had used them he would be even more dominant. He is already one of the greatest boxers in history. He earned his record and fame the honest way.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Boxing Trainer said:
I have known this for years..but most outside of boxing dont know this..also my point is that the media has been throwing "superman" in our face for 15 years now...well now "superman" is a fraud to the public. If Joe Calzghe had used them it would be on the front page of the New York Times.

Without a doubt. No one says a word about Superman Jones and his use of drugs. If JC had been busted in the past we'd be reading about it constantly.


Oct 18, 2008
If Calzghe would have got popped cheating in any way, sipmply put, he would have never fought again. The powers that be would have made an example of a white man cheating.


May 10, 2008
Boxing Trainer said:
whiteathlete33 said:
This is nothing new. Tons of blacks use steroids and get away with it.

I have known this for years..but most outside of boxing dont know this..also my point is that the media has been throwing "superman" in our face for 15 years now...well now "superman" is a fraud to the public. If Joe Calzghe had used them it would be on the front page of the New York Times.

I didn't know it --- probably like most of the general public. I figured that boxing was pretty closely monitored. From my perspective, this is a bombshell. I wonder if anything will come of it?

Somebody is going to need to sit down and figure out this whole relationship between sports and drugs, and its intimate tie to recreational drugs and particularly the black community. Sports are America's gateway to drugs. I don't know this, but I think it would be worth trying to re-analyze the data in this context. Start with PEDs and painkillers, and recreational drugs follow.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I am not surprised. Remember almost a year ago, Shane Mosely goes on record and stated that he probably took the BALCO roids prior to the second De La Hoya fight. Shane said, "He didn't know" he was taking them. Come on. No one in the MSM demanded that he be pushed nor that "win" against Oscar be banished.

The MSM will always cover for blk affelets, with few exeptions, Marion Jones being one. I guess the world was involved in that one, not just the USA.


May 10, 2008
Westside said:
The MSM will always cover for blk affelets, with few exeptions, Marion Jones being one. I guess the world was involved in that one, not just the USA.
Maybe Marion Jones is too white. Her looks and homeland of Belize would indicate she is mixed race.Edited by: Observer
Nov 12, 2007
Most of the MSM dont want to "punish" a black athlete with bad press. A great example of MSM protection of blacks is in the 2005 U.S. crime statistics..The rape of white women by black men was 37,500. While on the other hand black woman that were raped by white men acounted for less than 10. If the role was reversed and that many black woman were raped Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson would be marching in the streets day and night, and there would be Civil unrest for months, and the MSM would be ALL OVER IT. The MSM in this country are liars and they lie to blacks and whites alike..the only difference is, we whites dont benefit from their lies..the blacks do.