Rose-Andrade and Provodnikov vs Algeri on HBO

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
I thought Algieri was landing way to many shots to not give him most of those rounds. Ruslan won the "fight" but we often forget that the SPORT of boxing isnt a "fight". If these guys were scrapping in the back yard all the bystanders would say Ruslan won because of damage. Boxing isnt always about who is more beat up its about whos knuckles touched the others guys head, and body more in each round. By that standard you cant even make a case for Provodnikov.

This one of the reasons I love boxing so much. Also why I love to talk about how rounds are scored. Theres a good question I like to ask people. If one guy lands 50 out of 100 punches, but dosent seem to bother his opponent, or cause damage, and the other guy lands 5 out of 10, but cuts the guy open, breaks his nose, and wobbles him, who wins that round?

I say its the guy that landed the 50 out 0f 100, but I dont blame anyone who gives it to the guy who did the damage.

Rap Is Crap

May 24, 2014
Midwest USA
Was just watching Friday Night Fights and the ever so classy Teddy Assless claimed Provodnikov was robbed and even took a swing at Freddie Roach calling him a liar. This guy really makes his hatred for whites really well-known.