Rooting for Obama in Any Way?

Are You Rooting For Obama For Any of The Following?

  • I’m Rooting For His Economic Policies to Succeed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I’m Rooting For Him on Foreign Policy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I’m Rooting For Him on His Social-Moral Agenda

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rooting 4 Him To 100% Fail Wake Up Whites to Distrust Blacks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don’t Care; I Want to Leave U.S Now Before it Falls Apart.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Want Him to Fail; to Not be Re-elected or Pass his Policies.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Am Rooting That his Presidency is a "Dazzling" Success

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 9, 2008
For fear of being labeled a troll, judging by the results thus far, I had delayed my vote. But I have to say without a doubt, I want nothing but complete success from Obama's presidency.

I am an American first. Our nation always aspires to be successful; not fail in hopes of eventually replacing it's elected leaders to what it wants. Mr. Obama is my president currently, as was Mr. Bush the last term, and I demand from him, his administration, and all of Congress their tireless commitment for putting America first. As my elected representatives, I demand they devote all their time toward that end. In return, I allow them some leeway in how they wish to achieve success, as long as at the end of the day American's are working, treated fairly, have affordable access to quality health care, and are safe from threats both foreign and domestic.

If Mr. Obama called me on the phone and asked for my help, I would say, "Yes sir. What do you need me to do?" If after 4 years, his presidency fails to live up to my satisfaction, I will cast my vote accordingly. In the meantime, time is too precious to simply throw up our hands, cast only aspersions, offer no solutions, and walk away until we're interested again.

I have seen my country decay in my lifetime of 40+ years. However, I will never let go of it's promise, for me, my wife and children, and to all those who proudly claim their allegiance to this nation.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
SoberWF said:
For fear of being labeled a troll, judging by the results thus far, I had delayed my vote. But I have to say without a doubt, I want nothing but complete success from Obama's presidency.

I am an American first. Our nation always aspires to be successful; not fail in hopes of eventually replacing it's elected leaders to what it wants. Mr. Obama is my president currently, as was Mr. Bush the last term, and I demand from him, his administration, and all of Congress their tireless commitment for putting America first. As my elected representatives, I demand they devote all their time toward that end. In return, I allow them some leeway in how they wish to achieve success, as long as at the end of the day American's are working, treated fairly, have affordable access to quality health care, and are safe from threats both foreign and domestic.

If Mr. Obama called me on the phone and asked for my help, I would say, "Yes sir. What do you need me to do?" If after 4 years, his presidency fails to live up to my satisfaction, I will cast my vote accordingly. In the meantime, time is too precious to simply throw up our hands, cast only aspersions, offer no solutions, and walk away until we're interested again.

I have seen my country decay in my lifetime of 40+ years. However, I will never let go of it's promise, for me, my wife and children, and to all those who proudly claim their allegiance to this nation.

SoberWF: FYI, I am certainly not rooting that our entire nation falls apart. I want people to be able to find work to feed their families etc. To not want the aforementioned is I'll say it again: "Not the American way!"

I am just hoping that people wake up to what a radical Obama is on social moral issues. I actually like his foreign policy personally and even "certain" parts of his economic vision.

However, if we have the same kind of "extreme" economic boom we did in the mid 90s Obama will be re-elected. Trust me when I say: the nation will turn down the path of more acceptance for Partial Birth abortion and be more open to California pro-porn Anti-Christ values (not sure what your stance is on these issues). Obama is also the type that would want to take "in God we trust" off our coins IMO; when you look at who he is associated with politically.

Obama desires no religious charity to get government aid; even if it is the most successful one in it's particular charitable domain. He also wants you to not be able to write off charitable donations on taxes. A list of Democrats hand picked select charities that will be exempt from taxes is likely impending (Planned Parenthood will likely be on his list).

I will root that people in our nation continue to get by and provide for their families, but I am rooting they wake up to Obama's agenda and that he is a one term President!

If Obama does more than "average" as a President: the media love-fest for him will grow like a wildfire. I can't root for his "political" success personally, but I am not hoping he tears our nation apart either.

I just don't want him to be re-elected because he will take our nation further away from what's right. The decline of morals is already happening fast enough.

Preferably Obama will help maintain a "decent" economy (especially as far as the poorer classes getting by) for us with his bill signings, build better relations with the Middle East etc. However, hopefully people will wake up and smell the coffee of the "radical" that is Obama; which means in most senses he will fail "politically" overall!

A President that fails in his re-election bid is a failure "politically" and that is the pool option I picked.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
SoberWF said:
In return, I allow them some leeway in how they wish to achieve success, as long as at the end of the day American's are working, treated fairly, have affordable access to quality health care, and are safe from threats both foreign and domestic.

The problem is our elected officials are not working towards these means, they are working towards totally bankrupting this nation. The biggest threat to our domestic safety is our own government. Our own borders are not even protected and immigration is running out of control, yet we have military bases in over 100 countries around the world.

Our government was set up on the principals that men, especially politicians, cannot be trusted. Our founders, especially Thomas Jefferson, knew this and created the constitution to rule the land, and granted the federal government (i.e. the President) limited power.

Presently most people think the government is not doing enough and that's why we are in this mess. I say they do to much. They bankrupt us through needless wars, illegal immigration, federal programs and government spending. They regulated too much and now American industry and companies cannot compete in a global market and people loss their jobs. Instead of stepping aside and letting the free market correct much of our economic problems, they borrow and print money, assuring only bigger problems and debt in the future. This puts a terrible burden on future generations. Instead of allowing us to work hard and save, what do they do? Tax us on our income. I could go on...

If this current administrations goal is to achieve success, then they are going about it all wrong. That being said, I cannot support our President and his policies knowing the end results will be disastrous.

I do not mean to single you out SoberWF because I want all the things you want too. I just feel the only way we will get real change is through massive failure and collapse of a corrupt and faulty system. Sometimes you have to got through alot of hardships to see better times ahead.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
American first? The America you are talking about is DEAD. The people running it would laugh at your naive desire to see them do the right thing. There is no morality at the top except self gratification and greed. They all need to fail.

Thomas Jefferson said the tree of liberty is watered best by the blood of tyrants. Our liberty tree needs to be watered. The guys running the show now should be considered nothing more then potential sources of "water".
Nov 30, 2008
It's a scary time. I don't want our country to fail for 8 years (that's nearly a decade of people hurting), but I don't like our nation moving so far toward the left. I see pink in Obama's eyes and think he'd like to take our nation as far left as possible. Fortunately, since his Harvard days, he's demonstrated that he feels more comfortable compromising than fighting for anything he believes in. That's the one silver lining. However, it has become more apparent than ever, that the powers that be (Congress, the White House, Wall Street) care far more about maintaining their positions in their ivory towers than doing what is right for America. I thought this crisis would be a wake up call, but even having our economy on the brink of a depression has not changed their behavior.

I think it is really up to the American people to get our economy back on track. It's going to take a creation or innovation of a new industry, like the tech boom of the 90s.Edited by: Fightingtowin


Dec 9, 2008
All good responses, and I agree with much which has been stated. Though I would argue that Obama's presidency did not create the current situation, so the jury is still out on his performance.

As for governments imposing too much regulation, that has been contrary to actual events leading up to our current financial crisi. Back in the 80's, American financial institutions were highly regulated and were not able to diversify across financial portfolios. Banks were banks, insurance companies were insurance companies, etc. etc. In the 2 decades since, in answer to unfair competition where foreign financial conglomerates (most notably Japanese) were able to acquire and diversify across the financial services industry, American financial deregulation allowed US firms to acquire and consolidate across financial segments, growing financial might. This propelled us to unprecedented growth in the 90's but also exposed our entire financial system to the failure within one segment(in this case real estate).

Jaxvid, I'm sorry you feel that way (though that will always be your prerogative in the US). Naivety can also be mistaken for ideal, which is what the forefathers sought to create- a state based on the highest ideals of the times. I'm just not personally ready to throw in the towel and proclaim "America is DEAD." I simply do not believe that.


Oct 18, 2008
May 5, 2005
"hell, even blacks don't want to be around other blacks! that's because they are f-ing dangerous and completely worthless."

Completely and totally hit it out of the park!

I stop in for a beer or two every once in awhile at a place near my home. A while back, a single black guy showed up and became kind of a regular. Pretty well versed in most sports (stocky, short kid) and well-spoken for the most part. Had the opportunity to have a few conversations and he pretty much stated once what J. Chitwood wrote.

This guy wasn't going to bring his black friends to this bar, because he said pretty much that they would "F" it up for everyone.
