Rooting for Obama in Any Way?

Are You Rooting For Obama For Any of The Following?

  • I’m Rooting For His Economic Policies to Succeed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I’m Rooting For Him on Foreign Policy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I’m Rooting For Him on His Social-Moral Agenda

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rooting 4 Him To 100% Fail Wake Up Whites to Distrust Blacks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don’t Care; I Want to Leave U.S Now Before it Falls Apart.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Want Him to Fail; to Not be Re-elected or Pass his Policies.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Am Rooting That his Presidency is a "Dazzling" Success

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Sorry for another long rant, but here's a story for you. I had this discussion not long ago with my my oldest cousin I live with and my fiance when we were hanging out and watching Bill O'Reilly; I really should hang out more on weekdays; All I tend to do is be on the internet and write stuff. A poll was asked on this exact question (of course with some variation).

My cousin is a big-time liberal. He's a young College student who still lives at home. He was talking about how Obama wants to see to it that
"low wage earners can afford health-care, easier aid for their kids for college, low-income housing, medications" And asks:
"Don't you agree Canada's better?"
I told him what a disaster socialized medicine is in Canada with people even waiting weeks for emergency surgery. I said the Australian or Argentina method of "subsidized" health-care; where if I recall the rich can still pay for better service to go out of network/pay out of pocket; works better.

Then he says that minimum wage earners
deserve better. He even says
"they deserve to have cable t.v"
This is where it got too much for me to handle and I stopped him; "I mean is even basic cable a top priority when you're just trying to get by?" I said,

"Yes I agree with you we need to help the poor, but if you set minimum wage too high it can put small businesses out of business. You're sounding like you want everyone to earn the same for radically different job skills; that's when society falls apart man.
And Obama wants to take away people's ability to write off most charitable contributions on their taxes. He wants more government everywhere. You help the poor by both government programs and private contributions you know."

I admit to being somewhat of an economic liberal (one of the few on this site probably), but not nearly to the extent of my cousin; his nose was starting to "turn red" I tell you.

Then he says: Well, why not set the minimum wage higher for businesses that employ larger numbers of people; set it for standard business sizes. So my fiance says
"I'd love that if it would work, but then you'd just be over-legislating and the laws are complicated enough already. And there will just be more loopholes in the law as well."

So then the two of them start talking, sort of leaving me as the "ultra conservative third wheel". And they both agree 100% they want Obama's economic vision and foreign policy to succeed. I was thinking this is because they are both under 25 and kind of naive. But then my Aunt comes downstairs and also agrees with them. I couldn't believe it. They were even agreeing on how great this is for African Americans and how it will bring the country together break down stereotypes etc. I mean I was having fun with this lively discussion at first, but geeez.

So that is when I bring up the Freedom of Choice Act.
"If it passes, if I recall, every single pharmacy in America will have to carry the morning after pill; there will be "no choice" even as a Christian Private Pharmacist owner. Catholic Hospitals would be required to perform abortions or outsource to groups to make abortions available (a bishop has even said all Catholic hospitals could be closed down). Partial Birth Abortion will likely become legal again. And you guys want economics "the Economic stimulus package Obama advocated and signed has plenty of earmarks to special interests, powerful unions etc.; So so much for the "little guy"."

It turned into a fairly intense debate, but at least it was with the people who won't hold things against you. My fiance at least agrees with me that Obama is a complete "radical" on his Secular Moral Agenda and wasn't originally happy when Obama won. But she apparently has now turned optimistic and thinks some good can come from many components of his Presidency . We're both strong pro-life Catholics.

I mean speaking of Bono the three of them were reminding me of him. My fiance went to Honduras in college to help poor orphans with her Catholic group and my Aunt donates a lot of time to the red-cross and such; so their heart is in the right place.

But still; how in the world as a Christian can you root for Obama.
"Although there is certainly debate on what you should believe as a Christian on Economic Justice, If Obama succeeds Economically he will be a two term president and Change us into a Secular, more Pro-Choice, more open to Indecency, More Pro-Gay, Anti-Christian nation."

I wish my uncle was there b/c I was basically all alone here as being completely un-open to accepting Obama. I guess I am just that disgusted with Obama.

The one good thing that can come, is that maybe the argument that AA is needed will lose merit. If an African American (well half actually) can rise to the pinnacle of success as the leader of the most powerful nation in the world, then why would blacks need special privileges anymore? "Whitey" isn't holding you back brothers?

With the Al Sharpton's of the nation around you're not getting away with any real racial employment discrimination anymore anyway!

I don't see this as Apples and oranges. If you don't like where a leader is going to take your country (on the issues that are most important to you) you can't pick certain areas you want him to succeed and others you don't. I admit- I'm hoping his Presidency is a failure and he's a one term President and I'm guessing this will be a run away poll on this site that will echo that sentiment. Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Oct 18, 2008
My momma, and bolth my sisters are big Obama fans. Im ready for whites to wake up. I just have to remember that I was once brainwashed as well. Good poll TOUGH!


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I am not rooting against Obama as a person but I am rooting against his policies. If his economic policies succeed, that means Socialism works. That means the American form of government and way of life are officially dead.

However, this is irrelevant because his policies CANNOT work. History and sound economics have taught us this. Pretty much the only thing to do now is watch the train wreck and get support behind the most qualified man for 2012 (Ron Paul).


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Want Him to Fail; to Not be Re-elected or Pass his Policies and die young.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
jaxvid said:
Want Him to Fail; to Not be Re-elected or Pass his Policies and die young.

Exactly. Ditto to those sentiments. Obama is a traitor in the truest sense of the word. So if he dies young, I will shed no tears or sadness over his untimely passing. I rejoice over no man losing his soul but I do rejoice when evil people get what's coming to them in this life.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Compare it to a Supreme Justice like Ruth Bader Ginsberg, David Suter or John Paul Stevens dieing. Good would come from it for this nation and I would shed no tears. However, wishing death on them (before they change and get their soul saved) is wrong, wrong, wrong.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Freethinker said:
I am not rooting against Obama as a person but I am rooting against his policies.

I am fully behind that first statement, at least in the sense that I don't wish bad on him overall personally.

Just to clarify; I only put up "wake up whites to distrust blacks" as an option for other posters. I personally as a Christian don't think that is optimistic, forgiving or the American way.

I hope to see a better future of racial relations that is 100% color blind (however unlikely) and complete forgiveness. However, people are all free to believe what they believe about wanting all whites to distrust various other skin colors.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I'm absolutely 100% against ANYONE who's a a traitor to the Republic & Constitution. Like "Jorge Boosh", "Bacrock YObuma" is a total Globalist shill who will only continue the NWO/One World agenda for his Ma$ters.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Just to clarify; I only put up "wake up whites to distrust blacks" as an option for other posters. I personally as a Christian don't think that is optimistic, forgiving or the American way.

Ha ha. Now it's Un-American todistrust blacks?

As for Obama and his policies. I had the joy of checking out my so-called retirement investment portfolio. It has been gutted. Many older Americans that have retired now realize they will have tofind work at Wal-Mart or Taco Bell to make ends meet.

Anyway, I am not convinced the economy will continue going down. Well, for the short term yes, not the long haul. I still feel a lot of the collapse was contrived by the money manipulators. Everyone is screaming doom and gloom and painting the bleakest possible pictures. So, if we have a big recovery Obama will be heralded as the greatest leader/geniusever. If things get worse it will not be considered his fault as he inherited much of the mess. That will be the party line.

Also the extremely high cost of energy for the last several years was a huge burden on consumers. Surely the greatly lowered prices of gas and oil will have a positive impact. I guess, who knows for sure.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Bart: Just so you know I have admitted in other posts that I am a little uncomfortable around blacks (other than my one black friend I made at work in Canada; this dude was very white acting for a black guy and we even discussed Jesse Lumsden getting stereotyped once; he made me realize there are anomalies.) especially when in groups.

I am not going to lie and say I have lots of black friends or am naive enough to go to the ghetto looking for a pick-up game of basketball.

You are certainly not Un-American if you distrust blacks; it has to do with your personal experience, what you read or are taught.

I just personally don't "root" for all Americans to do so as a strong Christian. Rooting for that to me isn't the proper American way. I'm a positive minded person.

I agree: The cheap oil prices should be good for the economy. I just hope that Americans have wised up and will continue the new quasi-trend of buying smaller cars.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i can't think of one thing that Obama has proposed that would be good for this country, nor can i think of a single action he's taken that has made this nation better in any way.

erego, i hope he fails in all that he does. and i agree wholeheartedly with jaxvid's sentiments. and not just Obama, but all who do and think the same way regarding the USA.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bart said:
Anyway, I am not convinced the economy will continue going down. Well, for the short term yes, not the long haul. I still feel a lot of the collapse was contrived by the money manipulators. Everyone is screaming doom and gloom and painting the bleakest possible pictures. So, if we have a big recovery Obama will be heralded as the greatest leader/geniusever. If things get worse it will not be considered his fault as he inherited much of the mess. That will be the party line.

Also the extremely high cost of energy for the last several years was a huge burden on consumers. Surely the greatly lowered prices of gas and oil will have a positive impact. I guess, who knows for sure.

Not one person accurately predicted the events of the past year, particularly the past half year. Yet there must be hundreds of self-appointed "experts" on the Internet these days all claiming to have done so. Some have been around a long time, crying wolf (for money) since the 1970s on through Y2K, 9/11, etc. And for x amount of dollars, one can have access to these gurus' new predictions, almost all of them forecasting a total meltdown of the economy and often other various doomsday scenarios.

An horrendous depression and political and social chaosis certainly possible; the Vegas odds of it happening should be about 1 in 5 right now. But it wouldn't be all that surprising if the system pulls more rabbits out of its hat, as it has over and over again, and it ends up being only a bad recession that ends within another year or two. And if it does happen that way, the gurus will again be telling us how they "predicted it."Edited by: Don Wassall

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Freethinker said:
I am not rooting against Obama as a person but I am rooting against his policies. If his economic policies succeed, that means Socialism works. That means the American form of government and way of life are officially dead.

However, this is irrelevant because his policies CANNOT work. History and sound economics have taught us this. Pretty much the only thing to do now is watch the train wreck and get support behind the most qualified man for 2012 (Ron Paul).

I second the motion.

Obama is more about Q rating than than IQ. I just can't understand how this guy came out of nowhere and why so many people see him as a saviour to the point of practically worshippping him. It's creepy.

I hope he fails miserably in his goal of socializing the economy. A nice fat scandal wouldn't hurt my feelings either, especially if it made all those idiot whites with Obama stickers still on their cars sneak out in the middle of the night and scrape them off their bumpers.

I'm way tired of looking at them already.Edited by: The Hock


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
The Hock said:
I hope he fails miserably in his goal of socializing the economy. A nice fat scandal wouldn't hurt my feelings either, especially if it made all those idiot whites with Obama stickers still on their cars sneak out in the middle of the night and scrape them off their bumpers.

I'm way tired of looking at them already.

I couldn't agree more. I live in a pretty white and VERY liberal neighborhood in NYC and the Obama fever hit full force here. Since its NYC and most commute via train I got the joy of seeing Obama pins on every yuppie and hipster's coat, hat, shirt, work bag, etc. I hope they all end up in the trash where they belong.
Dec 9, 2007
if Obama can successfully destroy wall street and the federal government, he deserves to be reelected in 2012.

maybe we will all wake up. no more corporate control, no more corporate socialism, police state fascism, and social engineering.


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
Pistol Pete wrote:

"if Obama can successfully destroy wall street and the federal government, he deserves to be reelected in 2012."

Well, if you think that's on his agenda, he sure is going about it in a funny way at the taxpayer's expense.


Oct 18, 2008
In my opinion, to NOT distrust blacks is irresponsible, and UN-American. Anyone who has spent any real time around blacks KNOWS they better NOT trust them for a second. The whole idea of a "color blind sociaty" is wishful thinking. Why? Because BLACKS will NEVER be colorblind!!!! I KNOW this from living my whole life around them. A person who hasnt been around them knows ZERO on the subject. When blacks are trusted South Africa happens. Its been wake up time for awhile now.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Since this is my thread let me respectfully respond to that optimistically: In my humble opinion, P-Nutlane that is a pessimistic way of thinking. I don't fault you for your feelings; we all have our own personal experiences.

But personally, I can give you some examples of blacks standing up for whites:

Example #1: My black friend I worked with in Canada in the Toronto area (the only black person I became rather close to in my life) agreed with me when we discussed Jesse Lumsden being stereotyped (at my apartment btw) that he "probably" belongs in the NFL. He also "completely" agreed that it is unrealistic that there are ZERO white tailbacks they can find worthy of giving carries to in the NFL. This guy was an educated black man, who has a Bachelors in Biology just like I do; This probably made him more receptive to openly discussing the racial state of sports with me; the one time I brought up Jesse Lumsden and easier for me to relate to.

Example #2: (My Youtube Arguing) There was a black guy on the Mike Trumpy Youtube video who agreed with me that he has in fact seen a lot of "great" white tailbacks and Trumpy looked to be one of them.

Example #3: Tiki Barber said on his radio show that "Jason Sehorn was the best athlete on the Giants" before he hurt his knee. Other than Tiki going with the flow and irrationally criticizing Eli (maybe their personalities clashed as teammates or something), Tiki seems like an objective and good guy to me.

Example #4: What about Steve Nash's two black teammates getting suspended for having the gumption to get off the bench simply to be ready to defend him from Horry if he gave Nash a second cheap shot. David Stern (the fool that he is) found it reasonable to suspend the two Sun's for them standing up for their star teammate. They got suspended for sportsmanship basically. God I hate the NBA.

Example #5: Black conservatives like Clarence Thomas, Condoleza Rice, Michael Steele, J.C Watts etc. who agree with the white moral Christian values our culture was founded on and many of these black political conservatives are even against Affirmative action; showing that not "every single" black thinks alike. I should mention there are actually lots of blacks that are practicing Baptists etc. that may believe in Social Conservatism, but they don't vote that way due to them thinking "Republicans" are a lily white party that will hold them down.

Unfortunately the current black generation may go to church, but then they will turn on their 50 Cent album later that night. We are having a serious break down in our society of the numbers of "legit" Christians. You can blame the media for this and black culture has had an even greater moral breakdown than whites, although we are certainly starting to catch up.
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

From my personal experience: Sure, I completely agree don't trust blacks if you go into a very black poor urban neighborhood. Certainly don't go walking in their with naivety if you are white and if you are unfortunate enough to live there find a job and get your butt out. (There is actually a small tough white section of Jersey City I hear, where you wouldn't want to walk through alone as a black male either for the same reasons).

The disdain and jealousy toward whites in those neighborhoods has become a a cultural trend. They blame "whitey" for their problems and it is a "group think", racial solidarity mindset. The lump all whites together and hate us for our success in those places and if you go there, especially alone, you're quite likely to get held up and robbed with a knife etc.

I have always felt a bit uncomfortable around groups of blacks no matter where this happens to be (because of their cohesiveness mindset, which I have noticed a couple times seems to be far worse here in the U.S). However, Individually, I deal with them just like that "as Individuals".

Whites certainly were cohesive and worked systematically for primarily our own race in the past and discriminated against other races (slavery, Trail of Tears, Imperialism) but now this epidemic has passed to the minorities.

I agree I'd certainly trust a black majority far less than our current white one (no doubt about that) because black racism has certainly surpassed white racism at this point.
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------

But we have to be realistic here: We can't go shipping blacks back to Africa or re-start segregation (which doesn't work well anyway it wasn't "separate, but equal" in most places). Black Americans are here to stay. We either try to build toward a better society by "attempting" to have color blind policies or we get completely stuck in pessimism, anger and anti-black rhetoric.

We can all find plenty of things to dislike about the current state of things, the state of black culture and the discrimination against whites (I agree), but harping on the past doesn't help build a better future.

If you really wholeheartedly hate where you live and you think there are too many blacks there; take it upon yourself to find a way to move and stop "dreading". Take your family and move to Utah or Idaho (I am moving back to Canada to start my family life, b/c I like it better overall culturally than Jersey for various reasons; (they'll hold the door for you) including the racial state of affairs).

So here is my calling to my fellow Castefootballers: Be "pro-active" that is the American way!

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Apr 22, 2005
Yeah, I'll be waiting for a rabbit to come out of a hat

This is "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" in reverse. Good luck.


Oct 18, 2008
I agree with ToughJ that not EVERY SINGLE black male thinks the same. In my life Ive known thousands of them, and been close enough to about a hundred of them to have called them my friends. In all those negros I can honestly think of ONLY ONE who has never at least tried to cheat, swindle, fast talk, hustle, rob, vandalize, attack, me or one of my loved ones, or their property. Like I said, when you spend time around LOTS of blacks, in the REAL world, your qualified to speak on how good or bad they are. If I could move to Utah or Wyoming I would. I hope to someday, in fact. By the way, where I lived the last year has only one black lady in the neighborhood.
I think I should say, I dont hate black folks. That Steve Nash example ToughJ gave hit close to home with me. Ive lived with blacks, and they have stuck up for me when I ran with them daily. Fought for me , and with me. Shared their food, homes, and blunts with me. Ive had a couple cry on my shoulder over a woman breaking up with them. I know they can be good hearted at times. However, in time, they proved themselves UNtrustworthy.
Maybe Im just a bitter American mess. ToughJ, pray for me Brother.Edited by: P-NutLane
Nov 30, 2008
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Since this is my thread let me respectfully respond to that optimistically: In my humble opinion, P-Nutlane that is a pessimistic way of thinking. I don't fault you for your feelings; we all have our own personal experiences.

But personally, I can give you some examples of blacks standing up for whites:

Example #1: My black friend I worked with in Canada in the Toronto area (the only black person I became rather close to in my life) agreed with me when we discussed Jesse Lumsden being stereotyped (at my apartment btw) that he "probably" belongs in the NFL. He also "completely" agreed that it is unrealistic that there are ZERO white tailbacks they can find worthy of giving carries to in the NFL. This guy was an educated black man, who has a Bachelors in Biology just like I do; This probably made him more receptive to openly discussing the racial state of sports with me; the one time I brought up Jesse Lumsden and easier for me to relate to.

Example #2: (My Youtube Arguing) There was a black guy on the Mike Trumpy Youtube video who agreed with me that he has in fact seen a lot of "great" white tailbacks and Trumpy looked to be one of them.

Example #3: Tiki Barber said on his radio show that "Jason Sehorn was the best athlete on the Giants" before he hurt his knee. Other than Tiki going with the flow and irrationally criticizing Eli (maybe their personalities clashed as teammates or something), Tiki seems like an objective and good guy to me.

Example #4: What about Steve Nash's two black teammates getting suspended for having the gumption to get off the bench simply to be ready to defend him from Horry if he gave Nash a second cheap shot. David Stern (the fool that he is) found it reasonable to suspend the two Sun's for them standing up for their star teammate. They got suspended for sportsmanship basically. God I hate the NBA.

Example #5: Black conservatives like Clarence Thomas, Condoleza Rice, Michael Steele, J.C Watts etc. who agree with the white moral Christian values our culture was founded on and many of these black political conservatives are even against Affirmative action; showing that not "every single" black thinks alike. I should mention there are actually lots of blacks that are practicing Baptists etc. that may believe in Social Conservatism, but they don't vote that way due to them thinking "Republicans" are a lily white party that will hold them down.

Unfortunately the current black generation may go to church, but then they will turn on their 50 Cent album later that night. We are having a serious break down in our society of the numbers of "legit" Christians. You can blame the media for this and black culture has had an even greater moral breakdown than whites, although we are certainly starting to catch up.
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

From my personal experience: Sure, I completely agree don't trust blacks if you go into a very black poor urban neighborhood. Certainly don't go walking in their with naivety if you are white and if you are unfortunate enough to live there find a job and get your butt out. (There is actually a small tough white section of Jersey City I hear, where you wouldn't want to walk through alone as a black male either for the same reasons).

The disdain and jealousy toward whites in those neighborhoods has become a a cultural trend. They blame "whitey" for their problems and it is a "group think", racial solidarity mindset. The lump all whites together and hate us for our success in those places and if you go there, especially alone, you're quite likely to get held up and robbed with a knife etc.

I have always felt a bit uncomfortable around groups of blacks no matter where this happens to be (because of their cohesiveness mindset, which I have noticed a couple times seems to be far worse here in the U.S). However, Individually, I deal with them just like that "as Individuals".

Whites certainly were cohesive and worked systematically for primarily our own race in the past and discriminated against other races (slavery, Trail of Tears, Imperialism) but now this epidemic has passed to the minorities.

I agree I'd certainly trust a black majority far less than our current white one (no doubt about that) because black racism has certainly surpassed white racism at this point.
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------

But we have to be realistic here: We can't go shipping blacks back to Africa or re-start segregation (which doesn't work well anyway it wasn't "separate, but equal" in most places). Black Americans are here to stay. We either try to build toward a better society by "attempting" to have color blind policies or we get completely stuck in pessimism, anger and anti-black rhetoric.

We can all find plenty of things to dislike about the current state of things, the state of black culture and the discrimination against whites (I agree), but harping on the past doesn't help build a better future.

If you really wholeheartedly hate where you live and you think there are too many blacks there; take it upon yourself to find a way to move and stop "dreading". Take your family and move to Utah or Idaho (I am moving back to Canada to start my family life, b/c I like it better overall culturally than Jersey for various reasons; (they'll hold the door for you) including the racial state of affairs).

So here is my calling to my fellow Castefootballers: Be "pro-active" that is the American way!
P-nutt lane, what type of area do you live, if you don't mind me asking? It sounds like you're dealing with inner-city poor black people. I deal with 100s of black people, but as college students, professionals and some poor. I have not had black people try to hustle or abuse me any more than whites. Out of roughly 100 people I've employed, probably 10 were black; I actually never even had a problem with my black employees showing up on time or trying to get out of work, despite the stereotype. Now, I was always pretty careful about who I hired, so weeded out the bad (black and white) usually during the hiring process. &nbs p; 

Sounds like I'm dealing with a different sub-group than you however.

In terms of blacks sticking up for whites, I went to a poor to working class elementary that was about 25% black. Although we were just elementary students, there were times where you'd have some white and black friends fighting another group of white and black friends.

The craziest fight I ever saw was in 6th grade between a big, dumb, loud stereotype of a black girl and a sweet, nice white girl. This fight went on for about 15 minutes. At one point the black girl saw a bat on the ground, quickly grabbed it and was about to hit the white girl. The closest guy to her was a black guy, who jumped in the air, grabbing the girls shoulders and throwing her to the ground, then taking the bat. If it wasn't for that black guy, the white girl could have gotten knocked in the head with a wooden bat. He was risking injury to himself too, because if he didn't get the bat from her, she could have turned and hit him.

I've had enough experience with black people (from computer geeks to political conservatives) that I don't have any preconceived notion when I meet them. If I did that may screw up what I'm trying to accomplish professionally because I might miss out on a skill they have that could help me. Just like NFL teams miss out on white players that could help them due to their preconceived notions about white athletes.

Again though, I'm dealing mostly with college educated blacks or people who have had success in life.Edited by: Fightingtowin

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Tough, i'm not picking on you personally, but i can't let your liberal views and statements go unchallenged. i hope you take it as i mean it, when i say that this is not a personal attack but an attack on liberal ideology; ie. in this case put forth as "reason" by yourself.

i would quote and rebutt your post point for point, but i doubt if anyone besides the two of us would be interested. so i'll try to keep it brief. please bear with me.

Point 1: you're making the claim that blacks aren't really that bad (by "bad" i mean inherently prone to violent acts of mayhem towards whites and even others like themselves), nor should whites think of them as a bad group. yet your "best and most compelling" evidence for this is 5 laughably pathetic examples, none of which bear any fruit when dissected.

you insist that you understand blacks and "have lived near them your whole life," yet your only personal account is a black co-worker "friend" that agreed Jesse Lumsden was a good running back.
please tell me you have more than this to go on!

Point 2: you admit to not being comfortable around blacks, nor trusting them. why is that? your claim is that somehow "poverty" makes them act the way they do. but are you equally uneasy and distrusting around poor white people? of course not.

and who keeps blacks poor? they themselves do! their life choices and cultural values create a cess pool of underachievement and third-world horror across the USA, as it has throughout history in every corner of the world in which blacks have appeared.

the answer you should admit to yourself is this: you know that blacks are inherently different from you, and you are right to not want to be around them. this is completely natural and proper. hell, even blacks don't want to be around other blacks! that's because they are f-ing dangerous and completely worthless.

only modern liberalism has made it wrong to admit this truth.

blacks as a group aren't worth a damn. and to hold up the incredibly rare exception to the rule is fallacious, because how many worthless pieces of sh!t do white folks have to endure in order for one Clarence Thomas-like negro to be born? too damn many.

Point 3: Segregation DID work. it worked for everyone, including blacks! since segregation ended, EVERY SINGLE MEASURE of living success has worsened for blacks. EVERY SINGLE ONE! blacks are poorer, less educated, more likely to commit crime, less likely to be married, more likely to have fatherless children, more likely to die from violence, etc. than they were during segregation.

so tell me, if you please. who exactly did de-segregation help? it certainly didn't help black people.

in fact, many modern blacks are calling out for segregation again. why is that?

Point 4: furthermore, you say whites should just move if they don't like being around blacks. where exactly should white folks go? have you ever heard the term "white flight?"

whites ARE trying to get away from blacks! but the negroes keep following us everywhere we go. like parasites on a host organism that can't take the medicine to cleanse itself. or like ticks on a dog.

since whites are prohibited from keeping blacks out, the negroes inevitably bring their crime and poverty and other horrid cultural attributes with them to every place whites move. then, once the negroes get there, they'll blame whitey for all their problems and beg for whitey's handouts. again.

you say for us to be "pro-active" but that is impossible.

because to be pro-active, we'd have to be pro-white. and that, of course, is wrong.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Fightingtowin said:
I deal with 100s of black people, but as college students, professionals and some poor. I have not had black people try to hustle or abuse me any more than whites. Out of roughly 100 people I've employed, probably 10 were black; I actually never even had a problem with my black employees showing up on time or trying to get out of work, despite the stereotype. Now, I was always pretty careful about who I hired, so weeded out the bad (black and white) usually during the hiring process. &nbs p; 

Sounds like I'm dealing with a different sub-group than you however.

In terms of blacks sticking up for whites, I went to a poor to working class elementary that was about 25% black. Although we were just elementary students, there were times where you'd have some white and black friends fighting another group of white and black friends.

The craziest fight I ever saw was in 6th grade between a big, dumb, loud stereotype of a black girl and a sweet, nice white girl. This fight went on for about 15 minutes. At one point the black girl saw a bat on the ground, quickly grabbed it and was about to hit the white girl. The closest guy to her was a black guy, who jumped in the air, grabbing the girls shoulders and throwing her to the ground, then taking the bat. If it wasn't for that black guy, the white girl could have gotten knocked in the head with a wooden bat. He was risking injury to himself too, because if he didn't get the bat from her, she could have turned and hit him.

I've had enough experience with black people (from computer geeks to political conservatives) that I don't have any preconceived notion when I meet them. If I did that may screw up what I'm trying to accomplish professionally because I might miss out on a skill they have that could help me. Just like NFL teams miss out on white players that could help them due to their preconceived notions about white athletes.

Again though, I'm dealing mostly with college educated blacks or people who have had success in life.

You deal with 100's of black people? What do you do, run a rib shack? I deal with blacks in a professional environment too. The description you gave sounds like you live on Mars. No matter how I screened black employees the end result was the type of problems that are sterotypical of black society. Sure they weren't gang bangers or thugs, but still there were problems that didn't happen with the same percentage as white workers. Add in the lower avg. IQ and it's a bad deal for employers.

As for your description of fights at your school where the whites and blacks stuck together I have to laugh, every single fight I had in school broke down along racial lines and when it was a black against a white the blacks jumped in and supported the "brother" no matter who their white friends were.

BTW Jimmy, geat post.
May 10, 2005
United States
Freethinker said:
I am not rooting against Obama as a person but I am rooting against his policies. If his economic policies succeed, that means Socialism works. That means the American form of government and way of life are officially dead.

However, this is irrelevant because his policies CANNOT work. History and sound economics have taught us this. Pretty much the only thing to do now is watch the train wreck and get support behind the most qualified man for 2012 (Ron Paul).

Summed up exactly how I feel...
Nov 30, 2008
jaxvid said:
Fightingtowin said:
I deal with 100s of black people, but as college students, professionals and some poor. I have not had black people try to hustle or abuse me any more than whites. Out of roughly 100 people I've employed, probably 10 were black; I actually never even had a problem with my black employees showing up on time or trying to get out of work, despite the stereotype. Now, I was always pretty careful about who I hired, so weeded out the bad (black and white) usually during the hiring process. &nbs p; 

Sounds like I'm dealing with a different sub-group than you however.

In terms of blacks sticking up for whites, I went to a poor to working class elementary that was about 25% black. Although we were just elementary students, there were times where you'd have some white and black friends fighting another group of white and black friends.

The craziest fight I ever saw was in 6th grade between a big, dumb, loud stereotype of a black girl and a sweet, nice white girl. This fight went on for about 15 minutes. At one point the black girl saw a bat on the ground, quickly grabbed it and was about to hit the white girl. The closest guy to her was a black guy, who jumped in the air, grabbing the girls shoulders and throwing her to the ground, then taking the bat. If it wasn't for that black guy, the white girl could have gotten knocked in the head with a wooden bat. He was risking injury to himself too, because if he didn't get the bat from her, she could have turned and hit him.

I've had enough experience with black people (from computer geeks to political conservatives) that I don't have any preconceived notion when I meet them. If I did that may screw up what I'm trying to accomplish professionally because I might miss out on a skill they have that could help me. Just like NFL teams miss out on white players that could help them due to their preconceived notions about white athletes.

Again though, I'm dealing mostly with college educated blacks or people who have had success in life.

You deal with 100's of black people? What do you do, run a rib shack? I deal with blacks in a professional environment too. The description you gave sounds like you live on Mars. No matter how I screened black employees the end result was the type of problems that are sterotypical of black society. Sure they weren't gang bangers or thugs, but still there were problems that didn't happen with the same percentage as white workers. Add in the lower avg. IQ and it's a bad deal for employers.

As for your description of fights at your school where the whites and blacks stuck together I have to laugh, every single fight I had in school broke down along racial lines and when it was a black against a white the blacks jumped in and supported the "brother" no matter who their white friends were.

BTW Jimmy, geat post.
lol, I should have said over 100, not "100s," as in 200, 300...800, 900. I probably interact with a little over 100. I think a lot of times black workers think they can get away with things because they think (or know) their white boss will be too nervous to confront them or think, "oh well, that's just the way black people are. There's nothing we can do about it." Never been the case with me. I always held everybody accountable and expected only their best. I've noticed people will try to live up to the expectations you have for them, especially if they know you are genuine and actually interested in the talent they bring to the table. I was always trying to figure out how talent certain individuals had could make my organization more productive and I could tell the employees appreciated that.

In terms of mixed groups fighting mixed groups, you may laugh, but it happened. I even remember two black cousins fighting who hung out with different groups. As is the trend across America, once we hit middle school whites and black started self segregating more (besides a handful of black kids). There was really no group fights after that. The only mixed fight I remember was when I actually got into a fight with a black kid, but he was a black kid who mostly hung out with whites. We went at it for about a minute with white and black kids watching. This was during football season and the quarterback jumped in and broke us up.

There are plenty of groups of friends out there that have black and whites in them. Do you seriously think that if a bar fight broke out between two groups that both had some black guys, all the black guys would turn on the whites? What about all the baseball brawls?