Westside said:
KP name a person let alone a POTUS can ever be perfect. That being said who do you think is the best or most effective POTUS in the last 40 yearas. I am dying to hear!!!
Yes Reagan was not perfect but who is???
You sir, sound like another white man thrashing another white who never held the office. Please I am dying to hear who you think is the most effective President we have had for the last 40 yrs. And spare me the Iraeli Puppet Master conspiracies or what ever.
I didn't say he "wasn't perfect" - I said he was a "collosal failure."
I have no idea what, you sir, meant by the "white man trashing another" comment or who the person is that "never held office." All the Presidents except B.O. have been white and held the office. If I can't trash white Presidents, then what is left?
As far as the most effective President in the last 40 years..... It's pretty much a tie as they all sucked arse (maybe Nixon narrowly wins). That's the point of the matter. You may want to believe Reagan was a Conservative God because he was such a wonderful leading-man orator. He may have swept you completely off your feet with his swooning conservative speeches. Well, take a cold shower - he was an actor, dummy!
Isn't it interesting that despite the topic of Reagan being up for several days now and 2 pages of posts, outside of the mention of meager tax reductions, not one Conservative thing Reagan did was actually cited? Why do you think that is?
I don't know why you brought your love affair with Israel into this. I never mentioned Israel or Jews in this thread as anybody can clearly see, but now that you brought it up Reagan did have a lot Zionist Jews around him.
Now your turn. Outside of tax talk, name me one thing Conservative thing Reagan actually accomplished. I'm dying to hear!