Romney vs. Obama

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Just heard a tidbit on NBC News -- White men will be a minority among Democratic congressmen when the new Congress is sworn in. That's pretty startling. Even the power structure is being changed to fit the Cultural Communist agenda. It's the Caste System on a national scale.

And lots of females were elected, almost all of them liberal and far-left. Wisconsin elected the first open lesbian to the U.S. Senate. The gender war, the race war, and the class war will all be intensified, with the Republicans of course doing nothing effective to oppose them other than continue to slowly capitulate. Will more than the current remnant of aware Whites wake up out of their stupor in the next few years?


Nov 7, 2012
The republican party certainly has a dilemma in terms of racial demographics. The have three options in my opinion. The first would be to start to cater to minorities to increase their voting bloc. The second would be to follow the status quo (even though the pandering for minorities has somewhat occurred), and the third would be to splinter the party to form a coalition of racial conscious whites. This could be a turning point in the history of the GOP. It is now painfully obvious that Republican white voters are being outnumbered (Obama actually won the popular vote last night). However, knowing the GOP and their politically correct ways, I think they will slowly adopt the idea of catering to minorities for votes. If another white male republican runs for office again it is highly unlikely he would win no matter who the opponent is (as long as latinos vote at least 2/3 democrat). A fractured party could not work, because the United States NEEDS to have two parties to keep their system going. Therefore, the breaking up into a white party most likely won't occur and the status quo won't give them a victory either, so the catering to minorities will have to do. This may lead to a party where whites are not viewed as the sole majority of its voters, but ultimately I have no clue how this could effect the GOP in the future. One thing is for certain though, that the GOP will try to appeal to minorities, and this may leave racially aware whites with no party (if any still supported Republicans). I agree with what most of you all are saying about the GOP. The times are certainly changing and I'll bet that the GOP will as well, which might give them a completely new image, something a racially conscious white may not support.


Jul 29, 2008
I think we can pretty much forget about racially conscious Whites waking up and forming their own party and having an entity that represents them and their interests. The great majority of Whites are too-brainwashed and/or too afraid of being labeled racists to even bring up the idea.

Pandering to minorities will also not work, because most of them are now a permanent voting block for the left. I'd bet well over 80% of the immigrants (legal and illegal) who have come into this country since the 1965 Immigration Act are third-world/non-whites, and perhaps only a small portion of them have been anglicized and can be counted on to be on the same side as Whites, but that's not enough. There are too many blacks, latinos, other minorities, and of course self-hating, guilty white liberals who together form a super majority. How can you possibly defeat them, the math never lies, and the math is against us.

Because I'm seeing no hope, I'm forced to consider some crazy alternatives. One is that I believe there are certain forces in the universe that won't allow things to get too out of whack. So, if rampant homosexuality, feminism, and other destructive social policies begin to completely take over this country, I'm sure that nature will intervene and take care of things thru some sort of a great reset. Then the natural order of things will once again be restored. We have seen this happen throughout human history, so it's not such a crazy thought.

The other possiblity comes down to simple math once again. The growing deficit, which will soon reach 17, and then 18,19,20 trillion dollars cannot sustain this corrupt system. So, a massive economic deleveraging could occur soon, at a worldwide scale, and causing unimaginable pain and suffering for most, but it would wipe out all the excess and rotten filth that's taken over this country (and Western Civilization) and we'd come out better on the other side of it.

Sorry if I'm ranting and rambling, it's just very difficult to comprehend what's happening to this country and the sheep who live in it.
Oct 24, 2005
Crap! Obama is in.


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
We should at least be able to have our own "city-states" within the US so we can live with whomever we want.

That's also the forlorn hope of the white people of "New" South Africa, but Barry Soetoro-Obama and Nelson Mandela's ziohandlers aren't the slightest bit interested.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
what do you mean?

He means democracy is a scam. What they do here is just a small refinement of the old Bolshevik system where they offered you a choice between one guy, whereas here you get to choose between two guys with the exact same Zio-Wall Street handlers, or, at best, two competing factions of that mob, with the small but important added refinement of permanent destruction of the hated goy host population by means of miscegenation and unlimited immigration and forced breeding of the sub-human Morlocks via Welfare.

The Bolshevik countries also used to love the word "democracy" too - Peoples Democratic Republic of this 'n that, remember?



Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
He means democracy is a scam. What they do here is just a small refinement of the old Bolshevik system where they offered you a choice between one guy, whereas here you get to choose between two guys with the same handlers, with the small but important added refinement of permanent destruction of the host population by means of miscegenation and unlimited immigration and breeding of the sub-human Morlock population aka Welfare.

The Bolshevik countries also used to love the word "democracy" too - Peoples Democratic Republic of this 'n that, remember?

i agree
i thought he was being sarcastic and thought the oposite

modern democracy isthe poposite of what it was in europe in ancient time
in ancient rome it was a way to have more inequalities between the classes of people (because when there is a king there is only 1 powerfull man, and the rest of the people is pretty much equal, that's why they chose democracy), while now it's a way to say that everybody is equal


Jul 6, 2011
It is mass democracy that is a scam. Local democracy as practiced by the Swiss with their cantonal system or New England town hall democracy is fine but difficult to maintain as there are always people and groups within society with a vested interest in centralising power and authority. Local democracy is also vulnerable if the population is not somewhat ethnically homogeneous. To the forces of centralisation a diverse population can give them more options to maintain or expand their power.

Democracy at the mass level is all about using instruments of communication to manipulate the voters. At present the GOP and the Democratic Party are little more than brands for similar products being marketed, mostly, to different segments of the population. Meanwhile, the country's assets continue to be centralised (with, of course, limited redistribution to favoured groups) until the whole thing becomes unsustainable and collapses.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Here in California people voted to raise their own taxes, AND the democrats have a super majority now, so they can basically do whatever they want with no opposition. People up here in the red part of California are just sick at the thought.

We've already been gaining speed on the John Rocker memorial subway express to Hell and now there's no way to put any sort of brakes on it.

Think I'll just put some Beach Boys on and watch the show.


Nov 23, 2006
I honestly doubt that a significant portion of his white vote falls into this category. The white folks who voted for Obama did so because of his socialist message. The teaching, the "long march through the institutions" has finally reached its tipping point. I have "liberal" friends who I would argue with over the last few months, and when I directed them to the Communist Party USA website to read what they stand for, they ALL replied, "I see nothing objectionable here". Game over.

Tell them there is a system where they get free room and board, free medical care but of course, they have to do some "community service" as directed by an person authorized by the government who had place the highest bid for their services. The system is called "SLAVERY!"


Aug 22, 2012
In Missouri a tobacco tax raise was narrowly defeated, only 4 out of 114 counties voted in favor of it but it almost passed. Large cities already have outrageous tobacco tax, they just want to force it on everyone else (for the sake of inner city children don't you know!) and in the process get a tax base that isn't bankrupt. It's the same with the electoral college, what was originally intended to protect smaller states has become the tool of their oppression.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Nice posts, guys.

With the ever-cowardly, MLK-doting hustler, Ron Paul, conceding defeat to “Pepsi, Inc.†and “Coke, Inc.†months ago,

Yeah, he folded up his Money Bomb tent pretty quickly, didn't he? And I still would like to know what happened to the 32 million he collected in the previous mock election.

I decided to vote for “Zio-Willard,†and more importantly, my own local and state elections. In my municipality, there isn’t a single non-white citizen currently claiming residency.

Try to keep it quiet or the occupational government will start flooding your region with Morlocks. Isn't not Celebrating Diversity a felony or something? I saw a class full of little white kids at the American Museum of Natural History a couple of months ago and there wasn't one "African American" or anything amongst them. I felt like reporting them to Homeland Security, but I couldn't find a cop. There's never a cop around when you need one. Happily the museum has now been politically corrected. In the Africa hall there's sign instructing the kids that slavery was unknown in Africa before the Europeans came.

Looking around at the voting center last night (little more than a fire hall garage, sans the fire trucks), I saw a plethora of hardened, gruff-looking, 40-something farmers and other “white male construction worker†types swathed in camouflage, work boots, and Carhartt coats, their wives quietly standing by their side.

As I peered around this room, ostensibly brimming with “real men,†I couldn’t envision a single person “breaking racial lines†and casting their vote for Barry Soetoro-Dunham-Obama. You know, that overtly anti-white, frail, pencil-necked, monstrously-ugly, grey-skinned, purple-lipped, elephant-eared, wide-nostril, cigarette-puffing, drug-addicted, asexual, human-teleprompter mulatto “Cultural Marxist Icon†by way of Kenya (birthed by a communism-supporting “white†prostitute mother by way of Kansas), then moving to Hawaii, then moving to Seattle, then moving to Indonesia, then moving to Los Angeles, then moving to Jew York, then moving Chicago, then moving to Massachusetts, then moving back to Chicago.

But to my surprise, as I checked the voting results of these supposed “real white men†this morning, I discovered that Willard Romney had only defeated his gaunt Negro-Nincompoop adversary (and his Albino-Negro Vice President / Minstrel Performer, Joe Biden) by around 7% of the vote in my municipality. How the hell could this be?

Probably vote fraud. It would be interesting to run a poll and ask people how they voted vs. the numbers that came out of the preprogrammed Diebold voting machines. I remember one incident last phony election when Diebold said that there were zero votes for Ron Paul in a New England town, and then one family of four said, "Say what? We all voted for him!" But not a peep from Mr Paul about all the blatant vote fraud. Presumably the vote programmers have now figured out that it's never a good idea to put zero votes into the Diebolds.

I heard Romney give what sounded like a concession speech before the phony election even started - "I regret nothing, we ran a good campaign", also a faux pas. If it wasn't for their Israheli advisors those babbling idiots in Washington wouldn't be able to do anything right.



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Fredric38 and Matra2 - I agree with you. Democracy can work for a little while in a small homogenous group with similar values and religion, but on a larger scale it is totally manipulated and a total scam and the worst form of government ever invented. As for Switzerland, it won't keep on working there either as they are flooding that country with nonwhites too.


Nov 28, 2009
Newsweek at it again...

An interesting take from W.F. Price (of The Spearhead) on Newsweek's "old and white"...

The latest Newsweek cover declares Republicans "history" because they are old and white, but I noticed something shortly after the election that ought to give the pundits repeating that line pause: the oldest states overwhelmingly supported Obama. In fact, Vermont, which is one of the oldest and whitest states in the US, gave Obama a full 67% of it’s votes. Maine, which is the oldest state in the US (and another one of the whitest), gave him 56%. The only old state in which Obama lost was West Virginia.

The youngest states – Utah, Alaska, Idaho and Texas – all went solidly Republican.

For years, I’ve noticed that old white liberals consistently portray their political rivals as, well… Old and white. It’s as though they are stuck back in 1972, and think they are still 20-somethings battling Richard Nixon. It’s both amusing and annoying at the same time, but for once I’d like to see some honesty about this issue.

Apparently, Obama won largely on the old, white vote, especially in the old, white stronghold of the Northeast.

Why are white liberal states so old? Because liberals don’t have many children. And because they are still firmly attached to the old American Republican/Democrat paradigm (which is, for better or worse, finally crumbling), they are quite fearful of being outbred by their conservative rivals. This is why they cling to the hope that young minorities will join them in their high-minded Puritan ideals and lifestyle, which is not going to happen, but hey, they’ll be dead by that time anyway.

So, allow me to predict a bit of what the American political future will look like based on demographics:

White people will be more conservative, minorities will remain as they are (i.e. they’ll vote Democrat but will not be “liberals”), and white liberals will be largely dead or in nursing homes (real estate is going to be pretty cheap in New England in a decade or so). Young liberals, AKA progressives, will constitute a shrinking proportion of the national population. The SWPL lifestyle will be marginalized, the country will be divided roughly in two between whites and minorities, and we’ll begin to see the emergence of truly distinct populations separated by ethnicity and geography, and probably language in some cases.

Yes, it’s true: Old white people – like all old people – are on the way out. But the old whites with kids and grandkids will see their legacy carry on. Old white liberals, not so much.


Aug 22, 2012
White people will be more conservative, minorities will remain as they are (i.e. they’ll vote Democrat but will not be “liberalsâ€￾), and white liberals will be largely dead or in nursing homes (real estate is going to be pretty cheap in New England in a decade or so). Young liberals, AKA progressives, will constitute a shrinking proportion of the national population. The SWPL lifestyle will be marginalized, the country will be divided roughly in two between whites and minorities, and we’ll begin to see the emergence of truly distinct populations separated by ethnicity and geography, and probably language in some cases.

Could have saved your time and just said USA is going to Balkanize.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Interesting point about the old white liberals dying out while conservative whites aren't. We can't outbreed the mexicans and asians, but at least we can outdo the liberals. I also like his point that the minorities have no interest (or capacity for?) liberalism, other than the benefits they can get from it.

The Old White Liberals have just never seen the world for what it really is.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The Republic is officially kaput. The age of U.S.S.A/Amerika has fully began. :frown: It's a matter of time before the financial plug is pulled and the full-scale police state is deployed. The Great Tribulation is upon the horizon.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
It's like Benjamin Franklin said, [Once the people understand they can vote themselves money, it's all over.

Tom Iron...


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
A third party can't get big unless people are willing to support it when it's small. The old Catch-22, I guess, but I gave up trying to figure out a long time ago why so many people still vote for the "lesser of two evils" when the lesser of two evils is always more evil than it was four years previously.

How do we turn the country around? If it can't be done through the same old two parties, then supporting a small alternative party and helping it grow is the only way. I'll admit it doesn't have much chance of success given the way this country's been subverted and tens of millions of Whites turned into dittoheads, Christian Zionists and DWFs, but there's zero chance of it happening through the "lesser of two evils" default mode that Americans have been stuck in forever.

Don -

That's one of our primary problems worldwide - disinterest, even among "racially aware" Whites. People not only couldn't be bothered to get organisationally involved, let alone financially involved, in a pro-White party but they also couldn't be bothered to do the easiest thing: that is, vote for a pro-White party.

The usual excuse is that such a party "has no chance of winning" and "will never gain traction" - and "besides, I've always voted Republican (US) / Conservative (UK) / Liberal (Australia), et cetera...". Well, of course the fledgling party hasn't and won't if even its own "natural constituents" chose to ignore it in favour of potentially "backing a winner" in one of the major parties which have led the West to open ruin over the course of decades upon decades upon decades.

As in sport, people rather pitifully prefer to "support" a party / team that is perceived to be successful. Such sentiments are borne out by statements from "White Nationalist" heroes who would gladly cast their votes for a notional "popular" pro-White party / team with a bona fide chance of "winning" right now. The ridiculously simple catch is that, as in sport, success isn't instantaneous and long years of work (and inevitable setbacks) are required before becoming a "contender" (unless, of course, we are talking about "bankrolled" Premier League clubs like Chelsea and Manchester City... :icon_wink:).

That being said, we are all more than aware that the decades-long "demographic changes" being wrought in the Western world - slyly combined with certain features of various nations' electoral systems - give so-called "minorities" a disproportionately powerful influence on the final result. This is before we even utter the word "irregularities"...

Which "puppet party" shall triumph in the next US presidential election? Why, that would be the party which fields a half-Mexican, quarter-Negro, quarter-Asian woman who's married to a Jew but attends a "Christian" church festooned with Israeli flags.

Tick, tick, tick!

"Hey, Dad, what's that noise?"

"It's just the demographic time-bomb, son. But don't worry. Simply shut up, go to work and pay your taxes. When you get home we'll sink a few brews and watch the football..."

"Oh, yeeeeaaaaahhhhh!!!!!" [Exultant burger-fed moron punches stale air with pudgy fist]

"Go Cowboys / Broncos / [insert team of choice]!!!!!"

[Throat-bursting belch!!!]

[Exit, stage far-Left...]
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Here's a chilling thought for you:

The USSA may never again have a president who is a white man.


Nov 13, 2005
Actually I think its pretty likely we still will have white male presidents. Problem is they won't represent the white electorate. Look at New York for instance. It had a jew, than a black as governor, and now has a white man again as governor. Look at all the governors who have been elected since Obama took over, and you still see lots of white men elected. Where you do see gradual anti-white change most strongly is in the House of Representatives where the hispanic bloc grows year after year.