Romney vs. Obama

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Highlander said:
I had no idea that May was "American Jewish Heritage Month".  I wonder if they have a ceremony celebrating the private Federal Reserve and the perversion of Hollywood.So, we have February for "Black History Month", March for "Womens' History Month", May for "American Jewish Heritage Month", and June for "Gay Pride/History (or whatever) Month".  I wonder if the Hispanics have their own month too.  If not, it'll only be a matter of time.  Which month is "White History Month"?  Is there one that celebrates the accomplishments that men have made to this country?
This PC crap is getting out of control. Thank god I no longer attend public school. I think November is Native American Month. There is a Hispanic heritage month too it's from September 15th to October 15th. As for Jewish Heritage Month it seems to be a case of wanting your cake and eating it too....
Edited by: white is right


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
The Drudgereport reported that there were two "flash mob attacks" in Chicago. This time the paper in Chicago ID'd the suspects as being black. Shocking. I guess newpapers are getting calls from angry citizens for not identifying the race of the suspects. Right now, newspapers are hanging on by a thread. Common sense dictates that they better listen to its dwindling subscribers. PC bullcrap is being pushed aside I hope.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I should have posted my last post in the Crime thread. Moderators if you can please transfer it. I don't know if "cut and paste" works here. thanks.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
This gaffe runs beyond basic foot and mouth disease and could put Obama over the top again. Supposedly the White male working class voter is what either candidate needs to win the election, comments like this could make them swerve left....... Shows/The National/ID/2280859437/

I think it more likely would put Romney over the top! First good thing to come out of his mouth. This is the kind of stuff his base likes to hear and he needs to do more of it if he wants to win. The fact that the media hates it makes it even better for him. I think he should double down on it. Nothing he said was wrong.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Agreed. Also, keep in mind that they've had this tape "in their pocket" since May. The fact that they are putting it out now, rather than as an "October surprise", may indicate the trouble that they percieve the Obama reelection campaign to be in. Besides that, the 53% is much more likely to vote than the 47%.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Agreed. Also, keep in mind that they've had this tape "in their pocket" since May. The fact that they are putting it out now, rather than as an "October surprise", may indicate the trouble that they percieve the Obama reelection campaign to be in. Besides that, the 53% is much more likely to vote than the 47%.

Isn't this the 2nd go round of the supposed "gaffe"? I thought I remember this coming up when Romney was running in the primaries. I wouldn't be surprised with the short term memory of most sheeple that they are just rerunning it. Probably will find this "surprise" again in a few weeks just before the election.

And you are right FD, they should have waited until the day before the election for this, so it could rouse Obama's base from their drug, alcohol, and sugar, based coma's and get them to get off of the couch and go down to their ID free polling place to vote several times for their hero. All this issue is, is a big fat "ROMNEY HATES WELFARE" message aimed at waking the non-working parasites up and point them to the DEM levers.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Ah, but don't forget, this is all sophistry. The election is already decided, the Diebold machines are already pre-programmed (werewolf told me so). I don't know what all the fuss is about :eek:hwell:


Nov 23, 2006
Basically, elections are decide by the "elite" declaring who the winner is. There may be a split amongst the "elite" over who is better for them. The primary battle appear to be between those who fear the black will riot if Obama loses and those who believe that " Obama 'threw Israel under the bus'". The press seems to be pushing that Romney insults Obama supporters.

An article entitled "“47 Percent Issue†Really, Is that all the Democrats Have Got?"

The economy is in horrible shape. American Airlines just announced that it’s sent out 11,000 lay off notices, and we’re supposed to believe that the “biggest†issue of the day, that all of the mainstream media is focusing on, is a comment by Romney stating that 47% of Americans are getting hand outs so they’re always going to vote Democrat.

First of all, people, who have paid into programs like Social Security or Medicare are not freeloaders and Romney was not referring to them (as much as the mainstream media would like to imply that). Romney was thinking of the long-term welfare crowd, and the only fault I see in his statement is that it’s probably a lot smaller than 47 percent. There are however a lot of people who have an illusion that government can solve all their problems if they just keep raising taxes and redistributing wealth.

Anyone, who thinks this “47 percent†remark is some major revelation or game changing blunder by Romney is deluding himself.

The economy is a wreck, and Obama is going to be voted out of office based on that issue. Unless Obama somehow can put ten million people back to work by November, he’s got no chance to win even if Romney does make several real blunders as opposed to the mole hills that the Democrats and mainstream media keep trying to turn into mountains.

These type articles maybe the mainstream media lobbying the "elite" to select Obama or face riots, but on the other hand powerful Zionists want an attack on Iran before they let Obama be selected. The election results may be far from certain because the "elite" are split.

Ironically, if Obama's mother had a baby with say an Irishman and the baby was named Barry O'Brien but everything but race was more or less the same, he would be facing one of the largest landslide in history against even Romney would win hands down.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Michael, I'd not be surprised to see another false flag "attack" over the next 4-6 weeks & 0webuma declare martial law (& suspend the election). They might also trigger the inevitable (manufactured) financial collapse prior to the election. :icon_sad:

Even if the (rigged) election stands, the PTB will likely let their Demoncrat shills "count" phantom & multiple votes so their puppet 0b0ng0 returns to finish off the Republic (once & for all).

IMHO, there's no hope for what's left of the Constitutional Republic. We'll either Balkanize or be pulled into the NAU (& ultimately a 1 world government). :usa2: = :rip:
Oct 23, 2011
Michael, I'd not be surprised to see another false flag "attack" over the next 4-6 weeks & 0webuma declare martial law (& suspend the election). They might also trigger the inevitable (manufactured) financial collapse prior to the election. :icon_sad:

Even if the (rigged) election stands, the PTB will likely let their Demoncrat shills "count" phantom & multiple votes so their puppet 0b0ng0 returns to finish off the Republic (once & for all).

IMHO, there's no hope for what's left of the Constitutional Republic. We'll either Balkanize or be pulled into the NAU (& ultimately a 1 world government). :usa2: = :rip:

If Wall Street doesn't want Obama to win they could easily create a stock market crash with their supercomputers, anything major happening in Europe/Iran would definitely flush Obama's chances to win, so dont expect anything big there, he leads the polls now, at this rate he's cruising to a win, hell even another bad job report won't hurt his chances, the general public is that dumb. As for martial law.... everyone on this forum should read this, it's an unlawful order and I personally will NOT obey it


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Guys say what you will about Romney, but he is a multi millionaire. He doesn't have to do this. He has a loving wife and 5 great sons and numerous grandchildren.

While no candidate or human can be perfect, he is head and shoulders above this obamanation in the white house. He believes in the American dream and rejects welfare and sole entitlements to subsist. Lets try to give him a break and a bit of support.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I think Romney lost the election today. I had considered a vote for him on the reasoning that holding my nose and voting for him would be some little way of getting back at the partisan media and the cultymarxy group that backs Obama. I was telling myself that a decent White man would be better then the obamanation in the White House. But he blew it for me and likely many many other fence sitters. Four more years of Obama, well deserved by the Repukelicans who cannot and will not nominate a man with any kind of true conservative principles.[h=1]Romney's Surrender On Amnesty—It's Not A DREAM, It's A Nightmare[/h]By Peter Brimelow on October 2, 2012 at 11:46pm
The first thing to grasp about Romney’s surrender to Obama’s Administrative DREAMnesty:

  • It envisages an upcoming Amnesty.
Romney told The Denver Post
“The people who have received the special visa that the president has put in place, which is a two-year visa, should expect that the visa would continue to be valid. I'm not going to take something that they've purchased," Romney said. "Before those visas have expired we will have the full immigration reform plan that I've proposed.
…Romney said in a sit-down interview with The Post aboard his campaign bus ahead of a Denver rally that he would work with Congress in the first year to pass permanent immigration reform legislation. [Emphasis added]
Mitt Romney would honor Obama administration's illegal immigrant work permits by Allison Sherry October 2, 2012
The only way to avoid the legal obligation to deport these thieves is to give them amnesty

As Patrick Cleburne blogged earlier, Romney has morphed into Rick Perry—adopting the dovish stance on illegal immigration that justly destroyed Perry’s candidacy.
But secondly, and even worse:

  • Romney has acquiesced in what amounted to a Coup d’état–
Obama’s short-circuiting of the legislative process was called by Senator Sessions “a direct threat to the rule of law.†This coup is so egregious that Senate candidate Ted Cruz (like Sessions a lawyer) has declared that the policy should be reversed and deportations commenced.

The correct response to Obama’s action – regardless of the merits of the policy itself—would have been to defend the Constitution. If need be by Impeachment. American love their Constitution and Romney would have been a hero.

As it is, he appears–like a politician.

Why? Surely this businessman cannot be so innumerate to take the Hispanic vote myth seriously. Does he really think that having repelled the Paul vote and Blue collar women by his belligerence and the social conservative vote by his arrogant blunder over Chick-fil-A, he can afford dishearten immigration patriots too?
John Derbyshire has suggested that Romney is
A cluelessly unimaginative member of the "Extreme Center"…genuinely uncomfortable dealing with ideas outside the narrow scope of core conventional wisdom (as defined, of course, by the media lefties, academic log-rollers, and corporate PR flacks).
An alternative explanation, unfortunately, is that he has been corrupted by the same mysterious force which induced the House Republicans to flout their mandate after the 2010.
Either way Romney’s fitness to be President is in question.
But since the likely consequence of this stupidity is a low white turnout, the question is probably academic.
Peter Brimelow [Email him] is the editor of


Nov 13, 2005
In spite of this latest Romney cave-in on immigration, I do believe that if elected he would try to get congress to enact more acts of amnesty, and not try to force it through via executive order, like Obama would like to. For that reason, a Republican congress is still better than a Democratic led congress, as countless Republicans have pledged and campaigned on and already voted against previous amnesty attempts.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
In spite of this latest Romney cave-in on immigration, I do believe that if elected he would try to get congress to enact more acts of amnesty, and not try to force it through via executive order, like Obama would like to. For that reason, a Republican congress is still better than a Democratic led congress, as countless Republicans have pledged and campaigned on and already voted against previous amnesty attempts.

The repukelican congress is useless. They have been absent on every anti-constitutional power grab of obama and have done nothing. Furthermore their inaction will just mean less votes for them this year. I see an obama landslide that will reduce the "r" advantage in the house and give the 'd" more seats. Well deserved in my opinion. Screw those phony RINOs that can't stand up for anyone but AIPAC?


Nov 13, 2005
Jaxvid, I'm no big fan of the Boehner/Cantor House GOP, but in terms of the issues of expanding and extending amnesty, and also expanding legal immigration as well, I believe most GOP members, on these issues, are better than most Dems. When the House voted on the Dream act on the final day of the Democratic congress in December 2010, virtually all GOP members voted against, most Dems yes. In the Senate it was the same story. Not saying the GOP is good on this issue, just that they are somewhat better than the Dems. In football terms, if the Dems are the Pittsburg Steelers on the immigration issue, the GOP are the Rams.
Also, during the Bush era, it was Democratic votes, plus some squishy RINO republicans that in 2006 actually passed amnesty in the Senate, but in the House, the Republican majority of the time killed Bush's plan, and actually held somewhat anti-illegal immigration hearings nationwide.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
The only reason I have for voting for Repubs is a whimsical fantasy about them obeying the rule of law and adhering to the Constitution. It's more of a possibility with the r's than the d's, but probably largely misplaced. On the other hand, the Democrats are purposely trying to implode the economy. A collapse of the economy with them in power means that they can they remake the government in any fashion that they wish. The psuedo-Marxist-globalist-bankster state that would/will be the result will not be pretty.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
I didn't see, or hear the debate last night, but somehow, I'm a bit suspicious of what I'm hearing. All this talk of how Romney beat the daylights out of Obama doesn't sit well. We here at Castefootball have been jerked around continually by the media with all their bs about blacks and sports. Could it be possible the MSM has lost control of the situation, or are they planning an impossible comeback by Obama in the next debate with the connivance of Romney and his people? That Romney shows up without a clue like Obama did last night? Then of course, Obama deliverying the KO in the third debate and walking back into the WH for another term. Nothing would surprise me anymore. I pray I'm wrong.

Tom Iron...


Nov 23, 2006
I didn't see, or hear the debate last night, but somehow, I'm a bit suspicious of what I'm hearing. All this talk of how Romney beat the daylights out of Obama doesn't sit well. We here at Castefootball have been jerked around continually by the media with all their bs about blacks and sports. Could it be possible the MSM has lost control of the situation, or are they planning an impossible comeback by Obama in the next debate with the connivance of Romney and his people? That Romney shows up without a clue like Obama did last night? Then of course, Obama deliverying the KO in the third debate and walking back into the WH for another term. Nothing would surprise me anymore. I pray I'm wrong. Tom Iron...
Despite, what FDR said, there are real accidents and mistakes in politics. B.O. likely showed his real intelligence or lack there of. This is a guy who whole career has been one clear out after another but Romney is playing too win. What does this mean? I don't know, but it appears that the powers that be are split some are afraid of blacks rioting if B.O. loses but other realize that if he wins chaos to the point of them losing control is more likely then if Romney wins but not by much or B.O. might turn on them. B.O.'s handlers will try to get him up for the next debate but they don't have much too work with. We are in interesting times.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Michael, You can forgettaboud blacks rioting if Obama loses, November is well past riot season. By the summertime, they may riot, but it'll be about something else. They will've forgotten about Obama.

Tom Iron...

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Romney was excellent at the first debate, and Obama was awful. Romney came across as very alpha, having command of his facts and talking points, and talking over the decrepit moderator Jim Lehrer when he wanted to keep talking.

Obama was passive and seemed intimidated by Romney. He looked down a lot of the time when Romney spoke, whereas Romney continually looked at Obama with a steely gaze when Obama spoke. And Romney often spoke directly to Obama; and when Obama wasn't looking down and would look at Romney when Romney was addressing him, he would often nod his head in agreement, which is incredible. Obama was totally outmatched and out of his league last night. He must have kept wondering where the teleprompters were to rescue him.

That being said however, it only means Romney was the better actor when it came to speaking and body language. It's still a one-party system with two gangs that agree on 99% of the important issues.

As soon as the debate was over I switched to ultra-liberal MSNBC, and the cast of talking head circus freaks on the set, led by Rachel Maddow, were in shock at how poorly Obama had done. Chrissie Matthews moaned that Obama should be watching MSNBC, because they were liberals and knew what the issues are and how to argue them with passion. Al Sharpton was his predictable commie racist self, claiming Romney had talked non-stop about "states rights" and sounded like he was from 1812 instead of 2012. (By the way, Sharpton looks shockingly emaciated these days. He looks like he weighs about 90 pounds.)


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Last night I was discussing with a friend who is on the fence regarding Romney. Both agreed that Mr Romney as a pundit put it "took a chainsaw to BO". It was devastating to the DWFs, libs, marxist, socialists, typical blacks and assorted misgreants to watch.

I advised him last night, that Romney had absolute command of the facts/statistics and just as important amazing poise at the biggest moment of his political life.

Congrats to him. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end to the fruad, as Mr Eastwood stated, "The biggest fraud EVER perpetrated on the American People". Also, his bit on BO being an empty proved prophetic. BO was also a empty lecterner last night and his abortion of a presidency.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
I finally watched the debate on the computer. Interesting. A couple of things that jump out to me are that Romney is talking 10th Amendment and states rights ( What the Confederates advocated), and that a "Democrat" (black man) is talking about Govt. intervention down to the local level ( initial Republican concept - Tariffs).

Eric Hoffer, a philospher/longshoreman said that as soon as any concept is accetped by a society at large, it begins to change. The change could be immediate, or take years to evolve, but everything changes. Such as the Republicans have changed into Democrats and viceversa. Also, of course, as soon as an idea is accepted, all sorts of people start moving towards it who don't give a rat's behind about the basic ideas of the group. For example, at some point, vegetarians will have cattlemen come and address their groups, the Klan will accept black muslims into its organization, and the Taliban will try and get infidels to join them, etc.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Romney certainly picked the right time to destroy BO. There are various reports that between 70 to 80 million people saw the first debate! Certainly there are at least 30 to 40 million who have a brain and saw the fraud that is BO. Mr Romney will need to add to his destruction of BO without the teleprompter on the next one, which should end like the first. Regardless, he has done wonders for his campaign heading down the stretch.

In the meantime we will witness a bright and smart Paul Ryan utterly make a clown out of Biden the laughing stock of the dems. Great TV next week, 10/11/12.