Maybe you have to be older to understand how silly it is for a 60 year old man to lace on some gloves and go 15 rounds with the heavyweight champion of the world, get punched like a speed bag, and walk away alive. After a certain age it's difficult to get out of bed in the morning. Bones are brittle, muscles are tired, veins don't work so well. For the Rockey chararcter to do all that is just so preposterous that it is hard to buy into it. Stallone was in good shape but the obvious steroid build he has, the bad hairpiece, the plastic surgury.....
I also thought it was ridiculous he befriended the half-breed kid, and the loser woman who was the kids mother. Why didn't she want anything to do romantically with Rocky? An unattractive single mother who is poor and lives in a slum does not want to get busy with a guy that is still in shape, famous, and a restaraunt owner, that also treats her little monster good? Didn't make sense.