
Jan 13, 2006
To prove our point reguarding the miss-treatment of white athletes go to rivals.com and proceed to the "prospect search" secion. Check out who the best WR's and compare them to the low rated WR's. Notice that the black kids are all highly rated while as the white kids only have 2 starts or no stars.

Upon making this observation proceed to....

Notice how the white kids run the 40 in the same amount of time as the black kids (usually around 4.5 or 4.6 seconds).

Notice how the white kids tend to be just as tall as the black kids.

Notice that the white kids go to high schools that are winning championships while as the black kids play for high schools that do not win much.

Finally, look up on other web sites who is putting up the biggest numbers. Notice how the white kids always recieve for more.

Go to rivals.com and take notice....
http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp?pr_key =41137&Sport=1

http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp?pr_key =26241&Sport=1

Only 2 white RB in the 60 listed
Well the RB list is very short. Only 60 listed. They have over 300 recievors listed. About half are white. Just the white ones are lowly rated despite thier awsome statistics, speed, height, and other capabilities. There is no true explanation for the fact that none of them are seen as top prospects.
those lists are BS... but unfortunately scouts lists are very similar...
Rivals.com and Scouts.com are two of the biggest enablers of the caste system. There is no logical explanation how white kids that are all-state athletes (meaning the best in the state) and have better measureables than the black athletes would rate lower. The problem is that alumni of these universities and the media tout the schools that have the best recruiting classes based on these bogus ratings. Coaches are under pressure from the alumni to have a top recruiting class and they recruit accordingly.Edited by: SteveB
i took a good look through rivals recently. while i agree with everything that's been said above, even in the face of all that, there are a couple bright spots on the racist rivals. there's actually a 5-star white recruit that isn't an OL or QB. His name is Chris Galippo (LB) of USC. Penn St. signed 2 4-star WR's (the only two in the nation apparently), and I believe 3 4-star LB's. OSU WR Dan Sanzenbacher isn't highly rated, but smart money would bet if OSU is recruiting him, the kid's got talent and speed. i also tried to come up with an early list of genuine white tailback prospects being recruited. i believe jimmy chitwood reposted that in the high school prep RB thread. Edited by: jared
Simple example of Racism: white RB Joe Martinek who ran foraround8 ypc and28 TD'sand runs a 4.4 40 time and is also NJ's all time leading H.S Rusher from a top 10 team in NJ is being recruited by Rutgers. But wait what are they recruiting him as, You guessed it a LB. SO the best RB in NJ will play LB for the state UNiversity . I used to like Greg Shiano but he seems to bebecoming a caste system wimp with the rest of them because he wants Rutgers to be taken "seriously" but seriously Joe Martinek a LB. NJ's alltime leading rusher a LB, now thats a joke! Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Simple example of Racism: white RB
Joe Martinek who ran for around 10
yards a carry and something like 32
Tds and runs a 4.4 40 time
and is also NJ's all time
leading H.S Rusherfrom a top
10 team in NJ is being
recruited by Rutgers. But wait what
are they recruiting him as,You
guessed it a LB. SO the best
RB in NJ will play LB for
the state UNiversity . I used to
like Greg Shiano but he seems
to becoming a caste system wimp
with the rest of them because he
wants Rutgers to be taken "seriously" but
seriously Joe Martinek a LB NJ's alltime leading rusher a LB now
thats a joke!

So wait he's not going to play RB in college?
I correct myself it was not a top 10 team in the state. Hoppatcong is not even top 20 this year, but it was still tough competition in NJ. NJ has had some great football players. Also, no he is not going to play RB for Rutgers according to a Rutgers recruiting article, he is going to play LB.My cousin also told me that's what theStar Ledger an NJ paper is saying. (my dad's side of the family is from Jersey.)I guess Kordell Young automatically gets the job after Ray Rice moves on to the NFL. Shiano can't offend Kordell. A second white RB in the last 5 years is too "pro white."

[url]http://scout.scout.com/a.z?s=446&p=8&c=1&nid=239 0971[/url]

http://www.nj.com/weblogs/hsfootball/index.ssf?/mtlogs/njo_h sfootball/archives/2006_10.html

http://www.maxpreps.com/FanPages/Player.mxp/NewJersey/Boys_V arsity_Football_Fall_06-07/AreaID-b6d5a789-732d-4808-b0d4-c3 b49e77a586/AthleteID-2f476344-78a1-4039-9ba5-956375c18786/Sc hoolID-46f35995-0660-4c3c-893b-803b6e8e5106

http://interact.cstv.com/recruiting/searchrecruit.cfm?school _name=rutu&dbyear=06&sport=football #

update: according to the last link Rutgers is now listing Martinek as just ATH, meaning athlete. Which means he will probably play LB orSafety not RB.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
There's two 4-star white WR's going to Penn State. OSU has a 3-star I believe his name is Dane Sanzenbacher. Florida also has a 3-star WR. Just what I remember off-hand.
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