Rival teams jersey?

If your fav white player was on a rival team would you own his jersey?

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • I don’t wear jerseys

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White Mike

Jan 25, 2007
I've been a die hard Cowboys fan my whole life. Recently my friend and I had a disagreement because I have an autographed John Riggins football, and I own an Adam Archaleta jersey. He said a true fan wouldn't own a rival teams gear. I told him I have em cause their great white athletes, and I'll support whites regardless of what team their on. Am I alone on this one?

Maybe you are a fan of white athletes first, and your rival is the caste
system. Rockin' the Archaleta jersey shows your true allegiance.
I'll wear a jersey with a number, but I won't wear another man's name on my back. I don't care what color he is.
I don't own any jerseys either, but I follow players more than teams. The last NFL team I pulled for was the Bills during their run. Part of the problem is that there are so many white men who blindly follow these anti-white teams without ever thinking about the discrimination they practice. That kind of "loyalty" sickens me.
Maybe I am in the lonesome on this one, but I will be cold in the ground before I will EVER wear a Pittspuke jersey. I don't care if he is a white cornerback with 15 ints, or a white running back with 1500 yds and 20 tds, me wearing a rival teams jersey will never happen.
Depends. I wouldn't be willing to wear any rival's jersey save Sehorn's old Jints jersey. I am a 'Skins fan, for the record. I have an Archuleta, a Cooley, and a custom made Matt Bowen(not sure wear he'll end up now). I might get a Kaesviharn one soon.
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
Depends. I wouldn't be willing to wear any rival's jersey save Sehorn's old Jints jersey. I am a 'Skins fan, for the record. I have an Archuleta, a Cooley, and a custom made Matt Bowen(not sure wear he'll end up now). I might get a Kaesviharn one soon.

Would you wear a Brian Leonard Eagles jersey?
Given the scum that make up the bulk of the Eagles fans, and how easily they start fights? Not a chance. I might buy one, but I could never wear it to a game or out, even. Philly fans have a bad rep, but among division rivals? Not a chance.
I am a life long Cowboys fan too but that doesn't mean I don't mind wearing a Favre jersey...my favorite NFL player...
Less so for me. I grew up idolizing Riggo, Darrell Green, Charles Mann, Art Monk, Joe Montana and Cal Ripken. To a lesser extent, Bird, Magic, and Gretzky. Team loyalty was important, unless there was just an incredibly talented player that simply rose above it. But this was still when most black athletes had to keep clean images for the most part. Now, however, I'm more in agreement with JD after 25 years of anti-white propoganda in sports.
As a Leafs fan I could never under any circumstance wear a Canadiens jersey, not even if Wendel Clark came out of retirement and signed with the Habs. Same goes for Glasgow Rangers, I would sooner wear a tube topthan a Celtic top.

But with sports like Baseball and Football, I am not attached to any particular team. If I was truly compelled, I would wear the jersey of any team if it meant supporting a white player I greatly admired. I don't care for the Chicago Bears, even though they are my "local" football team, but I would love to getmy hands on aBrock Forsey #44 jersey, and wear it with pride.

I'm not really into basketball, as I find the games hard to watch. However, my policy is to support the whiteathlete. So if I was more into basketballI would wear a Nash jersey, regardless of what team I supported.
I know I'm in the minority on this one, even on this board, but here goes:

What is it that drives one to have such devotion to a team? The players you watched as a child are gone by the time you reach adulthood. The coaches change. The owner(s) and their families sometimes last through a lifetime but even ownership can change.

I know some people grow up going to games with dad and gramps, and I can understand that they associate the team itself with those fond memories of time with them. But to have a favorite 'team' just to have a favorite 'team,' or because you're from a particular city, doesn't make any sense to me. It's misplaced devotion, IMO.

The fan is just a means to a buck. If the owners really cared about the 'fans' they wouldn't price tickets so high and build stadiums with corporations in mind. There are some players out there who appreciate the fans and sign autographs and so on, but most of them only do so cursorily, out of obligation. And the players especially show little devotion to their 'teams'. They almost universally play for the highest bidder. It's a rare man indeed who will turn down a few extra mil to stay put and play for his current team and his fans when money is on the table.

I'm not trying to bash any of you guys who are die-hard fans of some team or other. In fact, I'd like to hear from you. Give me some insight as to why you like your favorite team in the first place, and why you continue to be devoted to them today.
The only team I ever was really devoted to was Ole Miss, and most of you old-timers know why. I couldn't follow them anymore though, after they changed. It got to a point where it wasn't the Ole Miss I grew up loving. When that realization hit me, I parted ways, and quick. With that said, I can understand how some people can be lifelong fans of colleges that don't change much or sell out to the PC gods, but how someone who is racially aware can still have loyalty to an NFL or NBA team in this Caste System age really baffles me.There comes a point when you realize a team really doesn't have or share your interests and its time to say goodbye. I mean, I like to watch the Jazz on tv, but I don't drive an hour to their games or buy AKjerseys. The jersey thing is another issue for me though. I just can't wear a jersey with another man's name on it. Just my $.02. Edited by: Colonel_Reb
White Shogun said:
I'd like to hear from you. Give me some insight as to why you like your favorite team in the first place, and why you continue to be devoted to them today.

One of my earliest memories is the Redskins playing the Cowboys on turkey day. My parents are skins fans & my moms sisters are Cowboys fans. I made a decission that day to support Dallas. It just seems natural to me to pull for Dallas (like breating). I know Dallas is one or the blacker teams in the NFL, but not pulling for 'my team' seems weird to me.
Colonel_Reb said:
I just can't wear a jersey with another man's name on it.

I have to admit, I do own a custom "Ron Mexico" jersey. Not that I support Mike Vick, I just love to explain to people who "Ron Mexico" is, and tell em how Vick knowingly gave a chick herpes.
Edited by: White Mike
White Shogun said:
I'm not trying to bash any of you guys who are die-hard fans of some team or other. In fact, I'd like to hear from you. Give me some insight as to why you like your favorite team in the first place, and why you continue to be devoted to them today.

'Skins? Thats easy. My earliest football memory is Darrell Green running down Tony Dorsett. My grandfather always got tix, and always took me, and I got to meet a lot of them. Same reason I'm hopelessly devoted to Pete Rose, Ollie North or Tom DeLay: I met the man. And for those who live outside of the DC area, the old axiom is far more true inside the Beltway. 'Its not what you know, its who you know,' rings clear most days.
Team loyalty went out with free agency. Yes,allowing players their " freedom' (thanks Gene Upshaw)is the main reason players and fans can not commit to a team.
In answer to White Shogun's question. I still am largely loyal to the sports teams I grew up with in the DFW metroplex. But as I got older and more aware of the caste system I also became a fan of other teams that I have noticed are white friendly...I used to hate Notre Dame for instance..now I love their football and basket ball teams. I try to hold own to my rooting interests as a youth because I don't want to be consumed and/or obseessed with the caste system and still be able to root for teams I grew up with. It's not easy though lately being a Cowboys fan. It's hard for me sometimes to root against my own country but sometimes I do whenever our so-called "dream team" is playing in the Olympics or "world championships. When they put at least three or four white american players on the team (guys like Kirk Hinrich and Mike Miller). I will root for them again.