
Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It's difficult to believe another of these monsters is about to strike. I'm sure a lot of people now believe it's God's punishment for the evil that has overtaken the land, and they may well be right.

Certainly the Internet is flowing with alarmist predictions, as usual. Here's one from Mike Ruppert. He has, or had, a large following among those who don't believe the official story about 9/11, but has since lost a lot of credibility, or so I hear. I'm not in any position to judge, but find this interesting:

[url]http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/092105_rita_storm. shtml[/url]
I also find myself wondering if it is God's judgement on us. In conversing with a friend a couple of weeks ago about Katrina, he brought up the point that it could be nothing more than the result of peoples stupidity in building in these hurricane susceptable areas. I had thought of it that way before myself. It makes as much sense as the punishment from God theory does, maybe even more for those who don't believe in God.
You have to wonder about these disasters. It should make people think about their life and how not important possessions are. Possessions can be replaced and what people should be thinking is "What if this happened to my area, where would I go? and What if I died where would I spend eternity?"

Our world is so caught up in itself and ourselves it is pathetic, if you think about it. We as people always want to have our way and think this is how life is and that is just not so. People don't need to judge others but do need to be friends especially when the other people in their country are in a time of need.

Here where I live they are talking about closing the Katrina camp because FEMA won't pay for it. People need to get off their boxes and help fund it and not depend on the government for everything. People need to think what if they were in these people's positions. Even though it is only 30 people out of 1200, they still need our help.
I am going to pray for the people's safety that are going to be affected by Rita, a CAT 5 hurricane the last I heard around 7am this morning.
Weather is cyclical. The Gulf is long overdue for a major hurricane. Or two.

Some scientists do actually believe that global warming has had something to do with the increase in more destructive storms, however.

[url]http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/mld/myrtlebeachonline/news/ nation/12511031.htm[/url]

[url]http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/050912/12coast.ht m[/url]

If God is sending hurricanes to punish the United States, isn't he in agreement then with the fundamentalist Islamicists who say that the US of A is the Great Satan?

Edited by: White Shogun
I ate chili for dinner tonight after putting in about 12 hours getting the piles set for a bridge I'm building before all the rainfall from Rita hits. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of obnoxious felonious negroidals who just "earned" their millions and millions by playing with some balls. Honestly, if the Big Guy is personally distributing reward and punishment, his standards suck.
Well guys, I am one of theose on the run from Rita. We left Wednesday night and it took us 9-and-a-half hours to take what is usually a 4-hour trip. frankly, we are fortunate. There are many people who sat on the freeways for 30 hours to get halfway as far as we did. Also, we were able to fill up twice without waiting!

I can tell you that was simply amazed at how orderly the evacuation was. Very few people trying to get ahead of others and pulling cheap stunts. Very few.

i'm just wondering how I am going to get back home!
Glad you made it out Bronk! Hopefully your place will be spared.
I had a friend who related the following story:

a relative of hers was on the highway evactuating from Houston. They stopped to get gas. Things were progressing well enough, when suddenly a vehicle arrived, several men jumped out and shut down the gas station. They said that no more gasoline would be sold til after the hurricane had passed. No explanation was given.


Anybody else hear stories like this?
We're still out of our home as well. My hometown of Lumberton,TX and the city I live in now Beaumont ,TX were hit pretty hard. They were on national television all night friday night /saturday morning. It was pretty surreal. We were safe in Austin. My wife and I may go back home tonight. I'm pretty sick of southeast texas already. If things are too bad we may just relocate.
KG2422: Hope everything is okay. I know the Golden Triangle took a bad hit. We ran north into East Texas when we should have run west.

Back home trying to get things back in order. Just some branches blown off the trees.
Thanks Bronk. Everything is ok for us thankfully. My mother had a few rent houses that were damaged but she's insured so she won't be taking too bad of a loss hopefully. My wife and I are going on a camping trip since we won't be going back to school for a few weeks. The power is still out down there so we're going to take this opportunity to see a few things we haven't. I'm thinking the redwoods or maybe Yellowstone. The way Kyle Bell played the other night I'm tempted to be a C-State groupie and go catch a game. That could be a tough sell to the wife.
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