RIH, Elie the Weasel

RIH is right. How many German "death camps" did the Weasel claim to have survived? I forgot, but some "death camps". Those Holohoax survivors tend to be very long lived. Lots still around sitting on their big fat tukhases in Miami Beach and West Hollywood and Brighton Beach, Brooklyn collecting Reparations. On the Weasel's website he referred to the non Talmudic Karaite Jews who fought with the Waffen SS, thousands of them. Tens of thousands of righteous Jews fought for the Reich, and a large number of the highest German leadership were Jewish background themselves. But Hitler tried to kill all the Jews, that's the official party line, yeah right.
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RIH is right. How many German "death camps" did the Weasel claim to have survived? I forgot, but some "death camps". Those Holohoax survivors tend to be very long lived. Lots still around sitting on their big fat tukhases in Miami Beach and West Hollywood and Brighton Beach, Brooklyn collecting Reparations. On the Weasel's website he referred to the non Talmudic Karaite Jews who fought with the Waffen SS, thousands of them. Tens of thousands of righteous Jews fought for the Reich, and a large number of the highest German leadership were Jewish background themselves. But Hitler tried to kill all the Jews, that's the official party line, yeah right.

While I don't take delight in anyone dying without redemption ("going to hell" as the thread title implies), I would like to weigh in on this with a question for those who've studied this issue more than me. I understand there were some Jews that fought for the SS, and the narrative of Hitler just wanting to kill all Jews is false, but tens of thousands fought for the SS?? That number seems as unlikely as the omnipresent six million figure. I would like to see some verification or at least how that is realistically possible. I'm not saying it's impossible, just that I've never heard or read that high of an estimate. Thanks in advance to the more informed who post here.
While I don't take delight in anyone dying without redemption ("going to hell" as the thread title implies), I would like to weigh in on this with a question for those who've studied this issue more than me. I understand there were some Jews that fought for the SS, and the narrative of Hitler just wanting to kill all Jews is false, but tens of thousands fought for the SS?? That number seems as unlikely as the omnipresent six million figure. I would like to see some verification or at least how that is realistically possible. I'm not saying it's impossible, just that I've never heard or read that high of an estimate. Thanks in advance to the more informed who post here.

Read it again. I said tens of thousands of Jews fought for the Reich. If you search around the internet you will see estimates of 150,000. There is a book called *Hitler's Jewish Soldiers*. Did you know that the founder of the SS and holder of NSDAP card #3 was a Jewish man named Emil Maurice? You don't hear much about him do you? He died peacefully in Germany in 1972. The head of the Luftwaffe, Milch; Hitler's own chosen successor, murdered by the Allies, Heydrich; Hitler's personal vegetarian chef; Wehrmacht Soldier of the Year for 1938, Werner Goldberg - all Jewish, and so were many other high level officials. Some others are alleged to have possible Jewish ancestry, like Dr Goebbels himself and Alfred Rosenberg. As for the Waffen SS, which was the largest and greatest all volunteer international fighting force in history - for every SS man that fell six enemies fell - the figure of "thousands" that I gave may or may not have been an exaggeration. It is difficult to find an exact number, but many non Talmudic Karaite Jews (Karaites follow the bible and the Torah but not the hateful Talmud) from the Crimea did fight with the SS on the eastern front. In his book *Campaign in Russia* General Leon Degrelle relates his surprise as he once encountered a group of his SS comrades sitting around a campfire in the snow in Russia conducting a Jewish religious ceremony!
I just wanted to say the Holocaust never happened. I know because I saw it on the internet. The twin towers are still there. I know because it was a false flag operation committed by Jews and Klingons. Yes 6 million people died of Typhus. As much as I think Hitler was right in Mein Kempf about the Jews as they do control the media I am pretty sure it would be IMPOSSIBLE to cover up huge things like this. It proves that Holocaust deniers and people that think all these gun incidents are false flag operations so the government can take our guns away or whatever our completely insane I hate Michael Moore and his fixed propaganda movies but he interviews the brother of Terry Nichols in Bowling for Columbine and the guy is so warped and insane I crings and laugh at the same time thinking there are people so ignorant and paranoid that they believe the things they do.
It is kind of the way the KKK used to worship Jesus and yet Jesus was allegedly a Jew. You types of people kill me. I forgot who wrote it here but you can not argue with a man who is ignorant.
No, I am Rob. I have argued with you before under such handles as Matt Gianone or TimDwight28. I am not going to get into another war here so this will be my last post in this forum. Please, please please get a good psychologist though I have learned being a former therapist that there are some people you cannot help. Take care and good luck but some people are completely insane.
No, I am Rob. I have argued with you before under such handles as Matt Gianone or TimDwight28....

You mean you've called me names before. Is there anything I said that you deem inaccurate, or are you only here to do the usual kindergarten playground mocking thing and call me some more nasty names? As if I didn't know the answer to that already.
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I just wanted to say the Holocaust never happened. I know because I saw it on the internet. The twin towers are still there. I know because it was a false flag operation committed by Jews and Klingons. Yes 6 million people died of Typhus. As much as I think Hitler was right in Mein Kempf about the Jews as they do control the media I am pretty sure it would be IMPOSSIBLE to cover up huge things like this. It proves that Holocaust deniers and people that think all these gun incidents are false flag operations so the government can take our guns away or whatever our completely insane I hate Michael Moore and his fixed propaganda movies but he interviews the brother of Terry Nichols in Bowling for Columbine and the guy is so warped and insane I crings and laugh at the same time thinking there are people so ignorant and paranoid that they believe the things they do.
It is kind of the way the KKK used to worship Jesus and yet Jesus was allegedly a Jew. You types of people kill me. I forgot who wrote it here but you can not argue with a man who is ignorant.

Uh, Dude, you may want to edit your post. It is now common knowledge that the good ole "six pack" is, and was, mythology. In fact, the number keeps dropping. Be careful when using illogical reason such as "...IMPOSSIBLE to cover up huge things like this...".


Uh, Dude, you may want to edit your post. It is now common knowledge that the good ole "six pack" is, and was, mythology. In fact, the number keeps dropping. Be careful when using illogical reason such as "...IMPOSSIBLE to cover up huge things like this...".


I'm not weighing in on this one, or the numbers, but please Ambrose, that plaque is referring to the alleged number that died in Auschwitz alone, not the entire "numbers keep dropping." Thats it, nothing more than that.

This is more or less what I do believe about Jews:
Mein Kamp and other writings of Hitler and leading members of his political movement saw the Jews as an eternal pest. If they killed 6 million or less, then it wouldn't have been out of line with their stated goals. If they used and manipulated certain high-ranking Jews of German society in their regime, and recruited willing Jewish soldiers (150,000) to their cause, they would have been using typical Jewish tactics ironically on the Jews themselves. If there was no holocaust or the numbers were severely exaggerated then there were (up) to 6 million more potential problems for mankind than if it had occurred.
Some of those problems:

I'm not weighing in on this one, or the numbers, but please Ambrose, that plaque is referring to the alleged number that died in Auschwitz alone, not the entire "numbers keep dropping." Thats it, nothing more than that.

View attachment 1462

Well, you just did weigh in. Where in my post did I write that plaque is the official record of all Jews that allegedly perished? It is quite obviously only Auschwitz. See exhibit below:


Yes, the numbers keep dropping. Who stands corrected?
If you look at slavery, gender oppression and inter-dyanmics, or the colonization of the Americas by whites, you will find that these historical contexts have all been extremely distorted by the left to suit their narrative.

For example, with slavery, when I attended elementary and high school not very long ago (I'm 27 now) I was essentially taught that only one kind of slavery existed: Evil whites enslaving innocent, law abiding blacks. From doing my own research over the years I've learned this dialogue is profoundly distorted and only quarter-truth at best, for example, mainstream society often omits facts pertaining to slavery such as the fact that Arabs actually enslaved more Blacks than Whites did, or that Blacks actually sold themselves into slavery, or that Blacks had also enslaved themselves before the White man ever came into contact with them, or that there are also millions of examples of White slaves who were enslaved by other Whites or nonWhites. The government, media, and academia have twisted the historical context of slavery to only suit their agenda and to encourage white guilt, so they present slavery in such a way that it is only viewed as whites enslaving blacks, when the reality of slavery is very different than that. Even movies, TV shows, and the news, essentially all of society around us works to push this leftist narrative.

Similar with the Holocaust, I'm not saying it didn't happen, but what I am saying is that it is likely extremely distorted in its presentation just like slavery is. In terms of the quantitative extent of the Holocaust it is likely distorted, the numbers seem to lack credible evidence and historical confirmation. It is also distorted in terms of it being presented as an attack only on Jews. I agree 100% with what werewolf says which is that the Nazis did not have a systematic policy in place to only target Jews. Moreover, crimes on a similar scale against nonJews are often omitted, overlooked, or censored. For example, the hardships that Russians, Poles, or later Germans went through. Instead the government, media, and academia present WW2 as though the Nazis were targetting Jews and only the Jews were killed and suffered hardship. Just like slavery, the reality is far from that and at best this narrative is partially true. Also, anytime a government needs to impose censorship onto the research into a subject, that is an immediate red flag. If what they were saying about the Holocaust was true, why would they need to impose a censorship into its debate?

The censorship of debate into the account of the Holocaust is not too dissimilar from the de facto censorship concerning human biological differences, or studies which correlate race and intelligence. Many prominent scientists used to document racial differences, and many of these scientists were experts and leaders, but today very few publications will publish a study that says something deemend politically incorrect, regardless of whether it is true. Anytime this level of censorship is present, its because the truth is not what their agenda is pushing.
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RIH is right. How many German "death camps" did the Weasel claim to have survived? I forgot, but some "death camps". Those Holohoax survivors tend to be very long lived. Lots still around sitting on their big fat tukhases in Miami Beach and West Hollywood and Brighton Beach, Brooklyn collecting Reparations. On the Weasel's website he referred to the non Talmudic Karaite Jews who fought with the Waffen SS, thousands of them. Tens of thousands of righteous Jews fought for the Reich, and a large number of the highest German leadership were Jewish background themselves. But Hitler tried to kill all the Jews, that's the official party line, yeah right.

you make it sound like hitler's opposition to jews was only religious ("non Talmudic Karaite Jews") when it was 100% racial
hitler's inspiration was ancent rome and other european civilisations
in such civilisations non whites or non romans could live in the empire as subjects but not become a citizen
jews could not become citizens as they are not german or close relatives of the germans, they are immigrants

  1. A subject of the state is a person who enjoys the protection of the German Reich and who in consequence has specific obligations toward it.
  2. The status of subject of the state is acquired in accordance with the provisions of the Reich and the Reich Citizenship Law.[47]
Article 2
  1. A Reich citizen is a subject of the state who is of German or related blood, and proves by his conduct that he is willing and fit to faithfully serve the German people and Reich.
  2. Reich citizenship is acquired through the granting of a Reich citizenship certificate.
  3. The Reich citizen is the sole bearer of full political rights in accordance with the law.[47]

Mr. Weisel (which literally translates to "weasel" in German) is perhaps the grandest liar in human history. In his famous work of fiction, "Night" (1955), he frequently mentions the inmate number (A-7713) that the "evil Nazis" allegedly tattooed on his left arm. The only problem is that he refuses to show anyone the tattoo and has been photographed in short sleeves with no such tattoo. Oops!


Nikolaus (Miklós) Grüner, a Hungarian Jew that was actually in the internment camp, "Auschwitz-Birkenau," emphatically claims that Elie Wiesel was never in the internment camp at all and that he stole the identity of an inmate with a similar name (Lázár Wiesel, who actually had the A-7713 tattoo, but died in the internment camp) and then passed himself off as this man for the remainder of his life (until 2016).

In 1986 a Swedish news paper arranged for him to meet what he thought would be his old friend. Instead it was Elie Wiesel, who Grüner claims he never saw before. "Wiesel refused to show me his tattoo. It was a very short meeting."


You'd think this charlatan would've at least gotten a fake tattoo.

He also lied about being in this photo (top row, 7th from the left), where he is allegedly 16 years old...


There's a million other things he lied about, but why bother detailing them? The phony can't even keep his own lies straight and it's literally against the law in most European countries to even question him.
Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz on the Karaite Jews in the SS:


Those plaques photoed above: Plaque etched in stone saying "four million" was at the Auschwitz labor camp - now called a "death camp" - for many years and then they quietly replaced it with a new one that said "1 1/2 million".

4 million minus 1 1/2 million = 2 1/2 million less. But Six Million minus the 2 1/2 million less still equals...six million! That is because six million is a magic kaballic number and and can't be altered by stupid goyim and their reason and logic and facts and history.

They actually tried the "six million" schtick out numerous times in the past, like "the Russian Black Hundreds killed six million Jews in WW1", and the Romans and Babylonians killed six billion Jews, but all that has now been memory holed, and they've stuck with the last gag and made it into the official state religion that must never be questioned.

Some earlier "six million dead jews" gags now memory holed:

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Excellent. No wonder these snakes want the internet censored. There are a couple of videos on YouTube if they haven't been deleted yet called "six million my ass", or that might be the name of the channel. Interesting stuff from direct quotes of actual photostatix copies of newspapers before the ww2 machine kicked into gear. They paved the way using that figure to psyop the readers of that day. Lying pieces of scum.
American Freedom News