
Apr 30, 2006
Just read this from an SI article:

- In a rare serious All-Star moment, good-guy Phillies reliever Tom Gordon lamented the diminishing number of African-Americans in baseball. There's only one, Vernon Wells, in the starting lineups at the All-Star Game and just five on the two teams, including also Jermaine Dye, Gary Matthews Jr., Ryan Howard and Derek Jeter, who is of mixed race. "It's something we're going to have to find a solution for,'' Gordon said.

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/writers/jon_heyman/07/ 11/daily.scoop/1.html

Of course Tom Gordon is a "good-guy". First of all, if we are being PC correct and everyone is equal, why should this have been of concern ("serious moment") and secondly, why is a 'solution' needed! This kind of thing makes me want to spit in the face of Gordon.Edited by: Sark6354201
Gordon wins todays caste football A-HOLE of the day award. What an idiot! Why in the world would he care what the race of a player is? Huh? shouldn't he be colorblind? isn't that the sign of a "good guy". Maybe he wants more blacks because they suck as hitters and he would rather pitch to them, but for any other reason it just makes him sound like a stupid ass white uncle Tom. It is really disgusting.

Anyway so many of the hispanic players are black as coal what's the difference? Why isn't he pro hispanic? I hope he isn't anti-immigrant, then he would lose his "good-guy" status.

And finally what kind of a black woman names her son "Ryan" as in Ryan Howard? That is intentionally misleading.
Believe it or not, many of us are educated (like the Howard family) and
refrain from assigning ridiculous names to our children. Maybe
his father named him.
Impi: Sure, that's true.

But many, many more of you are not educated, and not educatable, give your children ridculous names, and worse.

Understand me, you maybe a fine human being as far as I know. I didn't start out the kind of person who would rub the average shortcomings of one person's race in their face, but hey, after decades of my race's physical strength being denigrated at every oppurtunity, I'm going to mention the big mental gap between Blacks and the other races wherever applicable. The government/media complex that manipulates us both has made it war, and sorry man, but we're in opposite trenches.

Anyway, back to the issue at hand, it is farcical in the extreme that Whites, who possess both peak upper body strength and spatial cognition/hand-eye coordination superior to Blacks, and who dominate virtually every other sport than involves using a tool with extreme accuracy, do not dominate power hitting in baseball. Well, there's Mark Macgwire, but the media has conveniently forgotten/demonized thin. Of course, Steve Sailer, race traitor that he is, has usefully unearthed one statistical fact that may explain a good deal. White players have a higher on-base percentage than Blacks or the high-batting average Hispanics. Needless to say, this is the more valuable strategy most of the time. I know White boys are taught in this country to train consistent hitting and not swing at any kind of crap from an early age, but we perhaps need to back off that a little bit and develop some old-style free-swinging sluggers to make highlight reels and shut up those who think Whites aren't the best baseball players.

*edit* I just realized that said rant about power hitting should have been placed in the homerun derby thread. Oh well, I can live with it being here*Edited by: White_Savage
Impi said:
Believe it or not, many of us are educated (like the Howard family) and
refrain from assigning ridiculous names to our children. Maybe
his father named him.

Sure blame the mother for choosing ridiculous names.
jaxvid said:
Maybe he wants more blacks because they suck as hitters and he would rather pitch to them, but for any other reason it just makes him sound like a stupid ass white uncle Tom. It is really disgusting.

Gordon's black.
JD074 said:
jaxvid said:
Maybe he wants more blacks because they suck as hitters and he would rather pitch to them, but for any other reason it just makes him sound like a stupid ass white uncle Tom. It is really disgusting.

Gordon's black.

Ha! that's right! I forgot about that. Well that puts a different slant on it completely. Instead of being a stupid ass white Uncle Tom he is instead a pro-black bigot pimping his own people at the expense of others.

You can next expect all around good guy pitcher Curt Schilling to ask the media "what happened to all of the white outfielders???"

And "Tom Gordon"??? another white name! What is going on here?
Jaxvid - "Maybe he wants more blacks because they suck as hitters"

That easily goes into the top ten most ignorant statements I have heard this decade.
White Savage, as a proud educator / coach at the high school level I
surely hope none of my colleagues share your sentiments that blacks are
not educatable..
No they are highly educatable, that is why Africa has such a high standard of living. That is why blacks score so low on ACT/SAT tests. Take 100 blacks and 2 or 3 might be "educatable" but the other 97 will be dumb and good at holding there groin area, dancing like an ape in heat and panhandling.
Impi: After throwing billions of dollars and trying virtually everything to educate Blacks until they equal Whites, Asians, and Latins, including dumbing down our own education system to make the difference between Black and White intelligence less apparent, there are two conclusions: Either Blacks have less cognitive ability than Whites or they just plain like being ignorant and wallowing in their station-honestly, it's probably a little of both. Neither speaks well for the average Black. You have obviously can speak the language, have what passes for an education these days and something kind of like a real job. Blacks like you think you are proving that all Blacks can do it, but what you are really proving is that the few Blacks with rudimentary intelligence and desire to work can make it as easily, if not more easily, than Whites in our "racist" society.

And as a coach, I'm sure the fact that trained Black runners will AVERAGE about 2% faster than trained White runners has alot of meaning for you. But you, and our society, clap your hands over your ears and refuse to consider the implications of the FIFTEEN percent gap in I.Q.s between Whites and American Blacks.

BTW, your status as Prideful Eddificator doesn't impress too much. Tells me alot, though. Education is not a field of which to be proud. It is gennerally for those who can't or won't do something more worthwhile. I know from an experience that the training to become an educator takes people who might not be too dumb to start with, hollows out their skulls, and fills the cavity with the kind of liberal crap you seem to believe. I have known very few educators who were completely normal and adequate human beings. On top of it all, public school teachers are overpaid, since they make more than their private school counterparts do on the free market and more than I make most years for actual work. The whole concept of public education was consciously copied from proto-Nazi Prussia anyway, so I can't imagine why Black people are so enamored of it.
I like you White Savage, it is great to hear what people really believe
instead of the political game that you everyone plays when we are face
to face. With your views on public education, I go agree with you
to a point. In all of the years I have been in the field, there
have been teachers of subject areas that I would not classify as
masters of their content. With that said, I don't believe the
faults of a few should condemn the entire education system. From
my point of view, and I preach this to the kids (whoops said preach
can't do that in school) you are always in school. Fill your
minds with useful information, when taking stances on any issue gather
facts from numerous points of view, don't think/act a certain just
because everyone else is doing it. Believe me, growing up and
being the guy that was always in the books I was sometimes teased for
that behavior. You could often hear other kids saying "Oh, he is
just acting white". That is the big problem with my people today,
trying to better yourself is characterized with "being white".
When you say that you don't know why so many blacks are infatuated with
the concept of education, I just wish more of us would take it to heart
and better ourselves. I know this turned into a ramble, but just a
passing thought.

- You say the average IQ for blacks is 85, and there are no social
variables that may contribute to this factor, so what you see on the
surface is to be taken as the true value of black intelligence. Whites
must be smarter.

-The demographics of the NFL and NBA show a glaring black
dominance especially at certain positions (with no social variables),
so blacks must be better athletes.

I believe both statements are false. Look into the IQ study and
you will find that when races are compared by social class, there is no
difference in IQ.

We both know both of those statements are false
Impi said:
- You say the average IQ for blacks is 85, and there are no social
variables that may contribute to this factor, so what you see on the
surface is to be taken as the true value of black intelligence. Whites
must be smarter.
 -The demographics of the NFL and NBA show a glaring black
dominance especially at certain positions (with no social variables),
so blacks must be better athletes.
I believe both statements are false.  Look into the IQ study and
you will find that when races are compared by social class, there is no
difference in IQ.
We both know both of those statements are false

I think that is untrue, I have seen IQ stats that show even upper class blacks are far behind whites in avg. IQ. However in this case it doesn't matter. IQ almost always correlates to income so yes higher IQ blacks would be better off but the issue is in the numbers. If only 1% of blacks can be considered higher IQ and richer then it varifies the low average IQ of blacks. And I think the numbers of percentages above/below poverty bare that out.
Shortest statement I can give on public education? Those with good minds will have parents with good minds and be educated by them, or at worst, educate themselves. For them Pub-Lick Eddification is superfulous. For those without the minds, it is a waste of public funds. Once again, this based on an AVERAGE basis, but all choices in life are made by playing the percentages and probabilities anyway. My thought containd strong strands of Libertarianism before I ever considered race, and I still consider public education flawed on a theoretical and practical level. Another thing: I don't pay for the shoes, clothing, food, etc, (except the poorest) of other people's children, so why pay for their education? Doesnt' make any sense.

Impi said:
-The demographics of the NFL and NBA show a glaring black
dominance especially at certain positions (with no social variables),
so blacks must be better athletes.
I believe both statements are false. Look into the IQ study and
you will find that when races are compared by social class, there is no
difference in IQ.
We both know both of those statements are false

Neither of these statements is false. If you don't believe that I believe what I claim to believe, our conversation will get as silly as a sentence that uses the word "believe" three, no, four times.

It is how our society emphasizes one and ignores the other that is false. I KNOW that Blacks, on average, tend to have a genetic advantage in the kind of short-distance sprinting that is useful in many football positions. It's been proven. The lower I.Q. of Blacks has been even more proven. I just don't believe that in a majority White country the worst Black in a certain position is better than best possible White. We hear wailing and gnashing at teeth if say, Black rocket scientists or Black pilots or Black NASCAR drivers don't exist in suffecient numbers. In football, we don't get anxiety over the zero White cornerbacks, but over the supposedly insuffecient numbers of Black Quarterbacks, or Centers, or Coaches, even Cheerleaders for Christ's sake. Can you come up with an explanation for this except that the government/media complex is fighting a subtle war against Whites? Whatever the case, 90% of Blacks don't seem upset by it, to say the least. Nor can I think of a logical reason WHY (from their perspective) they should object to some kind of vengeance against Whites or a policy that favors them ahead of Whites. Seeing it from the Black's perspective of course does not change what I, as a White man, think, desire, and will act to achieve.

Okay, we have established that we are both Homo Sapiens, albeit of two different subspecies, with some simularity in thought and feeling. This is not the great f**ng revelation most people think it is, nor does it change anything. Let us go back to our respective trenches and man our guns, proverbially speaking.Edited by: White_Savage
We should have a "caste" reward ceremony at the end of every year. The most vocal anti-white athlete, manager, coach, or sports writer gets some a trophy.
Dude, you just summed up the ESPYs. Allright Armstrong hosted, but look at it. Just one play after another. Each award. And when the Steelers went up...Well Ben went in afterwards. Come on!Edited by: Freedom
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