Richard Lapchick

Dec 18, 2004
I just read J.B. Cash's column on Richard Lapchick. There is an incident in Lapchick's career that people on this Forum should know about. It took place in either 1977 or 1978.

A South African tennis team came to Nashville to play some tennis matches. They were being held at Vanderbilt University, I believe. Lapchick came down to Nashville to protest, checking into a motel.He was all over the local media. After he had been in Nashville about a week, Lapchick called the police and said he had been attacked and stabbed by a group of "white racists." They had carved "KKK" on Lapchick's stomach.

There was a problem. The doctor who treated Lapchick said that the wounds were self-inflicted. This doctor, incidentally, said that he was a liberal who sympathized with Lapchick's anti-apartheid stance. Still, the doctor insisted the wounds were self-inflicted.

The tennis matches were held without incident. It didn't harm Mr. Lapchick's "career." He is regularly quoted as an expeert on "race and diversity issues." No one in the media recalls or cares about the strange incident in Nashville in the late 70's.
That's sick. If this society wasn't run by Cultural Marxists his career would have been finished right then and there.

He probably sees himself as a pioneer. Nowadays, a majority, perhaps a very large majority, of "hate crimes" are hoaxes, usually committed on college campuses by junior Lapchicks.
What an interesting find from sport historian. Recently there was a story of a female academic who reported being assaulted by racist groups for her stand on diversity. She was quite the campus hero until it was discoverd she fabricated everything out of her fertile imagination. Why do they do it? What better way for fame, glory and job security in modern America.
Stuff like that happens all the time here too. Racist writings in a dorm at Ole Miss about 3 years ago were found to be the work of some blacks.
Here's a disgusting piece of propaganda posing as a news article that excuses and downplays criminality by black athletes. Time doesn't permit me to list all the distortions, lies and anti-white biases, except to say that they're found throughout. See how many you can identify. Not suprisingly, the Caste System's Minister of Propaganda, Richard Lapchick, plays a prominent role.
NFL Arrests High-Profile but Not Unusual s_showcase
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By DAVE GOLDBERG, AP Football Writer Wed Jun 15, 6:24 PM ET
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One NFL player shoots a handgun in the air outside a bar, another brandishes one in a dispute and a third is found with a 9mm pistol in his car. Two more are charged with spousal abuse. And Minnesota running back Onterrio Smith is suspended for the 2005 season for his second violation of the NFL's substance abuse policy. AFTER he is found to have a device to circumvent drug tests.

Perception: NFL players are out of control.

Reality? All those police blotter entries since the end of last season are the norm. Not only the norm for NFL players but, by percentage, the norm for the public as a whole, according to figures from the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sports at the University of Central Florida.

"Athletes are no more immune from committing crimes. They're just higher profile than the public at large," says Richard Lapchick, the institute's director.

The NFL security department will not release its figures on arrests, although league spokesman Greg Aiello said they show no significant difference this year than in previous seasons. An unofficial count by The Associated Press puts it at 16, including Todd Marinovich, a first-round draft pick by the Raiders in 1991 who lasted just two years, in part due to ongoing drug problems.

That would seem in line with figures provided by Indianapolis coach Tony Dungy, who has been tracking arrests for a decade and says the offseason arrest figure is usually between 18 and 25 of the 2,900 players under contract during that period. That's less than 1 percent.

Dungy has been riled by the recent arrests of two of his players, safety Michael Doss and cornerback Nick Harper.

Doss has pleaded no contest to firing a gun in the air outside a bar in Akron, Ohio, and was suspended Wednesday by the NFL for two games. Charges were still pending against Harper, who was arrested for hitting his wife.

But Dungy also has his own experience.

As an assistant coach with Kansas City 15 years ago, he was detained briefly after what he will say only was a traffic case. It was never publicized but it did come up in 1996 when he interviewed in Tampa for a head coaching job he eventually got.

But he noted that it demonstrates how easy it is for an athlete (or coach, in his case) to get into trouble and tarnish everyone.

"You have to look at it in the context of who we are," he said this week. "It's not an individual case. It gets lumped into 'NFL- "That's what our players have to understand. We're like a 2,000-person family. You have to accept the higher standard. If you do something that makes the newspapers  if you get arrested  it affects all the other people."

These days, every time an athlete is arrested, word spreads almost instantaneously over the Internet, by cable news and talk radio  along with rumors of things that never happen. Never mind that later the player is sometimes exonerated: New Orleans' Dwight Smith, one of the stars of Tampa Bay's win in the 2003 Super Bowl, was arrested in March on a gun charge, but prosecutors decided this week not to press charges.

There are a number of factors that go into what sometimes seems like an explosion of violence in all sports, including the increased media attention.

Arrest figures kept by both the NFL and Lapchick's institute reflect the obvious: that young males  both athletes and non athletes  are the largest at-risk group for drugs, alcohol and violence, all intertwined.

Dungy, who is black, notes that young black males driving expensive cars often draw more attention from police  and 70 percent of NFL players are black. But he quickly adds: "So do young white males in expensive cars."

And Lapchick notes that times have changed. Guns and drugs are more prevalent and societal standards are different. Thirty years ago and more, domestic disputes were tolerated, if not condoned, and police who stopped athletes for drunken driving would as often take them home as to jail.

Not now.

So some coaches spend almost as much time counseling players on conduct as on Xs and Os.

"It's simple," Dungy says. "They have to know if they drive 20 miles an hour over the speed limit, they're likely to be stopped. And if they've been drinking or have guns in the car, it will be worse."

Thus it became a national joke last month when Smith, the Vikings' leading rusher last season despite being suspended for four games, was stopped at an airport with a contraption called a "Whizzinator," which is designed to beat drug tests. Shortly afterward, Smith was suspended for the season for another violation of the NFL's substance abuse policy.

This week, when it was duly noted that they were without two key players: running back Jamal Lewis, who is in an Atlanta halfway house after serving four months using a cell phone to set up a drug transaction and linebacker Terrell Suggs, on trial in Arizona on a 2003 assault charge.

Teams also are trying now to stay away from players with a history of trouble.

Smith was a fourth-round pick by Minnesota in 2003 although on ability he should have been taken much higher.

Channing Crowder, a linebacker from Florida, was considered a late first- or early second-round pick this year but slipped to the third, in part because he was arrested twice during his college career and suspended for a game in each of two seasons. That cost him considerable money.

So when he went to minicamp with the Miami Dolphins last week, Crowder said he had listened hard to coach Nick Saban's speech about staying out of trouble.

"You're in kind of a fish bowl," he acknowledged. "Coach Saban tells us to act like someone is always watching you. Act like a grown man. That's what I'm trying to do."Edited by: Don Wassall
We should look into this more closely. Dungy says there are between 18 and 25 arrests in the "offseason" which would not include during the season. However it seems like many more then that.

And the excuse that the rate is similar to the general population seems wrong too. Only if you consider the "general" population of a large city.

And what a joke "teams are staying away from players with problems" then goes on to show that they get drafted a few rounds later. Some "staying away", they get to play in the NFL and make millions, really teaches them a lesson about proper behavior!
Dungyalso says there are 2,900 players under contract, which equates to rosters of almost 100 per team rather than 53. There are roughly 1,600 NFL players in any given season. Taking Dungy's estimate, if 25 get arrested during the offseason and another 25 during the season, that'sabout 3 percent of the players arrested in any given year, a phenomenally high ratio, far far higher than the arrest rate among the general public. The actual number arrested is probablyeven higher as it is usually only the athletes caught committing serious crimes that make news. Additionally, it's not a stretch to imagine thata lot of guys caught red-handed are let go by hero-worshiping cops.
I have seen Lapchick quoted several times over the yearsin articles such as this. They always bring him in to say that athletes "aren't arrested more often than the rest of the population."

I told in an above post how Lapchick came to Nashville in the late 70's and staged a "racist assault" on himself. I would add that the police authorities had him examined by several specialists and all concluded that Lapchick had inflicted the wounds on himself. This incident has gone down Orwell's "memory hole." However, it may be that many members of the press doesn't consider what Lapchick did to be wrong.
Apparently Lapchick is a frequent propaganda writer to try and convince people that black athletes do not commit crimes at a higher rate then non-athletes. I ran across an article he wrote from about 1999:

Crime and Athletes: The New Racial Stereotypes of the 1990's by Richard E. Lapchick

Special for Society Magazine.
It is ironic that as we turn into the new Millennium, hopeful that change will end the ills such as racism that have plagued our society throughout past centuries, more subtle forms of racism in sport may be infecting American culture.

Polite white society can no longer safely express the stereotypes that so many believe about African-Americans. Nonetheless, surveys show that the majority of whites still believe that most African-Americans are less intelligent, are more likely to use drugs, be violent and are more inclined to be violent against women.

Here is the link if you want a few laughs.
[QUOTE Nonetheless, surveys show that the majority of whites still believe that most African-Americans are less intelligent, are more likely to use drugs, be violent and are more inclined to be violent against women. [/QUOTE]

Oh,those silly white people! How in the worlddo they come up with such loony ideas?
Lapchick is at it again. He just authored a new "study" that says minorities are under-represented in leadership positions at Div I schools.

This thread is relevant again as Lapchick is praising the NBA for it's "diversity," which is supposedly "showing the way."
sport historian said:
I told in an above post how Lapchick came to Nashville in the late 70's and staged a "racist assault" on himself. I would add that the police authorities had him examined by several specialists and all concluded that Lapchick had inflicted the wounds on himself. This incident has gone down Orwell's "memory hole." However, it may be that many members of the press doesn't consider what Lapchick did to be wrong.

In any society interested in pursuing truth and imposing codes of ethics on public figures, that incident would have instantly and permanently ended Lapchick's credibility and reputation. But the forces in control have no regard for the truth; ideology and forcing an agendathrough stealth and incessant propaganda on an unwitting population is all they care about. Truth -- that's now something heard mostly in whispers, and from patriotic souls accused of "hate" and "intolerance."
Looks like our favorite douchebag is back with one of his infamous "studies" Judging from the comments I think the DWFs are begging to see through this bullsh*t hypocrisy.

NBA gets combined A for race, gender

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A new study shows that 43 percent of the professional positions in the NBA's league offices are held by women, giving the league its highest grade for gender.

The report issued Wednesday by the University of Central Florida's Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport showed an increase of 2 percent of women from last year in the league office. That's higher than any other men's pro league in any previous study. The annual study was first issued in 1998.

The highest marks came with 31 women in vice presidential positions during the 2008-09 season, an increase of eight from a year ago.

The NBA slipped slightly from its highest grade for race (96.2 to 94.9), although it again received men's pro sports' only A for a combined grade for race and gender.

Richard Lapchick, the director of the university's study, said the league has led on the diversity issue in large part because NBA commissioner David Stern has made race and gender a major priority since he entered office in 1984.

"On the issue of hiring women, the NBA has far surpassed the other major professional men's leagues," Lapchick said.

The study conducted an analysis of racial breakdowns from information provided by the NBA and its teams at the start of the season.

"The NBA has had a long commitment of hiring the best possible people available," league spokesman Brian McIntyre said.

Dave Czesniuk, the director of Northeastern University's Sport in Society program, said the NBA has continued to show an upward trend of diversity and gender at a rate that is unmatched among the other leagues.

"The NBA has really made diversity a concerted effort and probably something more professional leagues need to do," Czesniuk said.

The NBA had seven blacks in general manager-type positions last season but only three this year -- Charlotte's Rod Higgins, Detroit's Joe Dumars and Orlando's Otis Smith. That's the lowest percentage in more than 15 years, according to the study.

The NBA had seven black top executives among its 30 teams during the 2007-08 season, the highest percentage of minority presidents and CEOs in men's professional sports history.

There were one Asian and 11 black head coaches at the beginning of the 2008-09 season. At 40 percent, that continues to be the highest percentage of minority head coaches in pro sports.

While some coaches were fired, Lapchick said that's merely "a blip" and "always evens out" to start the next season.

The 59 black coaches in the history of the NBA are more than twice as many than any other men's pro sport, according to the study. Major League Baseball is second with 28 black managers in its history.

Almost 82 percent of the NBA players were black, increasing on last year's 80 percent. This is the highest percentage since the 1994-95 season.

Professional opportunities for blacks in the NBA league offices -- at 35 percent -- increased from 34 percent a year ago. That's the highest percentage in the league's history and the highest in the history of any professional sport.

At the end of the regular season, 56 percent of the NBA referees were white, 39 percent black and five percent Latino. Violet Palmer is the lone female ref out of 61. by: Rise
The majority of comments after the article are very encouraging. If that is the emerging face of DWF's, then we are definitely headed in the right direction.
I didn't know there was a job whose sole purpose was to stab the white male in the back. This guy probably makes at least 125k a year.

39% black refs in the NBA, but 12-13% of the population.
I generally don’t like seeing threads that have been inactive for a long time being “brought back to life,” but this one is an obvious exception.

I have a bunch of old Sports Illustrateds and other publications. The ones my stepfather subscribed to and I kept for some reason date from 1966 to 1969 and then again from ’77 to ‘79. I like to look at them occasionally to note how much has changed since then, in the advertisements and also in the types of stories found and people written about. Needless to say it was a much Whiter America then, especially in the ‘60s.

But as has been mentioned numerous times on CF, the Permanent Cultural Communist Revolution, including the Caste System, really kicked in circa 1968. One of the Sports Illustrateds I was just perusing had an ongoing series called “The Black Athlete” that caused a lot of attention at the time. Dated July 22, 1968, this issue carried Part Four of the series, and all the letters to the editor were about the series and all of them were singing the praises of it.

Now, there’s very few public figures from 1968 who are still around in 2022 going on 2023, as half a century plus five years has gone by. Someone who was well known in 1968 and who was say 26 years old then would be an octogenarian now.

But as I got to the Letters section (dubbed by SI the “19th hole, the readers take over”), always carried by SI at the end of each issue, the first letter caught my eye. It was from none other than Richard Lapchick, the Caste System’s Minister of Propaganda. What you’ll notice when reading it is how thrilled and in agreement he was with SI’s series on Black athletes, which shows how in tune an ultra-leftist agitator like Lapchick was with a mainstream sports publication and the direction it was going in the late ‘60s. Here’s what Tricky Dicky wrote:

“Your series on The Black Athlete (July 1, et seq.) seems unquestionably destined to be remembered as the most significant statement ever published by Sports Illustrated. Jack Olsen has done an incredibly fine job in gathering materials and putting them together to emphasize the growing problem in the American athletic scene.

“There is something, however, that I would like to suggest as a positive result coming from an overwhelmingly evil system. It is by no means a justification for that system.

“Athletics has afforded middle-class whites, such as myself, the opportunity to come in contact with blacks, a meeting that I might have never had without athletics. My father, Joe Lapchick, was the coach of St. John’s University for 20 years and of the New York Knickerbockers for 10 years. The Knickerbockers brought one of the first two black men, Nat (Sweetwater) Clifton, into the NBA. For four of my father’s last six years at St. John’s there was a black captain of the basketball team.

“I attended St. John’s myself. It was through personal friendships with the LeRoy Ellises, Tony Jacksons and Lloyd Doves that I was able to see what racial brotherhood is all about. My own understanding of ghetto life began with men like these. I know that I was not alone and that many other white students who otherwise might have traveled the road of misunderstanding and racial prejudice gained immeasurably from this personal contact with blacks.

“I am now executive director of PRIDE, an organization which is attempting to coordinate nationally all the local movements to get Negro history taught in the secondary schools of America. It is an attempt to allow the black man to identify with his race and to have the PRIDE in his people that he richly deserves. Many black athletes, both professionals and amateurs, are on PRIDE’s advisory board. Without sports PRIDE may never have begun, not, at least, at my initiative.

“As I have said, this is by no means an attempt to justify the exploitation of black athletes by American universities. That is a horrible tale of America, but one that is necessary to be told. I congratulate Jack Olsen and Sports Illustrated for making this important and realistic statement.”

Richard Lapchick, Denver
Wouldn't expect anything less from a man Named Dick Lapchick. Shows how deep the roots of the caste system run though..
All that has happened in society is to go from blacks being discrimenated to whites being discrimineated. It's like fighting a kid in school. No
matter who wins the fight their will be more fights. It's the same thing with wars. No one really wins with so much death on both sides. World
Wars 1 and 2 still make me sick as I would guess 50 million europeans were killed and all for what? All wars are banker wars. This is not about equality and it never has been. It's the same thing with the disease of feminism. It's about teaching blacks to hate whites and that they are better than whites. Just like feminism is about teaching all women that they don't need men. Both are outright lies at the highest levels but
they shove this done generation after generation until it becomes mainstream belief. If you tell a lie enough it will be believed to be the
truth but it's still a lie and it's causing the downfall of society along with drugs, alcohol and pornography to name a few things. Now you add
in we are teaching our young boys to be cucks and it's slowly spreading into society. How do we stop this and reverse this cancerous trend?
There are no easy answers but if we only knew then what we know now and how bad it would get. Just like with gay marraige if you give an inch they take a mile and now groom kids for the pedos in school.
I started this thread in 2005 to tell about Lapchick staging a phony "racist attack" by self-inflicted wounds some 45 years ago. He's still around.

The 1968 Black Athlete SI series, which I've referenced before, wasn't about "black superiority" but "exploitation." An unending preoccupation with white liberals is that "black athletes are exploited." When you tell them by this criteria, white athletes are also exploited, like robots they will answer, "black athletes are exploited, white athletes are not."
I started this thread in 2005 to tell about Lapchick staging a phony "racist attack" by self-inflicted wounds some 45 years ago. He's still around.

The 1968 Black Athlete SI series, which I've referenced before, wasn't about "black superiority" but "exploitation." An unending preoccupation with white liberals is that "black athletes are exploited." When you tell them by this criteria, white athletes are also exploited, like robots they will answer, "black athletes are exploited, white athletes are not."
We talked about this before but in 68' Black amateur athletes tried to bring the USOC led by Avery Brundridge to it's knees with a boycott as Black male sprinters were nearly the entire sprint team and were the majority of the boxers and roughly half of the basketball team. But similar to Whites not every athlete agreed with the left wing fanaticism led by Lew Alcindor and pro athletes like Ali and Brown. Charlie Greene talked about without the US Army's athlete training program he would have had to retire after his college days ended. Also the most famous case of bucking the fanaticism was George Foreman waving the American flag after beating his Soviet foe by tko in the gold medal match.
I started this thread in 2005 to tell about Lapchick staging a phony "racist attack" by self-inflicted wounds some 45 years ago. He's still around.

The 1968 Black Athlete SI series, which I've referenced before, wasn't about "black superiority" but "exploitation." An unending preoccupation with white liberals is that "black athletes are exploited." When you tell them by this criteria, white athletes are also exploited, like robots they will answer, "black athletes are exploited, white athletes are not."
If you read the official Wikipedia page for Lapchick, it mentions the 1978 “incident” at his office where a group of men “carved the N-word into his stomach”. If you follow the link for the source, it’s just an article written by Lapchick (LOL) where he recants the story. So that’s what Wikipedia considers a valid source, and of course, there is no mention that this attack was questioned by every medical doctor. Just one tentacle of the system covering for another.

As an aside, was Lapchick the guy who had the post-it note in his office charting the decline of the White population in the US? I get all these weasels mixed up, as that could have been Tim Wise, Noel Ignatiev, Jonathan Greenblat or some other “fellow White”.
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