Reuben Droughans-DWI


Oct 21, 2004
Cleveland Browns' RB Reuben Droughans just did something that probably no non-professional athlete in America has ever done; he was acquitted of drunk driving charges in a jury trial. First of all, how do you even get a jury trial for drunk driving? Has any non-celebrity citizen in history ever had a jury trial for drunk driving? Second, how did the jury find him not guilty? He was found to be at the legal limit during a breathalizer test- isn't that considered pretty concrete proof? Well, it certainly is if you don't play in the NFL. The prosecutor dropped the speeding charges prior to the trial. Why? Does this ever happen to average citizens? What a joke our injustice system is. It's bad enough when these infantile, spoiled multi-millionaires are given the celebrity special for their "punishment"- suspended sentence and community service (which consists of playing in golf tournaments and lapping up the praise of adoring autograph seekers). But this is completely ridiculous. Look at Sean Taylor- how many times has he had his trial date postponed? What average citizen can have their trial date postponed even once, for the express purpose of making things more covenient for them? Now, we have a pro football player being given a jury trial for a drunk driving charge, which of course results in the star-struck, idiotic jury finding him not guilty. They ought to just stop the charade of even making these guys go through the motions- the system doesn't treat them the same as everyone else, and we all know it. Just give them a special celebrity card, so they can flash it at the police officer who is naive enough to stop them when they are commiting one of their crimes. That way, we can save taxpayer money and officially acknowledge the reality that they are all completely above the law.
It's all money and connections -- hell, he had a trial. That Kennedy p.o.s.
didn't even have to go that far.
American Freedom News