Retired pro wrestler brutally beaten by six negroes in front of his house

Never ever confront one or more persons without carrying a weapon and be willing to use it. It ain't worth a damn locked up in your closet. I hope he recovers from this attack.
Ive been on the receiving end of a similar 5 on 1 beatdown. I was lucky. Hope he is too.
I wonder if he still had his anabolic enhanced build would the cowards have attacked him( I doubt it), but as others have stated taking on multiple guys is a recipe for the hospital or the morgue. Best of luck to him in the recovery.
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Never ever confront one or more persons without carrying a weapon and be willing to use it. It ain't worth a damn locked up in your closet. I hope he recovers from this attack.

I’d say two or more. I can handle the ‘average’ Amerikan 2.0 (one on one/hand to hand) problem. IF my cardio was better (as in 15-20 years ago), I could whoop two or three. However, these days I ususally tote a tactical knife or a piece.



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Another thing I don't like here is it looks like they built a little low income African American apartment house right next to where he lives so now he'll have to contend with all their friends and relatives too. California, honest people are not allowed to be armed. All of the country if they have their way. I was watching a youtube by a half Chinese guy who interrupted a robbery of a Chinese store and shot one of the college bound honor student African American youths, and so of course a whole herd of them went coming to attack him, but then the word spread amongst them that he was a hit man imported from China so they backed off. Lots of people who are victims of crime have been forced to move for this reason. Trouble is is you don't get to choose your confrontations. I'm sure he didn't go out that day intending to get into a "neighborhood dispute", as the media coyly puts it, with a herd of college bound honor students. One can easily hypothesize the scenario.

Can he really be the same man who wrestled? There's no resemblance.
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