Refugees sexually assault 5 year old girl, mentally disabled woman in Idaho

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007

UPDATE: Two recent sexual assaults by Muslims in this community of about 50,000 people have made national headlines and raised a wider question: why are the refugees in Twin Falls in the first place?

On June 2, there was the horrifying alleged video recorded gang rape of a developmentally challenged five-year-old American girl at the hands of three refugee boys that created shockwaves after the media and local politicians attempted to cover up the story and stifle local activists.

Then just this past weekend, Mohammed Hussein Ibraheim Eldai – who was previously lionized by the media – was charged with the alleged sexual assault of a 33-year-old mentally disabled woman who fled her house screaming and crying after he molested and then attempted to have sex with her.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Why are the cannibal refugees in Twin Falls? Answer: because Twin Falls was an almost 100% white crime free all American city, that's why.

A few years ago the NY Times posted an extremely detailed block by block racial breakdown map of the country. It was very interesting to look at. But it wasn't made just to be interesting. It had a malevolent purpose. The occupational government in Washington used it to locate the stable white working class parts of the country that they could destroy with integration and immigration.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Why are the cannibal refugees in Twin Falls? Answer: because Twin Falls was an almost 100% white crime free all American city, that's why.

A few years ago the NY Times posted an extremely detailed block by block racial breakdown map of the country. It was very interesting to look at. But it wasn't made just to be interesting. It had a malevolent purpose. The occupational government in Washington used it to locate the stable white working class parts of the country that they could destroy with integration and immigration.