Here is the best way to solve this problem, I think they should hold the entire team accountable. What normally happens in these situations is the only the parties involved get the suspensions, as a result no body really learns anything. The ones who did the attack won't learn any type of lesson because they don't respect any authority and they have no understanding of what it's like to be part of a team, however if the entire team gets suspended they will feel some sort of anger from the ones who weren't involved. They military does this with the trainees in boot camp, and it works very well, when they who hold everyone accountable for one persons action that person becomes aware of the consequences of his actions.
I played high school football and I've witness a situations of animalistic behavior simular to this. My team which was primarily white was blowing out the rival thug team composed of almost all blacks, when one of our players hit a guy who had went out of bound, two guys from the sidelines had jumped on him and punched him in the back of the neck. Both those guys were suspended for the season, however we played them again at the end of the season and both guys were hanging out on the sidelines taunting are players, the entire game. Clearly neither guy had any remorse for there actions.
If you guys remember last year on the MMA site former UFC fighter Roger Huerta got in an altercation with a former Texas Longhorn Thug linebacker Rashad Bobino. Bobino had punched a young white girl from behind, and Roger confronted Bobino which lead Roger kicking Bobino's ass. The whole thing was on TMZ, and all over Youtube. Bobino was currently playing in a Texas league. Well someone went on Youtube and posted the address of who we could write to and tell them he should be suspended. It ended up working very well, while they claimed he was no longer on the team, they did inform Bobino that they didn't feel he should return to the team.
I don't know how recent the video is, I will say that one thing we can do is write to whoever is in charge of the league and tell them that the entire team should be suspended. Someone on the site should find the email address and post it on the site. If they get enough complaints they will be forced to do so.