Referee attacked by animals

Sep 1, 2011
Iv'e always been astounded when blacks seem to have to attack people of other races in numbers. I grew up in the 80's and just assumed because of all the great black boxers there were during that time period that they were naturally better fighters. Now that its been proven in the last decade that whites are clearly the better fighters, I can see all of these " mob " incidents for what they are. Opportunism! Im wondering how many blacks would ever attack someone individually if they didint have a crowd with them?


Jul 15, 2011
Here is the best way to solve this problem, I think they should hold the entire team accountable. What normally happens in these situations is the only the parties involved get the suspensions, as a result no body really learns anything. The ones who did the attack won't learn any type of lesson because they don't respect any authority and they have no understanding of what it's like to be part of a team, however if the entire team gets suspended they will feel some sort of anger from the ones who weren't involved. They military does this with the trainees in boot camp, and it works very well, when they who hold everyone accountable for one persons action that person becomes aware of the consequences of his actions.
I played high school football and I've witness a situations of animalistic behavior simular to this. My team which was primarily white was blowing out the rival thug team composed of almost all blacks, when one of our players hit a guy who had went out of bound, two guys from the sidelines had jumped on him and punched him in the back of the neck. Both those guys were suspended for the season, however we played them again at the end of the season and both guys were hanging out on the sidelines taunting are players, the entire game. Clearly neither guy had any remorse for there actions.
If you guys remember last year on the MMA site former UFC fighter Roger Huerta got in an altercation with a former Texas Longhorn Thug linebacker Rashad Bobino. Bobino had punched a young white girl from behind, and Roger confronted Bobino which lead Roger kicking Bobino's ass. The whole thing was on TMZ, and all over Youtube. Bobino was currently playing in a Texas league. Well someone went on Youtube and posted the address of who we could write to and tell them he should be suspended. It ended up working very well, while they claimed he was no longer on the team, they did inform Bobino that they didn't feel he should return to the team.
I don't know how recent the video is, I will say that one thing we can do is write to whoever is in charge of the league and tell them that the entire team should be suspended. Someone on the site should find the email address and post it on the site. If they get enough complaints they will be forced to do so.


Jul 15, 2011
Apparently three coaches and one player have been charged with assault on a ref, which is a felony in Florida. This started because the coaches for the all black Sarasota Gators were losing to a much whiter team, 30-6 in the first half, when the ref threw a flag against the other team. The Gators coaches were so dumb they thought it was against them, and started acting like animals. Because of there actions four people will possible see jail time, also the Sarasota Gators will be banned from the field and suspended from the league. All of the four have shown remorse except for the assitant coach Dexter Austin, who stated that He was just standing his ground.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007

D@mn right none would! These untermenschen are only "brave" with numbers (their "posse") in their favor &/or a weapon. One on one (sans a weapon) against a White man (their size or bigger), they'd show their true, natural cowardice. The only time they'd show 1-on-1 "aggression" against a White is mugging an elderly person or raping a White woman. :icon_mad:


Apr 13, 2005
Iv'e always been astounded when blacks seem to have to attack people of other races in numbers.

I first experienced this as a kid when I was part of a white integration of a previously all-black school in the early 1970s. Sometimes (but not always), blacks jumped in en masse when a white kid had gained the upperhand in a fight. Other times they simply laid in wait and jumped you.

They had a chant for interacial fights:

Fight, fight, n-i-g-g-e-r and a white
C'mon n-i-g-g-e-r, beat that white!

One parents' night my best friend and I were waylaid on the school playground by about 12-15 blacks after two of them engaged us in friendly conversation. before we knew it, we were surrounded and jumped by blacks that seemed to come out of nowhere.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I first experienced this as a kid when I was part of a white integration of a previously all-black school in the early 1970s. Sometimes (but not always), blacks jumped in en masse when a white kid had gained the upperhand in a fight. Other times they simply laid in wait and jumped you.

They had a chant for interacial fights:

Fight, fight, n-i-g-g-e-r and a white
C'mon n-i-g-g-e-r, beat that white!

One parents' night my best friend and I were waylaid on the school playground by about 12-15 blacks after two of them engaged us in friendly conversation. before we knew it, we were surrounded and jumped by blacks that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Bronk on the Westcoast it sounded like this:

A fight, a fight, and N****r and white, the white can't fight, so the N****r is all right.

Yeah, that slogan changed when I slammed my fist/foot into their mouths and they ran away crying. Good times without any after thought of being smoked by a firearm, but that was the late 70s and early 80s. The times are a different now.


Apr 13, 2005
Ah, Westside, veeeeeery interesting.

The blacks also had a taunt:

white patty, white patty,
you don't shine,
you got bumps on your bootie,
like Frankenstein!

Anything similar to that on the West Coast?

Because the mob liked to join in, my friend Jay and I liked to catch them one-on-one in the boy's bathroom. One of us would rush them in a stall while the other held the stall door closed and watched for teachers. We'd beat their ass while they crapped their pants. We'd then run tell the teach that X had defecated himself and subject him to numerous fecal jokes. The ignominy of having to be sent home because they had crapped their drawers was added payback.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Bronk on the Westcoast it sounded like this:

A fight, a fight, and N****r and white, the white can't fight, so the N****r is all right.

Yeah, that slogan changed when I slammed my fist/foot into their mouths and they ran away crying. Good times without any after thought of being smoked by a firearm, but that was the late 70s and early 80s. The times are a different now.

Same chant in Detroit. And yes blacks were notorious for ganging up on white kids. I remember a scrap with a black kid that I was winning until a bunch of other blacks jumped in, unfortunately for them my two older brothers rode up on their bikes just as that happened and it was hell to pay. I never seen negroes run so fast, must be where the sterotype of them being so fast comes from.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Same here. My first experience of being ganged up on was the first day of first grade. That was the first year the schools were integrated with blacks into an all white school by being bussed in from the other side of the city.

Two black kids tried to steal my jacket after school and I ended up fighting them both and although I got a busted lip from one slinging my own jacket at me, I fought back and got my jacket back as they ran off.

My brother was sent home from high school numerous times for defending himself against attacks by 2,3,4,5 blacks trying to steal anything from his lunch money to clothes, but I'll tell you, he was alot tougher than I was and usually ended up whipping most of their a$$e$!

On another note, I got into some scuffles with white kids too, but never by more than one at a time. If you had a problem with another kid, we went out behind this bakery across from the school and settled it one on one.

Just my experience. Anyone else have similar experiences?


Apr 13, 2005
I noticed that blacks followed the path of least resistance, i.e. whites who fought back were generally left alone, whites who fought well were made friends with, sometimes in an effort to co-opt them into ganging up on weaker whites or black enemies.

Once whites with a reputation for toughness took the offensive (which was rare) blacks often scattered. But not always.

My friend Jay was a tough mother -- really tough. He had to leave the school because older black kids from the neighborhood had targeted him. That's what the jumping in the playground that I described above was about. The gang was mostly older kids and they asked him his name. When he confirmed who he was, they attacked. Fortunately, some adults saw what was happening and the jumping was really over before it began. I later realized that Jay and I could have been seriously done over.
Sep 1, 2011
Ill try and keep this brief. I used to date a grl 4 years ago who had this 18 year old cousin Kyle. The dude was intelligent , athletic, well respected and just the nicest damn kid I have ever met. Back in December of 2006 Kyle , his beautiful girlfriend and Kyle's mom were at the Carousel Mall in Syracuse , NY Christmas shopping. Four black guys started following Kyle's girlfriend around trying to ask her out. When she walked away they started yelling at her and started calling her deragatory names. Kyle stepped in and tried to defuse the situation. He wound up pushing one of the guys and when they grappled and went to the ground and Kyle had the upper hand the other 3 scumbags jumped in. It got so bad Kyle's mom had to jump in and she got punched. Kyle lost 2 teeth and had a broken eye socket.
Im not big into our fake " wars " but I just found out last June 30th that Kyle was killed by an IED in Afghanistan on what was supposed to be his last mission. You can disagree with me as to why we are over there but America lost a great white patriot risking his life 4 our country while these 4 black scumbags are probably in jail/prison or out living on welfare or out committing more crimes. We shouldint call these people African Americans as they arent Americans, they are out for themselves. Its quite a country we live in.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I appreciate y'all sharing the racial conflicts you have been involved with or close to. The worst racial conflict I was involved with didn't include a chance for me to fight back. All I could do was try to keep my sanity, and that was tough for quite a while. When an entire negro-filled system is lined up against you, it has to be one of the lowest feelings there is. I do take some satisfaction in seeing the lives and homes of the involved negroes falling apart due to their own kind being in charge.


Apr 13, 2005
Drunkblackfan: Sorry to hear about Kyle. It's a good reason why we should not fight for the empire. All of Iraq and Afghanistan aren't worth a single Kyle.

Colonel: Keeping your sanity in such a degraded state as a negro-dominated school day after day is far tougher than having to go toe-to-toe physically with anybody. I could at least hit back, you had to endure worse things.

I was lucky to grow up in a time when boys played outside all day; football, baseball and wargames in the heat and the cold, the sun and the rain. We used to jump out of trees onto each other with rubber knives in our teeth. We swarmed the neighborhood with plastic tommy guns and M-16s fighting mock battles. We also fought with our fists as a way of seeing who the toughest were. White kids don't do any of that anymore. They don't even sell toy guns in the stores today and if a kid asked for one, he'd be sent to the nearest headshrinker as a potential Dylan Klebold. Some of this change is due to technology but some of it is a wholesale change in attitudes.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Same chant in Detroit. And yes blacks were notorious for ganging up on white kids. I remember a scrap with a black kid that I was winning until a bunch of other blacks jumped in, unfortunately for them my two older brothers rode up on their bikes just as that happened and it was hell to pay. I never seen negroes run so fast, must be where the sterotype of them being so fast comes from.

Growing up in NW GA, our chant was...

"Fight, fight! N199er & a White..."
"N199er wins, we all jump in...."
"White wins, we whoop n199er @$$ again!" :biggrin:

As stated above, the grodians are only "brave" when they have numbers...&/or a weapon.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
The school I went to was about 97% white. Any fight I was in or saw was always one on one. Anything else would have violated our sense of fair play, which the other races evidently aren't wired for.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thanks Bronk, but I wasn't talking about a school. One of my relatives had to endure going to an elementary school with a lot of negroes though. They would regularly come up behind him and kick the back of his knees so he'd fall down, among other things. He wouldn't have been going to that school in the first place if it hadn't been for a divorce and as soon as his dad saw what was going on, he made sure that he was taken out of that school. Let's just say that my own worst experience had to do with a largely unjust system that doesn't care about any individual, especially White ones.


Apr 13, 2005
The school I went to was about 97% white. Any fight I was in or saw was always one on one. Anything else would have violated our sense of fair play, which the other races evidently aren't wired for.

Exactly right.

In the neighborhood there were unwritten rules about fighting that were meant to keep things fair and above board. Sometimes things got out of hand in fights where grudges reigned. I learned pretty quickly that blacks didn't have those codes.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Where I grew up in Southern California, the suburbs had very few blacks. It wasn't until I was in high school that the area demographics had changed with the addition of not blacks, but Mexicans. Mexicans also exhibit a pack mentality when it comes to fighting.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Where I grew up in Southern California, the suburbs had very few blacks. It wasn't until I was in high school that the area demographics had changed with the addition of not blacks, but Mexicans. Mexicans also exhibit a pack mentality when it comes to fighting.

...You mean a cowardice "mentality".