Recent non-PC Movies

I think I recommended it a couple of years ago on another thread, but The Conjuring is remarkably non-PC. The heroes are married white males who bravely rescue their wives and children, and the only Dindu in the entire movie is at the very beginning as an FBI agent, and he's sort of an ass. There's a semi-heroic Asian character, who is a secondary player, and not too obnoxious. Oh, and it's super creepy. The director is an Asian, and I don't think there's a certain type of name anywhere near the top of the credits. Bizarre.
I just watched a good thriller starring Tom Cruise: Jack Reacher

Nothing anti-white or PC in this one.

I just watched this one because of your rec and although there's a few silly things in it, I thought it was quite good and very enjoyable. It's better than its score. I think people have an irrational hatred of Tom Cruise which causes his movies to be unfairly rated.

Another recent action movie that's unfairly rated is "Dredd," the one that came out in 2012. That's the best action movie in a long time. There's a mistaken belief that it ripped off a smaller budget Asian film called "The Raid," when the opposite is true, The Raid ripped off the leaked script of Dredd. I think that's probably the chief reason it's rated relatively low. It's now rated lower than John Wick which I thought was pretty terrible.
The Raid and Dredd both got low ratings from mainstream critics and both are good movies.