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"The better paying Sport garners the better athlete ."

And this bullsh*t has been done to death. Let me see here, Tiger Woods makes good money on the golf circuit, therefore he's a better athlete than a MMA fighter or most boxers....hmmm, doesn't quite work does it? You could say the same aboutt the many Olympic athletes who are tops in pure athleticism in their respective fields, the greatest in speed, strength, or edurance, but don't get paid nearly as well as your NFL or NBA players. In fact, by this isane measurement, nearly any proffesional ball player is superior to nearly any fighter in ANY discipline because of his superior paycheck, which is just an insult to the fights sports. I mean please, people box/kickbox/MMA because they don't have what it takes to play with balls all day? If anything, it would be the other the NBA/NFL/MLB types don't have the abilities or the "balls" to hang in a fightsport.

The truth is, if some ******* boxer could step into the UFC and make himself champion, he would, for bragging rights alone. I think the majority of '****** are smart enough to realize they should stick to boxing or basketball, however.
White_Savage said:
Jimmerson was beaten by Royce Gracie, who doesn't compare well to the best MMA champions of today, so it was a fair boxing vrs. jujitsu/mma test. And it's been done repeatedly since then. Besides, the way you talk, any boxer who retains a shred of competence should be able to win against MMA fighters, right?

And how many boxers can make $50,000 dollars for one nights work? What % of boxers have the name recognition of Gracie, Ortiz, Couture, Liddell? As I say, if there was some "Great Black hope" who could easily step out of the boxing ring and sweep the NHB world, he would. Ain't gonna happen. Maurice Smith did something abit like this, but he was a world-class kickboxer, and all his victories basically came from A. grapplers not respecting kickboxing skills, and B. Referess standing the fight back up after Mo got put on his back. As soon as great MMA fighters, like Couture, figured you have to learn to deal with kickboxing, he no longer stood a chance. A boxer with even fewer tools to work with than a kickboxer stands almost no chance.

The difference you don't want to admit is simply in a real fight the superior p4p strength, endurance, and intelligence of the white athlete is more than enough to make up for the long primate arms and flat facial features that give ******** such an advantage in boxing.
Jimmerson was NOBODY in boxing at the time he entered the UFC he was'nt even elite or very good when he was in his prime.

Once we see a true elite top in his prime boxerget beaten in MMA then we will talk. Not washed up bums who cant make it in boxing anymore.
White_Savage said:
"The better paying Sport garners the better athlete ."

And this bullsh*t has been done to death. Let me see here, Tiger Woods makes good money on the golf circuit, therefore he's a better athlete than a MMA fighter or most boxers....hmmm, doesn't quite work does it? You could say the same aboutt the many Olympic athletes who are tops in pure athleticism in their respective fields, the greatest in speed, strength, or edurance, but don't get paid nearly as well as your NFL or NBA players. In fact, by this isane measurement, nearly any proffesional ball player is superior to nearly any fighter in ANY discipline because of his superior paycheck, which is just an insult to the fights sports. I mean please, people box/kickbox/MMA because they don't have what it takes to play with balls all day? If anything, it would be the other the NBA/NFL/MLB types don't have the abilities or the "balls" to hang in a fightsport.

The truth is, if some ******* boxer could step into the UFC and make himself champion, he would, for bragging rights alone. I think the majority of '****** are smart enough to realize they should stick to boxing or basketball, however.
I meant the fighting arts

Boxing is the TOP paying fighting sport out there . Therefore it is logical that the best athletes who have the talent gravitate to the sport.

If you had a guy who could choose between making it in boxing or MMA and had the talent to make it to the the top i n both . He will chose boxing the BETTER paying sport.Edited by: fistfighter
You still haven't answered me. Why are the 95% of boxers who AREN'T getting famous and filthy rich in boxing not entering MMA events and cleaning up? The reason is they CAN'T, they would get their clocks cleaned, and they know it. Screw your economic bullsh*t, the truth is the guys wan to be known as the toughest on the planet enter MMA, the less tough go in for one of the lesser sports, like boxing or kick-boxing.
A little translation here btw folks.

By "talent pool", faux-fighter means ****er pool. I guess seeing Goodrich, Randleman, Jackson, Newton, Eastman and every other ******* who tries NHB overshadowed by their white counterparts is hard on 'em, I mean it's not like they have anything to fall back on once of the myth of their "physical superiority" is disproved.
Once we see a true elite top in his prime boxer get beaten in MMA then we will talk.

But, according to you, that will never happen because there's no economic incentive to do so. That's very convenient for you now isn't it?!
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