RB -- Beau Blankenship

tough j? Was this meant for the Kansas thread?
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Rob mentioned Felon Jacques Crawford. I hate to be a heartless jerk, but I hope that Crawford kid dislocates a knee cap. Why you may ask? Not because he's black, but because he is a socio-path who forced a 15 year old white girl to perform oral on him with another black friend when he was 17 and was initially charged with child endangerment, child rape and aggravated child assault . Then the stupid prosecutor plead it down to just "aggravated assault". If this kid didn't have black privilege there is no way he would have a scholarship for football right now.

This snake of a human being Crawford hasn't changed IMO and has an ego so big he will complain and complain if he is a second teamer to the much faster shiftier "white boy" Jake Sharp. If Mangino allows this Crawford "monster" to start he is the biggest caste whore in the industry. Let's hope Crawford blows out a knee or gets arrested again for burglary etc.

I mostly agree with much of what you said here Riggins. But this is a pretty hard-line post for one of Caste Football's most well known moderates. I usually don't root for injuries in sports and have disdain for others that do but in Crawford's case I will gladly make the exception if the facts you laid out are true.Edited by: guest301
guest301 said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Rob mentioned Felon Jacques Crawford. I hate to be a heartless jerk, but I hope that Crawford kid dislocates a knee cap. Why you may ask? Not because he's black, but because he is a socio-path who forced a 15 year old white girl to perform oral on him with another black friend when he was 17 and was initially charged with child endangerment, child rape and aggravated child assault . Then the stupid prosecutor plead it down to just "aggravated assault". If this kid didn't have black privilege there is no way he would have a scholarship for football right now.

This snake of a human being Crawford hasn't changed IMO and has an ego so big he will complain and complain if he is a second teamer to the much faster shiftier "white boy" Jake Sharp. If Mangino allows this Crawford "monster" to start he is the biggest caste whore in the industry. Let's hope Crawford blows out a knee or gets arrested again for burglary etc.

I mostly agree with much of what you said here Riggins. But this is a pretty hard-line post for one of Caste Football's most well known moderates. I usually don't root for injuries in sports and have disdain for others that do but in Crawford's case I will gladly make the exception if the facts you laid out are true.

Yeah the dislocates a knee cap was probably a bit harsh, (I should have at least said sprains an ankle) that is a very serious injury. I was in a very bad mood when I made that post. But the situation is still quite sick. I do obviously hope the guy has changed and that Sharp will rightfully claim his starting job this season b/c he is so talented. If Crawford has truly cleaned up his act and starts next season, if Sharp goes to the NFL like I hope, than that is fine.

I for some reason just have the feeling that Crawford is the type the feels entitled even though he is very lucky to still not be in jail. If he was convicted of all the charges against him, still being in jail would not be out of the question. I read an interview with him and he seemed quite cocky, the type that might be angry about a white guy in front of him at a black mans chosen position stealing his limelight. I just got carried away with the last post following the lead of some other similar posts I had seen. Hopefully it will all work out fairly in some way or another without any "dislocated knee caps".
BTW the only reason I brought up the fact that the victim was a white girl, which I heard from some other message board it was, is because if it was two white 17 year olds guys forcing a 15 year old black girl to perform oral on them (one of who was going on to possibly replace an impressive, already established and improving black QB) it would be huge headline news.

The media would likely call it a juvenile hate crime and they would come out in hoards in support of the black QB, and rightfully so, keeping his job. Basically all crimes are hate crimes, but Crawford should probably still be in jail, not possibly illegitimately stealing the job of IMO one of the top 10 RBs in Division IA who happens to be white!

Edited to add: I have faith Sharp can impress enough if he gets a chance, to be projected to go in the first 3 to 4 rounds of the NFL draft. But he will have to stay very "Sharp" if he wants to keep his job.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Is Iowa State in the Big 12? The midland conferences are really starting to get some white RBs! Now we just need some more in the SEC, Big East! Things are looking up a little!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Yeah, Iowa State is Big 12. They started a white FB, Ryan Kock, in 2006, and he did very well as the main runner. Hopefully Beau can be used as a RB as much or more than Kock was that year.
Signs with Iowa State

Beau Blankenship grew up dreaming of being a Division I tailback. That's why he never sold his soul to any particular school. He wanted to keep his options open and his attitude up.

So when his hometown Oklahoma Sooners didn't come calling, the shortish Norman North tailback wasn't disappointed.

Blankenship signed with Iowa State on Wednesday and will get the chance to be a Big 12 tailback.

"Playing in the Big 12 has been a dream of mine," Blankenship said. "It's more than I could have hoped for."

Blankenship grew up a fan of running backs. Old-school Earl Campbell. New-school Adrian Peterson, Shon Greene, Knowshon Moreno and, last but not least, Maurice Jones-Drew.

The Carolina Panthers tailback has rushed for 2,533 yards in his three NFL seasons despite standing only 5-foot-7.

Blankenship understands why bigger-name schools didn't come courting.

"First of all, I'm white," Blankenship said. "And I'm 5-8. I've always played with a chip on my shoulder."

Blankenship rushed for over 5,000 yards the last three seasons at North. Iowa State recruited him early and Blankenship committed last summer.

"He loved his trip, loved the situation up there," said North coach Lance Manning. "They got the best running back out of Oklahoma."

Not even a coaching change tempered Blankenship's enthusiasm. Gene Chizik resigned to become the coach at Auburn, but new coach Paul Rhoads hired former Sooner player and coach Kenith Pope to lead the Iowa State running backs, and Blankenship was sold on Pope's visit to Norman.

"I'm really excited," Blankenship said. "I'm ready to get up there and start playing.

"They've got some of the best fans I've ever seen. All new facilities. I fell in love with it."
This kid has guts I hope he tears it up at Iowa State, and kicks the brotha's behinds while racking up yard after yard. Way to tell it like it is Beau.
Mike said:
Signs with Iowa State

"First of all, I'm white," Blankenship said. "And I'm 5-8. I've always played with a chip on my shoulder."

Good for this kid for speaking up and for telling how it really is. He knows these D1 schools don't want nothing to do with a white RB and it takes balls to speak from the heart to tell that to a newspaper reporter as a 18 yr old. Where are the other white football players at on this issue? Now the sad part is if it was racism towards a black kid the media would be all over it and Jesse jackson would be wreaking havoc. Nope there's no sympathy from the press when it comes to whitey getting a raw deal.

As a side note this article should for sure be on the caste football myspace page.Edited by: whiteCB
i really like this young man's attitude.

i found a tv news profile on Beau on YouTube. it is worth watching. also, his coach has some very kind words to say about his player.
whiteCB, you are right about it needing to go on the CF Myspace page. Only trouble is, I don't have constant access to it. There are two articles I would like to post right now but can't. Any volunteers too help out with the page for a while?

Beau, you are a real man for speaking the truth about the situation! I and many others will be pulling for you. Great job on recruiting and signing him as a TB, Iowa State. Now play him!
Man is thiskid good. Another rb with amazing moves, cuts, power and speed. Off course sites like Rivals and others will say he lacks the hip movement. What a joke. Iowa State is getting a great running back that can do it all. I will be watching some Cyclone Football for sure. Congrats Beau. You deserve it!
It's difficult to post a link because the URL is so long but everyone here should really read his ESPN scouting report to stay up on just how insidious they really are.

"...lacks an impressive blend of size and speed." Weighing 207 pounds at 5'8" makes him far thicker than most starting tailbacks in the NCAA and he runs a 4.47. How is that not an impressive "blend of size and speed"?

"...productive runner who grows on you."
Yeah, rushing for over 2,000 yards is great productivity. It complements his natural athleticism well. He's impressive right from the start. He doesn't need to "grow" on anybody unless they came with racist assumptions and faulty stereotypes.

"Overall Blankenship is a bit of an overachiever; he lacks great measurables..."
How is a 375 bench, 570 squat, and 4.47 forty for a high school kid not a great line of measurables?

"...a determined runner and highly productive at the high school level."
Wow...just wow. I suppose his extraordinary stats, weight room measurables, and forty time are all due to his "determination" rather than athletic prowess. I suppose, also, that it was necessary to mention that he's only done this at the "high school level". As compared to what?! He's a HIGH SCHOOL kid. It's funny how the "high school level" tag never comes up when assessing black kids, no matter how small the level of competition they compete against may be.

They just refuse to deviate from the script no matter how obviously the script proves to be absurd.
Edited by: Latspread
Excellent post Latspread! I did a similar one last year showing how absolutely ridiculously factitious they were in their McGuffie scouting report.

Any fan should be able to see right through it. Latspread if you haven't already read them read the McGuffie and Brandon Wegher ESPN write-ups; you might have to have a barf-bag ready, b/c you are going to see outright pathological lying.
Latspead and Tough J, the problem with people giving subjective descriptions is that they often don't know what they're talking about. As for nearly every athlete they are describing, they always have to come up with a downside. To add to that, adjectives and descriptions spread by word of mouth without actual objective criticism of performance. So everybody claims someone's an overachiever, then most will start to say it too which causes a chain reaction. Also, many times a player will start to believe themselves.

I remember reading a description of a player who's best quality was his tackling ability. But low and behold, the description said tackling needs improvement!

Of course the downsides for whites and blacks are reversed in the write ups. Subjective decisions don't have to reflect reality. I think it's actually physically hard for a writer to say a white player has elite speed, or great leaping ability even when it's true, because the thoughts that whites don't have this is so far ingrained in the mind. That's why it's important for us to change the prevailing dynamic, by emphasising the great athletic abilities of whites. When we get enough with our thinking in education, in the media, moviemaking, etc. the thoughts will start to change.
Great point Electric Slide! Many of the descriptions of athletes that I hear or read are just flat out wrong. We have to be very careful in perpetuating these incorrect evaluations about white players.
This guy has similar measurables and physical build to Maurice Jones-Drew and hits like a bowling ball just like MJD. Blankenship is a very good prospect! He should be in every scouting service's top 25 RBs in the nation IMO.
Thanks Riggins. I think I have read Wegher and McGuffie's reports before. I know I've read Storm Klein's and a couple of others. They're just ridiculous and not worth reading except for a good laugh or to fuel our fire.

Electric Slide; I agree with what you say but I think some of these people are more insidious (as I said before) than some may believe. It may be that they have internalized negative stereotypes about White athletes and thus go into an "evaluation" with a decided bias. However, many of the statements that they make are so obviously false that even someone who accepts these stereotypes would never make them. As has been pointed out before, often times these "scouts" will actually contradict themselves within one report, or even one sentence. It's as if they are given talking points from a their higher ups and are mandated to tag White athletes with certain disclaimers.

For example, a DWF may be surprised to find a 6'5" 225 pound White athlete who runs a 4.3 forty yard dash but even he (the astonished DWF) wouldn't suggest that this athlete "lacks the size and speed to compete at the next level" would he? I don't believe that he would unless he had an agenda to promote and yet we see this kind of absurd statement being made all of the time in regards to White athletes.

I think its more than just an acceptance of stereotypes but rather a cognizant effort to perpetuate these obviously (even to the DWF to some extent) false stereotypes. I agree that many have these beliefs ingrained and we can do much by proving them wrong but it seems to me that there are those who have a vested interest in promoting these false beliefs.
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