rationale for perverse black fetishism


Sep 19, 2012
World of ****
With apologies in advance, I've been itching to discuss one of my all-time favorite blog posts regarding the perverted affinity for negro virility and physical prominence amongst "white" media and our "DWF" untermensch . We are all sports fans here, having both savored our own fond memories from younger, more care-free days and doling out deserved credit for impressive feats of dedication and athleticism. I am quite firmly among this crowd! Even if my metrics are higher in a few areas (being fat, lifting big weights, etc), I know better than to ever call myself more "athletic" than when I was anchoring my high school relay.

Strip down the presupposition and let's discuss those who would willingly denigrate young white athletes on purpose with an ulterior motive. With World Cup soccer as a judge, Italy and Spain have benefited from incorporating fewer Turks, Africans, and Arabs into their midst. (i'm sure they already garner bullseyes)


(G)enerally, I think assertions by non-blacks that black men are hypermasculine and/or immensely attractive to white women and/or preternaturally "cool" tend to have more to do with ethnic and status competition among non-blacks than they have to do with blacks. Statements of this sort typically come from one of three groups:

  • non-Northern European ethnics
  • nerds
  • middle-aged men

Strong allegation, so let's just replace "non-NW Euros" with "non-Euros", in consideration of those past World Cup mainstays.

The Jewish man may feel physically inadequate compared to both white men and black men; but whites have things he wants and are viewed as serious competitors, while blacks are not -- so the choice of which group to elevate (in areas where the Jewish man is not seriously competing to begin with) and which to tear down is easy. Thus we get Howard Stern, "Blacks on Blondes" (a porn director notes the trouble he has finding suitable male "talent" for the site since "The Producer is very picky about size"), Bob Arum, etc.


Certain highly asthenic types or others who lack physical confidence would like to see the physical realm consigned to blacks for fairly obvious reasons. They believe whites should compete only in areas where they feel comfortable (e.g., intellectually), or they feel better believing their condition is a general feature of whites rather than a personal one of their own. They likely envy (or envied) athletic and popular white kids, and don't view blacks as real competitors. They may in fact identify with blacks as fellow outcasts and insist that blacks are "cool" and whites are "uncool", or that black men are highly sexually attractive and white men are sexually unattractive.

Middle-aged men:

Declining testosterone and physical attractiveness (and presumably sexual performance) may lead to outcomes similar to those mentioned above. These types would prefer whites compete only in the intellectual and financial realms. See, among others, Guessedworker.

Needless to say, sports writers, coaches, and recruiters commonly fall into one or more of these categories, explaining some of the glee with which they often insist only blacks can be real athletes.

Nerds, outsiders, and jealous old men account for the ranks of 'caste journalism'. Unfortunately, their association (and inevitable majority) impugns the rest of us - the normals.
This is something I've been trying to understand for several years, in fact a couple of years ago I made a thread here asking "why".

This definitely sheds light on the problem. I find every negro-worshipping white man I've come across fits into one of the three categories you mentioned.

I think some nerds suffer from self-loathing and project their own feelings of inadequacy onto white athletes.
Very thoughtful and informative discussion, and for the most part I am in complete agreement with the points made by Phall. You brought up the notion of sexual competition and how it relates to white self-hatred, and I feel that has a lot to do with it.

White males who are insecure and inadequate in their own life (for whatever reason) will thus project their own insecurities onto stronger, more confident, more successful white males in an attempt to discredit their competition, and justify their own shortcomings. They don't see themselves as competing with Negroes, because, for the most part, races tend to date/marry/reproduce within their own race.

In this forum, Happy Hour, you'll notice a thread I made a few days ago, entitled "My Experiences as a Student in Canada from 95-11; Recalling a curriculum of white guilt, white child abuse, and biased history". In that thread I recollect my personal experiences in the Canadian Public School System and it is my belief that the school system abuses and brainwashes young white children to hate themselves by presenting to them skewed versions of history. As a student in Grade 3, I was essentially taught that the white man was evil, and as a white person, my ancestors were undeniable oppressors and responsible for absolutely everything wrong with the world. I was taught this, year after year after year. A lot of white kids totally receive that propaganda and even later on in life show effects of that (ie becoming Negro apologists, Negro sympathizers, minority rights champions, "liberal" whites). School systems are very effective in making white children hate themselves and thus begins a white self-hatred and white guilt complex at a very young age.

Personally, I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I am a very confident, handsome, non-apologetic young white man and I notice even within my own family I have male cousins that I would say hate me on some level because of that. The male cousin I am referring to is a married man, in his 30's, and he just seems really insecure. I believe in his entire life he's only had one sexual partner (his wife), and to me it just seems like he projects his own insecurities in life onto me and other white men. Ive also heard him on his facebook publicly speak out against white men, he said something along the lines that "old white men control all the wealth in the world, and there should be a redistribution to poorer parts". He also uses whatever opportunity he can to publicly speak out against how oppressive white males are/were. During the past election he vocally supported Obama and celebrated on his Facebook when Romney lost. How pathetic is that? He definitely falls into the "nerdy" category. He is my cousin, but I have no respect for this type of man. He is entirely self hating and *hates his own race* out of his own insecurities and inadequacies. I believe he also hates me because I exhibit confidence.

I don't have a problem with nerdy people, or loserish type people thats totally fine. But don't hate your own race, and project your insecurities onto others because of that.

I think some nerds suffer from self-loathing and project their own feelings of inadequacy onto white athletes.

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Very thoughtful and informative discussion, and for the most part I am in complete agreement with the points made by Phall. You brought up the notion of sexual competition and how it relates to white self-hatred, and I feel that has a lot to do with it.

White males who are insecure and inadequate in their own life (for whatever reason) will thus project their own insecurities onto stronger, more confident, more successful white males in an attempt to discredit their competition, and justify their own shortcomings. They don't see themselves as competing with Negroes, because, for the most part, races tend to date/marry/reproduce within their own race.

In this forum, Happy Hour, you'll notice a thread I made a few days ago, entitled "My Experiences as a Student in Canada from 95-11; Recalling a curriculum of white guilt, white child abuse, and biased history". In that thread I recollect my personal experiences in the Canadian Public School System and it is my belief that the school system abuses and brainwashes young white children to hate themselves by presenting to them skewed versions of history. As a student in Grade 3, I was essentially taught that the white man was evil, and as a white person, my ancestors were undeniable oppressors and responsible for absolutely everything wrong with the world. I was taught this, year after year after year. A lot of white kids totally receive that propaganda and even later on in life show effects of that (ie becoming Negro apologists, Negro sympathizers, minority rights champions, "liberal" whites). School systems are very effective in making white children hate themselves and thus begins a white self-hatred and white guilt complex at a very young age.

Personally, I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I am a very confident, handsome, non-apologetic young white man and I notice even within my own family I have male cousins that I would say hate me on some level because of that. The male cousin I am referring to is a married man, in his 30's, and he just seems really insecure. I believe in his entire life he's only had one sexual partner (his wife), and to me it just seems like he projects his own insecurities in life onto me and other white men. Ive also heard him on his facebook publicly speak out against white men, he said something along the lines that "old white men control all the wealth in the world, and there should be a redistribution to poorer parts". He also uses whatever opportunity he can to publicly speak out against how oppressive white males are/were. During the past election he vocally supported Obama and celebrated on his Facebook when Romney lost. How pathetic is that? He definitely falls into the "nerdy" category. He is my cousin, but I have no respect for this type of man. He is entirely self hating and *hates his own race* out of his own insecurities and inadequacies. I believe he also hates me because I exhibit confidence.

I don't have a problem with nerdy people, or loserish type people thats totally fine. But don't hate your own race, and project your insecurities onto others because of that.


We have been made out to be evil by just about every race and that my friend is the problem. Other races stick together when they have to, we don't.
non-Northern European ethnics
middle-aged men

I would add a fourth category: homosexuals and closeted homosexuals. Much of DWF negrophilia has a gay tone to it.
I don't know about the definition of "nerds" here. Nerds tend to like science fiction, Lord of the Rings, comic books, etc..., which are all very white. Effeminate, little, hipster, closet-cases is more like it.

One of the links in the original post actually addresses the source of a lot this stuff: the myth of the mighty, negro genitalia. Make no mistake, it's probably 80% of what supports the CM agenda. The other 20% is a mixture of younger black men generally carrying less body fat, darker skin showing muscle definition better (white football players at the NFL combine need to tan!!!), and the general idea that beasts are more physically gifted than humans (though the little, gay hipsters don't see it that way).
In this forum, Happy Hour, you'll notice a thread I made a few days ago, entitled "My Experiences as a Student in Canada from 95-11; Recalling a curriculum of white guilt, white child abuse, and biased history". In that thread I recollect my personal experiences in the Canadian Public School System and it is my belief that the school system abuses and brainwashes young white children to hate themselves by presenting to them skewed versions of history. As a student in Grade 3, I was essentially taught that the white man was evil, and as a white person, my ancestors were undeniable oppressors and responsible for absolutely everything wrong with the world. I was taught this, year after year after year. A lot of white kids totally receive that propaganda and even later on in life show effects of that (ie becoming Negro apologists, Negro sympathizers, minority rights champions, "liberal" whites). School systems are very effective in making white children hate themselves and thus begins a white self-hatred and white guilt complex at a very young age.

I've long maintained that white children have been and are the victims of systematic child abuse based on race. It's blatant.

I have a sense of disbelief that liberal white parents don't even care about their children anymore, only black children.

I think another explanation for the worship of negros is simply that whites have been trained to do so. Unforunately they've also been trained to resist thinking about anti-white racism and to attack those who try to discuss it with them.
I consider myself a Lord of the Rings nerd and I bet I could whip the tar out of anybody on this site. Well maybe.
I consider myself a Lord of the Rings nerd and I bet I could whip the tar out of anybody on this site. Well maybe.

At the risk of highjacking the thread, I bet I could whip the tar out of anybody on this site at Lord of the Rings trivia! Just kidding (sort of, I really do know my stuff).

Actually, as it relates to this thread, there seems to be an idea in the black-worshiping culture that dumb=masculine. I think it's intentional in one way, and not in another. Here's what I mean: It's intentional in the feminist way of portraying (white) men to be idiots. That's on purpose, and is plain as day. The unintentional manifestation is that the men who are most often portrayed as being masculine are black, and most of them are dumb as dirt, no matter how hard the media tries. So, subconsciously, black=masculine=stupid. If all men are dumb in the popular mindset, then it makes it easier for white women to accept the 80 I.Q. black guy that the popular culture says she should desire.

Speaking from personal experience, if you have an advanced vocabulary, there are a decent number of people who will assume you are gay. The conditioning is such that an unattractive to average looking white guy who is smart is a nerd; if he's good looking or muscular, and smart, then he must be gay. Almost necessarily, the black-worshiping culture has to struggle with brains. You can't be white, straight, smart, and able to out-lift most of the people at the gym, because the CM agenda doesn't have a slot for you.
Old but fascinating, I came to similar conclusions on my own, this might shed light on many things including the salivating over black athletes and some of the propagation of the caste system as well as certain attitudes within the right such as Steve Sailer. I also see certain ethnic groups using blacks as a coping mechanism for inadequacies compared to whites. Certain groups such as nerds or urban leftists making their weakliness a racial trait.
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This is why I think it's imperative that we build up white athletes to other whites whenever possible. Whenever someone mentions sports to me I take the opportunity to talk positively about a white athlete.
Another interesting blog post about elements of the right who wish to hand over traditional masculinity to other groups and subscribe to the smart = docile; dumb = masculine ideology and the supposed inherent meekness of whites. In their mind if you create successful nations with the best living conditions you must then be a wimp to balance it out, this is of course then applied to athletics.

HBD Wimp-Centered View of History

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