Randy Johnson

White Lightning

Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
I just wanted to start a post about one of my favorite pitchers.Randy Johnson won again tonight for the NY Yankees.He has been nothing short of amazing for a couple of decades now.I love Clemens & Maddux too.Johnson is now 15-8 after another outstanding game this evening.He is truely a ageless wonder!With the win,
the Yankees moved back into first place with only 2 weeks of baseball left.It the Yankees are going to get back to the World Series,it will be with one of the greatest pitchers that has ever lived!
I can't wait to see Randy pitching next weekend in Fenway Park with the division title at stake.There are very few big game pitches like the Big Unit.Go Johnson!
Howdy White Lightning! Great Post for a Great Pitcher!
I'm a Randy Johnson fan too, and hope he prospers in the post-season. Glad to see him growl at reporters. They deserve it.
Even on a bad "stuff"night Randy J. is almost unhittable. The Yanks were smart to pay his price. With Mussina, the two make a dominant pitching pair, as good or better than Pettitte and Clemens
I was lucky enough to see his no hitter with the D-backs.I have the utmost respect for him.He is still throwing his fast ball in the high 90's and has a killer slider.He makes some of the hitters look like little kids playing T-ball for the first time.lol.
Just as I said it would be.Randy Johnson wins again today in Boston to lead the Yankees to their 8th consecutive division title!Randy had 8 strikeouts and only gave up 3 runs.Way to go Johnson.
Johnson beat the Red Sox five times this season! That is one impressive feat. I don't like the Yankees since they went Caste System, but I'll always root for Randy Johnson, one of the most amazing athletes ever in any sport.
I know that most of us here don't like the Yankees because of their lack of white players but I will be rooting for them tommorow with Randy Johnson on the mound.I just can't root against this guy.I have been lucky enough in my life time to see around 5 of the greatest pitchers that ever lived.Steve Carlton,Nolan Ryan,Greg Maddux,Roger Clemens and Randy Johnson.I love his attitude and will remember his competetiveness many years from now.I wish him well as his career is winding down to a close.It will be great to see him along with the others go into the Baseball Hall of Fame!
Here's a nasty hit job on Randy Johnson by something named Filip Bondy of the New York Daily News. Johnson has no redeeming values as a pitcher or a human being according to this schmuck. Johnson is so bad that he even compares unfavorably to long-time jerk Pedro Martinez:

"Whenever we think of Johnson, we also think about Pedro Martinez, and about what it means to be a New York athlete. They were both future Hall of Fame pitchers on the downside when they came to New York in 2005, at extremely high market prices and at a great gamble to the buyers. Few will complain about Pedro, who pitched his heart out and helped to change the whole tone of the Mets' clubhouse. Martinez brought light and fun to Shea before he fell apart. The Big Unit brought only his dark disposition. He has won 34 games -- 10 more than Martinez in two seasons.. ."

So Martinez, previously a clubhouse cancer type, outperformed Johnson as a "New York athlete" as a leader and apparently as a pitcher even though he won ten fewer games than Johnson over two seasons. If Martinez is now a "clubhouse leader" it's only because so much of the Mets roster consists of Martinez's fellow hispanics.

Bondy never mentions that Randy Johnson is now 43 years of age. 34 wins in two seasons at that age -- especially from a flame thrower -- is remarkable, but the Yankees need to run the "scowling" Johnson out of town. (For every white athlete who "scowls" there are many dozens of black ones who seem to wear a semi-permanent one.)

It's the same "why the hell haven't you retired yet" attitude that the media has for Roger Clemens. The Sporting News' baseball writer argued two issues ago that the Astros should jettison Craig Biggio -- a great player and role model who is on the verge of achieving 3,000 hits -- because he has "lost a step." Duh, how many 41 year olds haven't lost a step? How many non-whites ever play baseball at a high level into their 40s?

All-time great white players are annoyances to the media. Instead of being honored and appreciated for their accomplishments they're to just get the hell off the stage and make way for the non-whites who are taking their place in sports and society at large.[url]www.nydaily news.com/sports/col/bondy/+Filip+Bondy&hl=en&gl=us&a mp;a mp;ct=clnk&cd=1[/url]
Don Wassall said:
All-time great white players are annoyances to the media. Instead of being honored and appreciated for their accomplishments they're to just get the hell off the stage and make way for the non-whites who are taking their place in sports and society at large.

While MLB and the media hacks are disparaging white players left and right, we've seen the Milwaukee Brewers pay tribute to a Negro Leagues pitcher who claims to have played for two seasons. He was immortalized with a plaque inbedded in a wall at the ballpark. The funny thing is, there are no records of him playing and most of the other players of his day don't remember him and believe him to be an outright liar, fraud, and con man. To top it off, the Chicago Giants, the team he says he played for in 53 + 54 was not in the league after 1952. Ha ha.
Randy Johnson continues to amaze. He's rehabbing from two back surgeries -- at the age of 44 yet -- and came back to pitch five innings last night in his first start of the season, allowing just one earned run and striking out seven. Predictably, media interest in hisdebut was modest.

Let's hope Johnson's comeback is successful. He is a great pitcher and is an all-time great athlete.
The Big Unit has been pitching great of late and now has 291 career wins. He was nearly 30 before he harnessed his immense talent andI would have bet several years ago that he'd never make it to 300 wins, but he has an excellent chance now.Randy Johnson is an amazing athlete.
Randy is going to come up short this season in his bid for 300 wins. He is at 294 now. Hopefully, he can keep his body together, and endure the pain of his many chronic injuries to join the 300 victory club next year.
I really hate how Randy is often ridiculed in a hateful manner for being a "hick" or "redneck" and it's supposed to be funny but woe betide someone for making a similarly hateful cultural remark about a Hispanic or Black pitcher.

None of whom, of course, are even 1/3 as good as the Unit.
Johnson signed a one year deal with the Giants, all but assuring he'll reach 300 wins and beyond in 2009 barringinjury problems. With Maddux retired and Clemens drummed out the Big Unit isthe last of the three all-time pitching greats we have been privileged to follow over the past 20+ years.

I hope Randy Johnson can have at least a respectable season on the way to 300 wins. Medical advances notwithstanding, he is truly an amazing pitcher at 45 years of age.

Good luck, Randy Johnson!
The Big Unit had a no-hitter going yesterday into the 7th inning and won his 296th career game.
45 years old and off of back surgery and he's still a beast of a pitcher.
Freakin' incredible!
Johnson pitched another sterling game last night, going 7 innings, giving up 4 hits and no runs and striking out 9. The bullpen barely saved win number 297 for him. Three more to go.
Amazing, just amazing....what i really admire about him is that after his first 7 years it looked as though he would be another strikeout king with poor control, that he would finish his career at 37 as a reliever, and that he would finish with maybe 185 wins. But in the 90's he fixed his control, and from then on it was a smooth ride to the HOF.

What we can we say? another great white career starting pitcher!
Randy Johnson is a living legend. To see him play at 45, is just amazing no matter how one put's it. So many have to admire this one of a kind pitcher (6'10). I clearly think he's one of the greatest pitchers baseball has ever seen. No question he will make the Hall of Fame. A big salute to the Big Unit!
Sandwiched in between the articles on LeBron James, Kobe Bryant and Michael Vick in the latest issue of Sports Illustrated is a good article on Randy Johnson. At least this issue wasn't the total bird cage liner most are.
The Big Unit has been struggling of late. At his age his leash is going to be shorter than most starters in spite of his amazing career. Being on ateam of banjo hitters doesn't help either.
I'm still pulling for Randy Johnson to get #300 soon so he can leave the game with all the praise he deserves. He probably won't get it from most MSM sources, but he will get it from CF.
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