Rahm Emmanuel has won

If any other CF member saw the film "The Social Network" what is your take?
My fear is that he will revive the Jew/Black alliance. Jews alwaus want to ally themselves to blacks. Look at the way jewish sportswriters idolize the black affeth. It is hard to understand why. Blacks are antisemetic and not shy on expressing it. Jews seem to hate english speaking, White, Anglo Saxon Proestants, the only group that has ever liked them.
The only reason blacks still live in Chicago is that the Daley family are race traitors. I was amazed how fast blacks were leaving Chicago when Michael Balandic was mayor. He was the last white man mayor of chicago. He did not push them out, buy did not encourage them to stay.
For blacks, there were more opportunities elsewhere. Detroit and Atlanta needed more blacks. Chicago Blacks have a good reputation. If your Affirmitive action baby is from Chicago, they tend to need less training and are smart enough to avoid arrest.
Now I fear, Rahm will bring them back.
Westside said:
If any other CF member saw the film "The Social Network" what is your take?
I saw it in the theaters last year and thought it was very well done. It's up there with "The King's Speech" and "The American" as my favorite movies from last year. I thought it was very well-balanced. The director exhibited Zuckerberg having some of the stereotypical (and deserving) jewish traits and behaviors, especially treachery, against his schoolmate friend and business partner, Eduardo Saverin, who came off best in the film (and the actor that played him should've been nominated for a best supporting actor award), but also against the WASP jocks that he stole his idea from and the girl who dumped him in the beginning of the film. After all, if it wasn't for the mathematical formula and money that Eduardo gave him, Zuckerberg would never have gotten Facebook off the ground, but he "stabbed" Eduardo in the back anyway later on after he figured he was no longer necessary.
Highlander. Great synoposis of the film!
National Geographic had a documentary on Chicago political corruption and they talked about the "Outfit" who basically ran Chicago politics until the late 90's. The mob organization had the power to break a mayor. The told a story about wishy washy liberal Jayne Byrne getting elected mayor of Chicago and being told that the city would be ground to a halt if her police chief wasn't fired pronto. Within a few weeks he was fired. It's been speculated that the Chicago mob delivered Illinois for Kennedy in 60'. Did Rahm make deals to get elected too.....
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