I had a very interesting conversation over the weekend with a close family member ( in-law) concerning the subject of race. He is a Conservative and we've pretty much agreed on issues over the years.But he has been stand-offish of late and has made a point of avoiding me. Now, what was the cause of this situation? He's been offended by my increasingly vocal rhetoric, it disturbs him. I have offered to give him one of David Duke's books to read and he recoiled in horror at the sound of his name.He wouldn't dare have such evil in his house and now considers me to be worse than an infidel.
Here's the funny part. I have loaned him money over the years without asking for repayment, and co-signed loans for him and one of his children. He once asked my wife and Ito be the guardians of his children if something should happen to him. He has sought my advice in countless areas and has always valued my friendship. The only blots on my life's record are a few parking and speeding tickets over the years. Now I'm pond scum.
If a personis knownto be a rapist, murderer, con - man, traitor, pedophile, thief or habitual criminal he will not be condemned nor viewed as harshly as a decent law abiding person who espouses racialist ideas which are not popular in this brainwashed culture.To believe we are not all the same is the ultimate heresy or evil in this world.
Here's the funny part. I have loaned him money over the years without asking for repayment, and co-signed loans for him and one of his children. He once asked my wife and Ito be the guardians of his children if something should happen to him. He has sought my advice in countless areas and has always valued my friendship. The only blots on my life's record are a few parking and speeding tickets over the years. Now I'm pond scum.
If a personis knownto be a rapist, murderer, con - man, traitor, pedophile, thief or habitual criminal he will not be condemned nor viewed as harshly as a decent law abiding person who espouses racialist ideas which are not popular in this brainwashed culture.To believe we are not all the same is the ultimate heresy or evil in this world.