Racism = Ultimate Evil


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I had a very interesting conversation over the weekend with a close family member ( in-law) concerning the subject of race. He is a Conservative and we've pretty much agreed on issues over the years.But he has been stand-offish of late and has made a point of avoiding me. Now, what was the cause of this situation? He's been offended by my increasingly vocal rhetoric, it disturbs him. I have offered to give him one of David Duke's books to read and he recoiled in horror at the sound of his name.He wouldn't dare have such evil in his house and now considers me to be worse than an infidel.

Here's the funny part. I have loaned him money over the years without asking for repayment, and co-signed loans for him and one of his children. He once asked my wife and Ito be the guardians of his children if something should happen to him. He has sought my advice in countless areas and has always valued my friendship. The only blots on my life's record are a few parking and speeding tickets over the years. Now I'm pond scum.

If a personis knownto be a rapist, murderer, con - man, traitor, pedophile, thief or habitual criminal he will not be condemned nor viewed as harshly as a decent law abiding person who espouses racialist ideas which are not popular in this brainwashed culture.To believe we are not all the same is the ultimate heresy or evil in this world.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Yep, same thing happened to me. White people are totally brainwashed into believing that they have no group interests that they will violently react when someone says that they do. I forsee a future where white people start lynching other white people for committing "race" or "hate" crimes. It is very sad.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
No one outside of white nationalist take David Duke seriously because of his past. I'm not much of a supporter of David Duke myself,however, if I was attempting to get someone to read his book I'd of read quotes first. By reading quotes I would be able to see how this person felt overall about his opinions. It's really sad we live in a time where anyone who is pro-white is seen as racist anyway. As you know racism is for the uneducated people, and against everything that is right with this world.

The last part was something a good friend told me after she found out I was against interacial relationships. Since then I've taken a different approach with people. She was one of my best friends now she treats me like leper. So I do know where you're coming from and I've really had to compromise.

Perhaps you should talk to your friend about white privilege it's a very hot topic among the liberal elite. We must all learn of what it's like of being white and living with it's invisble privileges. One day maybe we can abolish whiteness altogether.



May 30, 2005
The Liberals(Democrats and Leftists) do not wish to
abolish whiteness, but rather abolish the morals and ideals of
whiteness. They seem to want to abolish morals, traditions, and
ideals all together. They allow homosexuality to be spread.
The concept of homosexuality(as its literal definition states) is
neither good nor evil initially, but it is a detrement to
society. Rather than establishing other ideals, the liberal
and gay community is destroying ideals together resulting in total lust
and running around doing whatever one wishes without thinking about
being productive, successful, and a generator of freedom and
self-determination. Liberals and Gays tend to think about (or not
think) freedom in terms of freedom to act without consequence.

A lot of strong moral grounding is gained from
learning about a Romanticized version of European heritage. Men
and Women of discipline/stoicness, yet flexibility and creativity in
thought are role players time and time again. These qualities are
necessary for preserving and enhancing the free-will, while at the same
time showing the triumph of the human soul.

The problem with this is that prisoners are not
being rehabilitated in prison nor punished. This threatens
democracy as crime will take over more and more. It will lead to
hit squads running things, and ultra-conservatism which threatens free
thought, speech, and other fundamental individual freedoms.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Bear-Arms said:
No one outside of white nationalist take David Duke seriously because of his past. I'm not much of a supporter of David Duke myself,however, if I was attempting to get someone to read his book I'd of read quotes first.

Bear-Arms, I was not the one who originally brought up the name of David Duke, my in-law did, after discussing other authors. I told himin response, thatif he read one of his books he would probably agree with much of what he wrote and then offered to provide him with a copy. I told him that many gifted, intelligent and compassionate people were racially aware. I asked him if he knew of the revered humanitarian Dr. Albert Schweitzer and he said he recalled reading about him when he was a child. For those who may not know, Schweitzer spent many decades in Africa, laboring under very hostile and primitive condditions to alleviate the suffering of the blacks. He raised money all around the world to provide the supplies and equipment he needed. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952.

Before his death he felt compelled to offer advice to people who would follow in his footsteps. I will post his quotation but would add that I personally would not even want to rule over anybodyespeciallyblacks but certainly do not want to be in the less dominant position.

This is what he said shortly before his death:
I have given my life to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all white men who have lived here, must learn and know; that these individuals are a sub-race; they have neither the intellectual , mental or emotional abilities to equate or share in any of the functions of our civilisation.

"I have given my life to try to bring unto them the advantages which our civilisation must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status; white, the superior, and they the inferior; for whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equal, they will either destroy him or devour him, and they will destroy all his work; and so for any existing relationship or for any benefit to this people let white men from anywhere in the world who would come to help Africa remember that you must continually retain this status; you the master, and they the inferior, like children that you would help or teach. Never fraternise with them as equals, never accept them as your social equals ; or they will devour you; they will destroy you."- Dr. Albert Schweitzer, winner of the 1952 Nobel Prize for peace, in his 1961 book, From My African Notebook.

II believe thedoctor knew the Africans quite well. Was he a sinner or saint?No need to reply. Just look at the inrcedible carnage, chaos, crime and corruption that has come upon this country since we have given away the candy store and ask yourself if we have played the fool.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Awesome post. Thanks for the great quote from Schweitzer.

Very illuminating.


May 20, 2005
David Duke is a smart man. His political platform is far more freedom-friendly than that of the major parties. If you have Constitutionalist/Libertarian/Paleo-Conservative leanings, Duke is a good candidate. From his writings, he also seems to have more real sensitivity and compassion than most politicians, including compassion for the brown races. Perhaps even too much. IOW, he's better than almost anyone currently in office, even if he danced around a flippin' altar to Adolph Hitler when he was young. It doesn't matter.

I increasingly find it difficult to be around most Conservatives and Conservative Christians. Their life values are WHITE to the hilt. I mean, look at any meeting of Conservative/Libertarian leaning people. It's 90% white male. But the idea that these might be "white male" values is verboten, considered embarassing. The Libertarian especially is one who should not be so un-easy with my exercising my right to believe or say any damn thing I please, especially when it involves scientific truths about bugaboo topics such as race.

The CCs end up promoting loads of crap anti-ethical to White good and the white way, "all men are brothers (Even that mud marrying your sister is fine if the thumps the Book)", "racism is evil, we all come from Adam", "Help the less fortunate (parasites and bums)", support Israel,(More parasites and bums). Oh yeah, and the Christian and Conservative movement has taken the word "Anti-Semitism" as it's new slur to replace "Communist", which is ironic, since the latter evil movement was essentially the handiwork of Semites, and anyone with any sense can plainly tell what the Jews are doing to this country. To say nothing of the fact they let W get away with government infringements they fought Slick Willy tooth and nail over (Willy TRIED to parlay Oklahoma City into the same sort of sh*t W has done with 9/11, but was resisted by the mass of people with right values but limited intellect. If a Democrat had been in office post 9/11, I can't help but think these same people would have given the same resistance to the PATRIOT act and etc.)

The greatest evil in our Indo-European tradition is the Lie...including false beliefs about race. But the Lie is apparently valued as highly if not higher than the Truth nowadays, with some of our so-called "philosophers" spending their time questioning if the truth can really be known.

So I don't know. I know myself I started out not "hating" other races but inclined to be positive to them. After all, every non-white I saw on T.V. as a youngster was portrayed positively. Life experiences and real scientific data convinced me that race matters. I threw off the brainwashing slowly but rather easily in the face of good counterargument. Apparently the average person doesn't find this process that easy.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
White_Savage; maybe you don't like being around Conservative Christians because your an atheist?


May 20, 2005
*BUZZ* I'm sorry, you guessed wrong. I am not an atheist.
In fact, I am the opposite of an atheist, I am a polytheist. Tiwaz, Wotan, and Thunor ring a bell? You know, them fellas the days of the week were named after.

But seriously Reb, I don't like being around MOST Conservative Christians because most _nowadays_ have bass-ackwards ideas that are killing Western civilization. .You are an exception, for the most part. I have only minor quibbles with pro-white pro-freedom Christians like yourself. If you don't hold or teach any of the ideas poisonous to whites, such as all men are brothers/equal, we should support the unfit, our sons should die in Israel's fights, we should applaud W's Will to Power, think Jews=Good, or anything like that, I don't have a problem with you. And really, the idea that racism$anti-semitism=satanic evil is pretty much the majority Conservative position, even when they're not explicitly religous conservatives. Maybe if I said the Neo-Con position we'd understand what I'ms aying better?

You have to read my posts more carefully. I'm fair and balanced. I blasted Libertarians for being too PC as well, even though my political leanings are mostly that way. I also pointed out and reiterate here that Christians for the most part run their own lives with the discipline, restraint, and sense of honor that comes from the great tradition of White men. It's only certain ideological interpretations that get them in trouble, such as thinking the Yids are our buddies, or that their religious teaching can make non-whites into something approaching our equal, both ideas having been disastrous for our race and civilization. Those who do not hold these ideas are not part of the problem, but unfortunately, they are the minority of Christians.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Sorry WS, I guess I was thinking of Speedster. We had a rounder a while back. Anyway, I probably am being a little too defensive. I also forgot about the Libertarian rant you went on. I guess when someone's not pointing their finger at you, you don't look as hard to see where its being pointed!

I guess my main complaint is that we all get too fired up criticizing each other on here. It leaves ample room for tempers to flare; I'm Scot-Irish, so it can be a problem for me. The main reason I got on this site is to discuss whites in sports, and every once in a while the Confederate Battle flag. From what I know, I see the discrimination put on whites in sports and society in general, the flag, and Christians as tied together, and I try to put it out there so others can make up their minds. I guess I should just stick to sports. I didn't come here to get my personal beliefs and politics bashed all the time.

With that said, I will try to have thicker skin and a slower temper from now on. I hope you guys all realize that I do get a whole lot out of what you write. This is the most informative website I've ever come across. The only way we can hope to put a serious dent in the Caste System is if we learn as much about the problems and solutions as possible. This is done partly through the sharing of knowledge. That's why I'm here.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Bart, now all we need is Bono or a Brad Pitt to say, the exact same words.