Racism Against White Athletes in S Africa

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
A supporter emailed the following links about "affirmative action" against white athletes in the anti-white "democracy" of South Africa:

[url]http://www.da.org.za/da/Site/Afr/News/print-article.asp?ID=4 888[/url]



Also, the following quote: Sports administrators should "sacrifice a little bit in terms of winning" in the interests of transformation[.] . . . [This would not] be a big deal
since even when the country fielded "lily-white teams we lose". . . . "We
must get off the horse of individualism and get on the horse of building a
nation.". . . "lack South Africans [should not] sit on benches or in the
corners of sport stadiums" while those on the fields "were there for no
other reason than they were the beneficiaries of apartheid and colonialism".
- Angela Quintal, Sacrifice Winning for change, says Stofile, The Cape
Times, Feb 17, 2005, at p.5.

You should find some place on the site to catalogue these kinds of
articles, so that trolls or newcomers can see that what we are talking
about is actually real, and not some kind of delusion. If this stuff
happens elsewhere, why not here too? It sure punctures the myth that
sports is all about quality and not politics. Just ask Jim Dandy Carter
about that. Great find anonymous. Thanks Don.

I need to see if I can find some links about how the NFL is trying to break
into China. I think I saw that they were trying to train 4-5 asians to play
in the NFL. I thought to myself, why are they doing this when there are
thousands of good players here who are ready to play? Oh yes, those
men would be white, not asian.
PB, the board did have a forum for a while for anyone to post links to relevant articles, but it wasn't utilized and I eventually "disappeared" it. But I agree the articles should be accessible in one place.Even the articles that manage periodically to slip past the filters of censorship in the government-corporate media complex in this country with bits of the truth adds up to an impressive number over time.
South Africa is perhaps one of the worst countries on the planet for whites to live in. If you are white and are not enraged by the policies imposed on white people -not in the spirit of fairness but in some kind of revenge- then I can't imagine you have any pride in yourself at all. Just one example: affirmative action is supposed to benefit minorities and supposedly disadvantaged but in South Africa affirmative action is used to impose the MAJORITY over the minority.

If white people left that country (and they may just as well because whether they want to admit it or not they are all doomed) the economy and social structure would collapse and spiral into a vortex and I am not exaggerating at all.
South Africa at one time was a nice place to live. Good weather,lots of food. They turned out some of the toughest soldiers, White of course in the world. Reg Park the great strong man left England to live in South Africa,they had Gary Player in golf. Good fighters like Corrie Sanders,Gerrie Goetzee,Kallie Knoetze and Frans Botha.I spoke to Frans Botha on the phone some years ago he said he left South Africa to live in California because South Africa was to dangerous for his kids. The liberals ruined South Africa and Rhodesia.They used to export food now they go hungry.Edited by: Gary
Maple Leaf said:
If white people left that country (and they may just as well because whether they want to admit it or not they are all doomed) the economy and social structure would collapse and spiral into a vortex and I am not exaggerating at all.

That is a pretty acurate summation.

There was a good reason for apartide, it was to protect the gains of civilization that whites had struggled to build for centuries. The savages will have it all pulled down around their ears in a few years, and then what?
All white athletes that ever did anything were the beneficiaries of racism. Caste System 101.

All white American leaders that ever did anything were the beneficiaries of imperialism. New World Order 101
My Mum is British/Irish South African and I visit SA every 2-3 years or so because I still have many relatives there even though some now reside in Australia and here in the UK to get away from high crime rates. I fell in love with the country from a very young age as it's a fantastic country, with dare I say it a bad history as I don't agree with apartheid in the slightest bit apart from how well they controlled crime. 60% of SA whites are of Dutch,German and French heritage and they are known as Afrikaaners (boers), they are the reason for apartheid. 35% are of British/Irish heritage and the other 5% are of Greek and Portugese Heritage. Whites make up about 5 million out of a total population of 45 million people. In 1985 the population was about 30 million with whites making up 6 million. That shows whites are leaving but also the extremely high birth rate of Africans despite them being ridden with Aids and many not having enough money to support big families (stupid people). Enough with the country facts, sport wise South Africa has always produced plenty of talent despite being banned from international sports for about 30 years or so. Their national sports are Rugby and Cricket. They have historicaly always been the best rugby team in the world alongside New Zealand and the best cricket team alongside Australia. They have also produced a number of good golfers, boxers, swimmers, tennis players and Olympic Athletes down the years. Since South Africa was re-instated into Internaional sports in 1992 the government has made huge efforts to get more blacks into the teams. Making black quarterbacks on how many blacks should start. This has forced white South Africans such as cricketer Kevin Pieterson to play for England, Rugby players Paul Abbott, Matt Stevens to play for England, Clyde Rathbone, Dan Vickerman to play for Australia and Pieter De Villiers to play for France. Many more will follow. Despite that South African Cricket and Rugby is still 70-75% white and the black quarterbacks as stand are about 3 black starters out of 15 for the rugby team and 3 out of 11 on a cricket team. White sportsmen in South Africa continue to prove that whites are just as good as blacks in sport although I do feel that Central Africans (African Americans derive from) are better athletes than their brothers in Southern Africa. Despite the international rugby and cricket teams still being predominantly white they are faveourites to win the cricket world cup (I think Aussie will win) which is currently ongoing right now and joint second faveourites with France to win the rugby world cup which starts in August, with New Zealand being faveourites. As for South Africa going down the same route as Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) it's not really happening as of yet. They have been putting in racial black quarterbacks at work places and universities which still doesn't stop whites from finding employment and opening up their own business's, and transferring successful white farms into black hands which is only something like 5% so far. I think most black South Africans realise what happened in Rhodesia and unless a savage black man gets into power in government then there will always be a future for the white South African.
I've read a lot about these farm murders and as shocking as they are you need to see the bigger picture. These farm murders happen in the really remote parts of South Africa and the Africans who carry out these savage attacks are the vast 'minority'. There are plenty of large strong farming communities in South Africa which the Africans dare not intervene. The majority of Africans know that farming is one of their biggest employers as well, so most of them respect the farmers. Unfortunatly in the media all you here is bad things about South Africa but it's well over hyped.
"Unfortunatly in the media all you here is bad things about South Africa but it's well over hyped"

Films like "A Dry White Season" which depicted the infamous Soweto massacre did not help. TheEnglisman, do you know anything about this so called "massacre?" In the film they portrayed white police officers shooting innocent black children of a peaceful demonstration that refused to disperse. Was the massacre exaggerated for dramatic effect?Edited by: Alpha Male
Unfortunatly that was true. Under Apartheid the Afrikaaners did do some terrible things and they are definatly not made up. The Soweto uprising (1976) was when young black South Africans decided to riot because they were being forced to learn Afrikaans at school. The Afrikaaner police decided to open fire on innocent young black South Africans (200-500 were killed), which I find utterly disgraceful. You just don't shoot at unarmed young people no matter what the situation is. I also know that British South Africans had to learn Afrikaans aswell otherwise you couldn't get a job. The Afrikaaners as much as I feel sorry for them are self obsessed and believe they are better than others (not all of them, and not as much as in the past). Because Afrikaaners make up 60-65% of the white population their political parties were always going to out vote British South African political parties. I can't help but think that if a British South African political party had won an election that South Africas past would have been far more peaceful and that South Africa today would be a more relaxed environment. Something that does annoy me is that the current persecution of Afrikaans by blacks today goes totaly unnoticed by the majority of the worlds media and certainly the America media who would not dare have such an article which would depict blacks of being evil. Something i've noticed about the American media and newspapers is that there's very limited coverage of world news let alone news from outside the state!
The so-called Afrikaner atrocities were nothing compared to what the British did to them during the Boer War and what blacks have done to each other throughout Africa.

If the British South Africans - Uitlanders - had been in charge white rule would definitely have collapsed sooner but whether that would've been good for whites in the long run is not clear. If there had been fewer Uitlanders maybe the referendum to abolish apartheid - ie. to commit suicide - might not have passed and the genocide of white South Africans would not be happening.

In many respects the Uitlanders (along with the Jews) were stabbing the Afrikaners in the back throughout the Apartheid years. Of course, after helping bring about black rule many of those Anglo liberals immediately left for the safety of Britain. Few Afrikaners had dual citizenship so there was nowhere for them to go.
I'm part English, and I find The Englishman to be pretty condescending in this thread.

English people have no moral high ground in any discussion of world history and politics. None. Whatsoever.

The English know how to murder, rape, invade, occupy, and enslave other people better than the Dutch. I'll give The Englishman that satisfaction I suppose.
nevada said:
I'm part English, and I find The Englishman to be pretty condescending in this thread.

Pot meet kettle.

You need to re-read some of your posts in the UFC forum to see some truly condescending posts. Edited by: White Shogun
White Shogun said:
nevada said:
I'm part English, and I find The Englishman to be pretty condescending in this thread.

Pot meet kettle.

You need to re-read some of your posts in the UFC forum to see some truly condescending posts.

Nevada, I don't understand your hostility towards/resentment of The Englishman. (Your reaction was also excessive in response to his earlier posts re: Indian/British immigration.) I don't see what is condescending in his posts. He's lived in England, S. Africa, knows their history, and follows recent developments, so he has a certain perspective and experience to bring to bear on these subjects. This has not manifested itself in a condescending tone. And of course you can disagree with his views and provide counterarguments/evidence.

As for English government misdeeds of a century ago, why does have to answer for them, or maintain silence in public debate because of them? He doesn't. This should be obvious.
Matra1, yes what the British did to the Afrikaaners was also appalling but what I was doing there as answering Alpa Males question and I did so. Nevada, whats your problem with me? Is it because of that post a while back when you ignorantly said the UK has no real experience of immigration, when in actual fact you were completely wrong and you know it? What the English did in the past was nothing to do with me, and yes we did do some terrible things in the past but so has most countries in this twisted world. Solomon Kane, thankyou.
From The Times:

"When England line up against South Africa in the netball World Championships in November in New Zealand, they will be taking on a team selected not only by skill but also by race. Opposition politicians were up in arms yesterday as the South African Government extended a black quarterback system on the racial make-up of national netball teams.

Donald Lee, spokesman on sport for the Democratic Alliance Party, told The Insider: "The new black quarterback systems have managed to break all previous limits of irrationality. This is lunacy beyond all measure." But the suggestion is that black quarterbacks will be extended to all sport; rugby union is said to be next in line from 2008.

Netball has been the pioneer with a curious system that awards goal points as a reward for having the correct racial mix. If a team field five white women and two black throughout a match, they are given three extra goals. Close matches were suddenly being decided by a race rule that has sent shivers through South African sport."

The new SA is truly pathetic.
If that black quarterback does get extended to all sports, South African rugby is going ruined. By enforcing a black quarterback, there is going to be a whole generation of white South Africans who are going to be deprived of a career in rugby or forced to live and play overseas. In this sense they are at least lucky compared to their American Football counterparts, who don't have the luxury of plying their trade overseas.
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