The new Resistance magazine has an interview with a professional hockey player. For obvious reasons his name is kept anonymous and he is only called "Pitbull" in the interview. It doesn't say whether he is in the NHL, but he has played pro hockey for 14 years and is an enforcer, so he almost has to be in the NHL. (He says he's 6-1 and 235 lbs. if anyone wants to guess who he might be.)
Resistance is a publication of the National Alliance, founded by the late William Pierce. They have carried interviews with athletes before, and the editor is Erich Gliebe, a former professional boxer who went by the name of the "Aryan Barbarian." Gliebe married Erika, a former Playboy model, who is also interviewed in the new issue of Resistance.
The interview with "Pitbull" has two questions relevant to race; the second question and answer are particularly interesting:
Q. What goes through your mind when you see the rare black hockey player?
A. Wrong sport; should be in the NBA.
Q. Are most hockey players proud to be White men? How many of them do you think will one day fight for their race?
A. Yes, most players are proud of their race. Don't you worry: when the race war begins, most players will be going to battle, and we will win this battle!
Resistance is a publication of the National Alliance, founded by the late William Pierce. They have carried interviews with athletes before, and the editor is Erich Gliebe, a former professional boxer who went by the name of the "Aryan Barbarian." Gliebe married Erika, a former Playboy model, who is also interviewed in the new issue of Resistance.
The interview with "Pitbull" has two questions relevant to race; the second question and answer are particularly interesting:
Q. What goes through your mind when you see the rare black hockey player?
A. Wrong sport; should be in the NBA.
Q. Are most hockey players proud to be White men? How many of them do you think will one day fight for their race?
A. Yes, most players are proud of their race. Don't you worry: when the race war begins, most players will be going to battle, and we will win this battle!