Racial Tensions in Colorado Community


Oct 20, 2006

Look at the NY Times article Don linked. There's a picture of white football
players holding rifles and giving the nazi salute. It might have been a joke,
but still its in the paper, and plays right into the stereotype. Not good. I
believe this is what Matt Bowen Fan was referring to as well.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
cslewis1 said:
PitBull said:
Matt Bowen Fan is right on the mark. I'm mostly from german stock and I
think neo-national socialism is disgusting. People forget that they not only
killed a lot of jews, but a lot of catholics and orthodox christians too (and
protestants, while we're at it). Jesus, WWII killed about 40 million whites.
How can anyone claim to be pro-white and pro-nazi socialist?

That baloney only plays into EXACTLY what the media wants to caricature
pro-white movements as--neo nazi socialism. Shut it down.

Do you think these kids are actually Nazi's??? I seriously doubt there's an Eichmann among them, or if they even know who he is. They're kids who are saying enough is enough and they are doing it in a way that draws the most attention possible. Good for them. I also doubt there'd even be an article about this if not for their pose.

So, I am glad they did this because now I know their some kids with guts on our side, finally.

Finally, the media caricatures are the least of our problems, my friend. They're going to caricature us if we show up with pick up trucks, in business suits, waving US flags, or Confederate flags, owning a 12 gauge or a 50 cal, working on the farm, in Wall Street, if you're single, or if you've got 6 kids, the negative caricatures of white folk go deep and well beyond what these kids are doing.

I agree with CL. While this kid (if he is guilty) deserves punishment, I can understand the frustration young kids feel with a system that condemns them to inferior status and then tells them they are the bad ones, and that their "people" have all the power, none of which helps them at all!

These types of skinheads don't know anything about Nazi's or Hitler, those are just buzzwords to them for "pro-white". They basically sacrifice their whole life for a cause, the support of the white race. I have trouble criticizing them for that.

Crimes of force should be punished and I don't give them a pass on that but what is better: A skinhead that is pro-white and plays the nazi game or a white kid that becomes totally black and acts, talks, and behaves that way? I would say there are about a million black acting kids to every one that is pro-white, and I don't like it.
Sep 24, 2006
jaxvid said:
I agree with CL. While this kid (if he is guilty) deserves punishment, I can understand the frustration young kids feel with a system that condemns them to inferior status and then tells them they are the bad ones, and that their "people" have all the power, none of which helps them at all!

These types of skinheads don't know anything about Nazi's or Hitler, those are just buzzwords to them for "pro-white". They basically sacrifice their whole life for a cause, the support of the white race. I have trouble criticizing them for that.

Doesn't matter a bit to me whether they're smart enough to understand it or not. I don't want their f**king race war, or to have to justify myself to them for marrying a half-white girl. They're just as much a threat to me and mine as any hoodrat out there, far as I'm concerned. If that's their cause, they can have it, because I won't have anything to do with it. But they'd best stay the f**k away.

Crimes of force should be punished and I don't give them a pass on that but what is better: A skinhead that is pro-white and plays the nazi game or a white kid that becomes totally black and acts, talks, and behaves that way? I would say there are about a million black acting kids to every one that is pro-white, and I don't like it.

I'd put bullets in either idiot happily. The black thing is just a trend, and chances are, they'll grow out of it. There's a lot more whites who don't want to have to go to either extreme than wiggers or punk nazi wannabes. The trouble is we, don't feel the need to be vocally this or that.

I'm not going to cry any river over how some punk ass middle class kid was mistreated and so he decided to play nazi over it. Those ******** are at a mostly white school in a lilywhite state. I went to school in 80% black PG county, and handled it, so I don't want to hear their BS.

pro-white = good
nazis = bad

Can't make it much clearer than that. Edited by: Matt_Bowen_Fan


Oct 20, 2006
The pro-white stuff isn't going to catch on if its constantly associated with
nazism and the Klan. It needs to pro-white, not anti-this or that.

That's why there needs to be sites like this and AMREN so that people can
see the double standards, and learn that pro-white is simply that, and its
okay. Every other race/group is able to come together and work as group
for their own interests--why not us too? We can do fine without everybody
else--no purges, just separation. That's the message.Edited by: PitBull


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
I'd put bullets in either idiot happily....I m not going to cry any river over how some punk ass middle class kid was mistreated and so he decided to play nazi over it. Those ******** are at a mostly white school in a lilywhite state. I went to school in 80% black PG county, and handled it, so I don't want to hear their BS.

pro-white = good
nazis = bad

Can't make it much clearer than that.

You have just explained why the enemies of white people have gone to such great lengths to promote diversity, multiculturalism, and miscegenation. Why do you think the Japanese were sequestered in this country during the second world war?Blood and family are stronger than superficial national allegiances.You're not going tocry a river? Interesting choiceof words.


Aug 10, 2005
I don't want their f**king race war, or to have to justify myself to them for marrying a half-white girl. They're just as much a threat to me and mine

It's obvious that your loyalty is limited to yourself and your immediate family. I'm sure you can sit on the sidelines if anything real ever happens.

But they'd best stay the f**k away. I'd put bullets in either idiot happily.

Would "happily" shoot White Nationalists? Again no loyalty.

I'm not going to cry any river over how some punk ass middle class kid was mistreated and so he decided to play nazi over it. Those ******** are at a mostly white school in a lilywhite state. I went to school in 80% black PG county, and handled it, so I don't want to hear their BS.

So middle class kids from "lilly white" places are punks? I'd rather hear their BS than yours. You don't want any part of their "f**cking race war". I guess you'd rather be "pro-white" while living in some multi racial hell hole like where you grew up.

Can't make it much clearer than that.

No you can't. You actually believe in multiculturalism and that it doesn't lead to war most of the time and miscegenation and decline the rest of the time.- Or maybe you just don't care.Edited by: KG2422
Sep 24, 2006
Bart said:
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
I'd put bullets in either idiot happily....I m not going to cry any river over how some punk ass middle class kid was mistreated and so he decided to play nazi over it. Those ******** are at a mostly white school in a lilywhite state. I went to school in 80% black PG county, and handled it, so I don't want to hear their BS. pro-white = good nazis = bad Can't make it much clearer than that.

You have just explained why the enemies of white people have gone to such great lengths to promote diversity, multiculturalism, and miscegenation.  Why do you think the Japanese were sequestered in this country during the second world war? 

No, to the Japs, you're Japanese or not. My wife wouldn't count, as she was neither born there nor is she wholly Japanese.

Germans(including my great grandfather) were questioned by authorites as well. Not to mention the backlash against German sounding names, etc.

Blood and family are stronger than superficial national allegiances. You're not going to cry a river?  Interesting choice of words.

You got it. My family trumps some dumb kids playing nazi. I'm not crying a river over their coach not playing them. Unfair? Yes. Reason to play at being a nazi? Hell no.
Edited by: Matt_Bowen_Fan
Sep 24, 2006
KG2422 said:
It's obvious that your loyalty is limited to yourself and your immediate family. I'm sure you can sit on the sidelines if anything real ever happens.

It is when it comes to that. What's next, racial purity laws? GIs were bringing home Asian wives since the 40s, they caused the change. Greatest generation wanted it, and they got it. My problem with the nazi wannabes is that any non-white is a target for them, no matter what race. So my half-white wife and 3/4 white kids wouldn't count? Yeah, f**k them and the horse they rode in on.

Would "happily" shoot White Nationalists? Again no loyalty.

What's next? I'm a race traitor? Pathetic. Nazis are nazis, and nazis promote much more than a pro-white agenda. Nazis are not pro-white nationalists. If they were, the two would be synonyms. If nothing else, read what Pitbull said: nazis killed millions of whites too. Who's the traitor now?

So middle class kids from "lilly white" places are punks? I'd rather hear their BS than yours. You don't want any part of their "f**cking race war". I guess you'd rather be "pro-white" while living in some multi racial hell hole like where you grew up.

For playing at being nazis? Damn right.

No you can't. You actually believe in multiculturalism and that it doesn't lead to war most of the time and miscegenation and decline the rest of the time.- Or maybe you just don't care.

Along with a quite a few whites when it comes to Asians. They're far more like whites in terms of morality and how they live than blacks or hispanics are. Of course there are exceptions, like the Hmong gangs, but Asians formulate a tiny percentage of the population and are giving away their minority status because they've assimilated so well. I mean, damn, hope nobody here has any Injun blood along the way either.

I'm proud of being white, I'm pro-white. But the sort of hatred and institutionalized violence that the Nazis promulgate is far different than that. I refuse to be associated with them.


Aug 10, 2005
I tend to like the Japanese. And one of my favorite professors in college was Chinese. I don't agree with many Nazi policies. I'm not anti Slav ,and I'm not for killing in the name of eugenics (maybe sterilization in some cases). If it were up to me, I would have deported all Jews to Israel and given Messianic Jews and veterans a decent sum of money to help them get started. But I don't think all Nazis were bad. Many didn't know about the dirty deeds. I doubt these kids would choose your wife or kids as a target. Heck, even Hitler tolerated the Japanese. He called them "honorary Aryans" publicly. The worst thing he said about them is that they were only capable of imitating Western civilization and that they lacked the creative spark or genius it took to be as creative as Western man. While the average Asian IQ may be higher, European IQ scores have a higher standard deviation - leading to more super high scores.

But I'm a nationalist. I'm for every group having their own place to live. And I don't think you have to be of "pure blood" to be white. There really isn't such a thing as far as I can tell with my rather modest understanding of genetics. Even if there were ever a White, nationalistic, country to spring up somewhere, I wouldn't be for exterminating any of the defeated much less the half white or 3/4 white. But national socialism produced some pretty good ideas. The Autobahn was the first and best freeway as far as I can tell. Making fitness a national priority was pretty cool. The squashing of global capitalism was a noble goal.