Racial Tensions in Colorado Community

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This is from the New York Times, so you know it's totally biased in favor of the black position. Interesting that what apparently sparked the controversy was the black coach of the football team not playing deserving white players.

[url]http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/21/us/21racism.html?_r=2& oref=slogin&oref=slogin[/url]

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Don, i find it amusing that these black so-called "victims" are so dismayed by white people standing up for themselves.

but if you read between the lines in the article, it is implied that only blacks can be the victim of racism. the boys losing their spots on the team to lesser talented blacks was, of course, because of their stiff hips and lack of explosiveness i'm sure.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
I've been saying it for years. The more White people are pushed into a corner...the more we will fight back as a group. Even some of the Hispanics sided with the Whites on this one. But then again, out in the western states, Whites and Hispanics usually form an alliance when it comes to blacks, especially in prisons.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
They're shocked when someone says 'Where the black boy at?', but don't think anything of playing rap with anti-white lyrics in the locker room before a game.

It's interesting that, other than mentioning what upset these boys in the first place, nothing else was said about their complaint that the coach himself was biased towards white players - in 'one of the most diverse areas of the country', no less?

Reading between the lines, I see that there must have been a lot more racial tension at this school because of the coach long before the players took that photo. If it was merely those four players, they would have been suspended and probably charged with some kinda weird crime. But the fact that it took months, the school district had to hire a private investigator, and the town was upset about the way the school handled the entire incident, is in my opinion quite telling.
Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
The players propably read Caste Football, lol.

Why is there no mention of firing the coach for playing obscene music and practicing discrimination?


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
you know why there is no mention of the coachs discrimination? because if he got fired and the school sided with the whites there would be riots and Al sharpton would be there protesting in a second. the whites don't want this to happen. but for how long can we allow this? its just getting ridiculous. segregation is the only answer my friends.
Sep 24, 2006
Kudos to the kids for standing up for themselves. More whites need to do this. I also don't see how the school can decide that students can't paint the Confederate flag on their cars...undoubtedly a hate crime.

But honestly, I'd slap the boys upside the head for that stupid f**king photo. They have the right to demonstrate whatever they like, but it wasn't so long ago that my own grandfather was ashamed of being German due to the Nazis. He helped remove them in WW2, and nazi wannabes are no better IMO than ignorant blacks. I got no use for either, pro-white or not.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
"Because these problems have been neglected for so long, they've been allowed to escalate to a place of hysteria," said Kathleen Chavez, an English teacher, who says the school has long ignored harassment of minority students.

What about the harassment of minority white students in inner city schools. I have personally witnessed that issue ignored!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
"Because these problems have been neglected for so long, they've been allowed to escalate to a place of hysteria," said Kathleen Chavez, an English teacher, who says the school has long ignored harassment of minority students.

i agree with that statement completely. but i don't think i'm coming from the same angle thatMs. Chavez is.

white people have neglected the issue of becoming marginalized in their own nation for so long, that the situation has escalated to the point where violent actionhas becomea very compelling recourse.

whether it's too late to stop the onslaught of minority invasion is another question entirely.Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood


Aug 8, 2006
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
But honestly, I'd slap the boys upside the head for that stupid f**king photo. They have the right to demonstrate whatever they like, but it wasn't so long ago that my own grandfather was ashamed of being German due to the Nazis. He helped remove them in WW2, and nazi wannabes are no better IMO than ignorant blacks. I got no use for either, pro-white or not.

Being of German descent myself, that photo doesn't bother me in teh least, and in fact makes me proud. Not because I am a Nazi, far, far from it, but because I like guys who have the courage to stand up and make a statement when a wrong occurs. And in this day and age, our side has bent over backwards time and again to accomodate. It's about time we say no more. And if it's offensive to some, so be it.

Also, what else are these guys going to do to make a point. Wear polo shirts and Dockers??? I really don't think we have to worry about a Nazi epidemic taking over our people. But if it takes a couple strong willed boys to be offensive to get others off the fence, good for them. It's got to start somewhere.
Sep 24, 2006
cslewis1 said:
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
But honestly, I'd slap the boys upside the head for that stupid f**king photo. They have the right to demonstrate whatever they like, but it wasn't so long ago that my own grandfather was ashamed of being German due to the Nazis. He helped remove them in WW2, and nazi wannabes are no better IMO than ignorant blacks. I got no use for either, pro-white or not.

Being of German descent myself, that photo doesn't bother me in teh least, and in fact makes me proud. Not because I am a Nazi, far, far from it, but because I like guys who have the courage to stand up and make a statement when a wrong occurs. And in this day and age, our side has bent over backwards time and again to accomodate. It's about time we say no more. And if it's offensive to some, so be it.

Also, what else are these guys going to do to make a point. Wear polo shirts and Dockers??? I really don't think we have to worry about a Nazi epidemic taking over our people. But if it takes a couple strong willed boys to be offensive to get others off the fence, good for them. It's got to start somewhere.

The trouble is that dumb sh*t like that, along with the other 'Aryan' movements, gets lumped in with other pro-white people and movements. I don't want any part of that. Its the wrong statement to make, as its almost automatically pushes them to the margins. Would you feel the same if they'd dressed up in sheets? I don't see either helping out 'the cause'. The last thing they need is even more ammo against what are otherwise fairly reasonable people.


Oct 20, 2006
Matt Bowen Fan is right on the mark. I'm mostly from german stock and I
think neo-national socialism is disgusting. People forget that they not only
killed a lot of jews, but a lot of catholics and orthodox christians too (and
protestants, while we're at it). Jesus, WWII killed about 40 million whites.
How can anyone claim to be pro-white and pro-nazi socialist?

That baloney only plays into EXACTLY what the media wants to caricature
pro-white movements as--neo nazi socialism. Shut it down.


Apr 6, 2007

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Apparently Utah's public enemy number 1 has been to prison before. He vowed he would never go back.

I wonder what made him such a racist bastard.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
White Shogun said:
Apparently Utah's public enemy number 1 has been to prison before. He vowed he would never go back.

I wonder what made him such a racist bastard.

I'm guessing years of enduring violence and racist attacks from minorities will do that to you. I highly doubt that he just woke up one day, for no reason, and said to himself, "You know what? I think I'll become a hardcore, hard-banging, Nazi gang-member today." That kind of dedication can only come from years of racial abuse.

After all the bullcrap and racist abuse that I endured as a kid growing up in urban NJ, its amazing that I don't look just like him right now.


Apr 6, 2007
Ground Fighter said:
White Shogun said:
Apparently Utah's public enemy number 1 has been to prison before. He vowed he would never go back.

I wonder what made him such a racist bastard.

I'm guessing years of enduring violence and racist attacks from minorities will do that to you. I highly doubt that he just woke up one day, for no reason, and said to himself, "You know what? I think I'll become a hardcore, hard-banging, Nazi gang-member today." That kind of dedication can only come from years of racial abuse.

After all the bullcrap and racist abuse that I endured as a kid growing up in urban NJ, its amazing that I don't look just like him right now.

His rap sheet doesn't say much. Regardless of what he is in jail for I bet that the people of Utah are glad to see him off the streets.
Rap Sheet
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Menelik said:
His rap sheet doesn't say much. Regardless of what he is in jail for I bet that the people of Utah are glad to see him off the streets.
Rap Sheet

Now that I look at his rap sheet, yeah, I see that he DOES belong in the can. Aggrivated murder, car-jacking, attempted homicide, etc. Yes indeed, I think that qualifies him as a derelict. I was kind if hoping that his crimes were more "political" than the ones that I saw listed. His rap sheet is more like that of a meth-dealing street thug, than of a White warrior fighting for his race. Very dissapointing.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
If he didn't have those awful tattoos he would be a decent looking guy. I don't understand why so many people are defacing their bodies with those ugly ink stains. I seepeople with all types of freaky looking garbage on their backs, ankles, necks and shoulders. Why dothey do this? Do they think they look cool or tough? I saw a hugely fat chick at a party the other day who had barbed wire tattoos on her calves.What the??? Does she thinkthey makes her tree trunk stumps look hot, and hip, and we won't notice she is 200 lbs. over weight? People are sheep. A year or two ago, I noticed a few women wearing rings on their toes in the summer, now it seems like it is a requirement while wearing sandals.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Ground Fighter said:
Menelik said:
His rap sheet doesn't say much. Regardless of what he is in jail for I bet that the people of Utah are glad to see him off the streets.
Rap Sheet

Now that I look at his rap sheet, yeah, I see that he DOES belong in the can. Aggrivated murder, car-jacking, attempted homicide, etc. Yes indeed, I think that qualifies him as a derelict. I was kind if hoping that his crimes were more "political" than the ones that I saw listed. His rap sheet is more like that of a meth-dealing street thug, than of a White warrior fighting for his race. Very dissapointing.

Sounds like your average black street thug to me. Is he the worst criminal Utah has to offer, to make him their 'most wanted?' There aren't any MS-13, Bloods, or Crps with worse rap sheets in all of Utah? You're kidding yourself if you think his nomination as Utah's "Most Wanted" had nothing to do with his white skin and status as a neo-nazi.

And yes, Menelik, I'm sure the good people of Utah are happy to see him off the street. And well they should be, just like they should be for every Crip, Blood, Latin King or anyone else like them taken off the street. Pretty interesting though that you chose to highlight the arrest of a white criminal in this way. Is this one of those, 'hey, white guys commit crimes, too, so blacks aren't all bad' things?

Oh, and by the way - my question about what made him a racist was rhetorical. Edited by: White Shogun


Apr 6, 2007
White Shogun said:
And yes, Menelik, I'm sure the good people of Utah are happy to see him off the street. And well they should be, just like they should be for every Crip, Blood, Latin King or anyone else like them taken off the street. Pretty interesting though that you chose to highlight the arrest of a white criminal in this way. Is this one of those, 'hey, white guys commit crimes, too, so blacks aren't all bad' things?

Oh, and by the way - my question about what made him a racist was rhetorical.

I have no idea who else is committing crimes in Utah, I live in GA. Also please don't assume what I'm trying to say; I can speak for myself. If you wish, go back and read the thread if you don't understand what I was trying to convey.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
You know what, you're right. Your post and attached photo were in context. I apologize.
May 1, 2006
The type of frustration these young men are experiencing is why the Nazi's are one of fastest growing organizations in the US. IF you get kicked enough and cannot get help from the system you will eventually seek help outside the system.


Aug 8, 2006
PitBull said:
Matt Bowen Fan is right on the mark. I'm mostly from german stock and I
think neo-national socialism is disgusting. People forget that they not only
killed a lot of jews, but a lot of catholics and orthodox christians too (and
protestants, while we're at it). Jesus, WWII killed about 40 million whites.
How can anyone claim to be pro-white and pro-nazi socialist?

That baloney only plays into EXACTLY what the media wants to caricature
pro-white movements as--neo nazi socialism. Shut it down.

Do you think these kids are actually Nazi's??? I seriously doubt there's an Eichmann among them, or if they even know who he is. They're kids who are saying enough is enough and they are doing it in a way that draws the most attention possible. Good for them. I also doubt there'd even be an article about this if not for their pose.

So, I am glad they did this because now I know their some kids with guts on our side, finally.

Finally, the media caricatures are the least of our problems, my friend. They're going to caricature us if we show up with pick up trucks, in business suits, waving US flags, or Confederate flags, owning a 12 gauge or a 50 cal, working on the farm, in Wall Street, if you're single, or if you've got 6 kids, the negative caricatures of white folk go deep and well beyond what these kids are doing.