Racial component to calling pitches


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Here we go. The majority of pitchers and umpires are white, so I guess that situation needs to be rectified. More smoke and mirrors.

[url]http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20070814/sc_livescience/ majorleagueumpscallmorestrikesforpitchersofsamerace [/url]

Major League Baseball umpires are more likely to call strikes for pitchers of the same race or ethnicity, a new study finds.

Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin analyzed every pitch from the 2004 through 2006 major league seasons to explore whether racial discrimination factored into umpires' decisions to call a pitch a strike or a ball....
Oct 16, 2004
I saw this over at that crap site, AMREN. A couple of astute posters there
noticed that whites tend to excel above other groups when it comes to
throwing. The percentages listed in the article are almost insignificant in
terms of difference. I side with one poster there who asked if it were
possible the non-whites were getting calls they shouldn't get and that's why
their percentages were closer to whites.
May 1, 2006
I read that article and laughed . These 'researchers claim to have analyzed everypitch thrown in major competionf ro 2 years 2004-2006. They also reported that this "bias" disappeared in ball parks where the plate umpire was graded using the Quest electronic system. So question number 1 . In the games not using the Quest system how did the reasearchers determine what pitches awere strikes. Just possibly htis reasearch shows how Prejudiced Academic reseaarchers are aginst whitme males in General.