race mixing in islam


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
a lot of people amongst the "racists" have sympathy for islam or muslim countries
even adolf hitler, who knew nothing about islam, said that it would be a good religion for whites
it can be misleading so let's expose the truth

the truth is that in islam, racism is forbidden
nationalism too
there can be no borders, no race
race-mixing is the norm

Napoleon argued that “Asia and Africa are inhabited by men of many colors: polygamy is the only efficient means of mixing them so that whites do not persecute the blacks, or blacks the whites. Polygamy has them born from the same mother or the same father; the black and the white, since they are brothers, sit together at the same table and see each other. Hence in the Orient no color pretends to be superior to another. But, to accomplish this, Muhammad thought that four wives were sufficient.... When we will wish, in our colonies, to give liberty to the blacks and to destroy color prejudice, the legislator will authorize polygamy.â€￾


black men were even admired and worshiped:


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joel_Augustus_Rogers (the rest of his books are useless and not backed by facts as far as i know, but this part was interesting)

they even had black sultans:

To the Sultan, Abu Hassan Ali, "The Black Sultan," are due the Mederseas of Es-Sahrij and E1 Mesbahiya (1331-48). He got his name like his dark skin from his mother, who was an Abyssinian Negress to whom in one of his inscriptions he paid a lofty tribute: "Her noble and saintly Highness! May God enlighten her tomb and sanctify her soul!"

his favourite wife was white:

His favorite wife was a European named Shams-ed-Douha, or "The Morning Sun," and his tomb and hers, at Shella, are one of the architectural treasures of Morocco.

white men were slaves and black men dominated:

Bernardin de Saint-Pierre is for most people the author of one book: Paul et Virginie. This new edition of his play Empsaël et Zoraïde, presented in a modernised spelling, makes available a considerably more muscular text which illustrates his abolitionist stance through its central irony: the masters are black and their slaves white, joining forces in the antislavery debate which reached its height with the French Revolution. Bernardin thus introduces into it a rare element of humour which, had his play ever been performed, would have made his audiences sit up and think.


in the book they also discuss having a white wife

morocco's royal guard is still descended from the "black guard" that another black sultan created: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Guard

another example from muslim ruled india:

India also received its share of African bondsmen, of whom the most famous was the celebrated Malik Ambar (1550-1626). Ambar, like a number of Africans in medieval India, elevated himself to a position of great authority. Malik Ambar, whose original name was Shambu, was born around 1550 in Harar, Ethiopia. After his arrival in India Ambar was able to raise a formidable army and achieve great power in the west Indian realm of Ahmadnagar. Ambar was a brilliant diplomat and administrator. He encouraged manufactures and built canals and mosques. He gave pensions to poets and scholars, established a postal service, and ultimately became one of the most famous men in India.

In a collective form, however, and in respect to long term influence, the African sailors known as Siddis stand out. Certainly, Siddi kingdoms were established in western India in Janjira and Jaffrabad as early as 1100 AD. After their conversion to Islam, the African freedmen of India, originally called Habshi from the Arabic, called themselves Sayyad (descendants of Muhammad) and were consequently called Siddis. Indeed, the island Janjira was formerly called Habshan, meaning Habshan’s or African’s land. Siddi signifies lord or prince. It is further said that Siddi is an expression of respectful address commonly used in North Africa, like Sahib in India. Specifically, it is said to be an honorific title given to the descendants of African natives in the west of India, some of whom were distinguished military officers and administrators of the Muslim princes of the Deccan.
In the second decade of the sixteenth century a European traveler named Armando Cortesao noted that:
“The people who govern the kingdom [Bengal] are Abyssinians [Ethiopians]. These men are looked upon as knights; they are greatly esteemed; they wait on the kings in their apartments. The chief among them are eunuchs and these come to be kings and great lords in the kingdom. Those who are not eunuchs are the fighting men. After the king, it is to this people that the kingdom is obedient from fear.â€￾


also about the muslims opposition to the jews, semites are known for their notorious in-fighting
but they will always cooperate against whites

jews enjoyed a golden age while living under muslim-ruled spain: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_age_of_Jewish_culture_in_Spain

they even helped them invade spain:

The Jewish inhabitants opened the gates for the Moslem invaders under Tarik ibn Zayid marking the end of Visigothic rule in Spain and the beginning of 150 years of peace. Thus began what was known as the Golden Age of Spain. The Iberian caliphate was independent of Baghdad and encouraged the flowering of Spanish-Jewish culture at the same time that it was being suppressed by the Baghdad caliphate.


a jew and a muslim against racist white people:



Nov 25, 2004
And yet Arab and lighter skinned (some considered white) don't have a race-mixing problem whereas White Christians nations do. This despite the fact that the Christian Bible both the Old and the New Testament warn repeatedly against joining the "mixed multitudes."

Black Christian and black muslim nations don't have a race-mixing problem either. So is it about religion or race? To me it doesn't matter so much if the black, Asian, and Latino hoards that are swarming in our countries are Christian, Muslim, or practice Voodoo. I know they will be equally against us and for themselves.


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
And yet Arab and lighter skinned (some considered white) don't have a race-mixing problem whereas White Christians nations do. This despite the fact that the Christian Bible both the Old and the New Testament warn repeatedly against joining the "mixed multitudes."

Black Christian and black muslim nations don't have a race-mixing problem either. So is it about religion or race? To me it doesn't matter so much if the black, Asian, and Latino hoards that are swarming in our countries are Christian, Muslim, or practice Voodoo. I know they will be equally against us and for themselves.

this thread was not created from a christian point of view
i am not christian
and this thread proves that muslim countries have a race-mixing problem, past or ongoing


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
Black Christian and black muslim nations don't have a race-mixing problem either. So is it about religion or race?

a little bit of both
first, to be sincerely muslim, one would have to have at least a part of semitic blood i think
then, it's not only about race because "white muslims" kill other people for religious reasons
you had a first hand proof of that recently in the US: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dzhokhar_and_Tamerlan_Tsarnaev

but it happens all the time in russia and other muslim countries
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Nov 25, 2004
The two most significant white genocides in recent times were World War I and World War 2. Neither of which had anything to do with Islam. Particularly repulsive was World War 2 where white nations were brain-washed to the point of fighting a war to ostensibly keep Germany from nationalizing around the idea of the Aryan Race and becoming too white. Ironically, it was the Japanese, Italians, and Arabs who sided with Germany.

Just from memory:
I have a 1967 Collier's Encyclopedia. Under World War 2 there is no mention of any Jewish Holocaust of any kind. Nor is it mentioned at all in the H's. In the same Encyclopedia set, it has an interesting section on races. It should three distinct races Caucasian, Negro, and Asia. It went further and sub-divided the races. The White race was divided into Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean. The pictures of those belonging to the Mediterranean subdivision looked a lot like Assad - or how many Arabs look today. It was described as a extinct sub-division basically due to the blurred lines were are talking about today. Isn't it interesting that an 1967 Encyclopedia would probably consider Assad and many Arabs White?

I know when it comes to sports I will side with blonde-haired Muslims who play for Bosnia over deep black Muslim Nigerians. Or over deep black Christian Nations.

Anyways, the argument as to who is white has been going on for awhile. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race
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Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
I have a 1967 Collier's Encyclopedia. Under World War 2 there is no mention of any Jewish Holocaust of any kind. Nor is it mentioned at all in the H's. In the same Encyclopedia set, it has an interesting section on races. It should three distinct races Caucasian, Negro, and Asia. It went further and sub-divided the races. The White race was divided into Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean. The pictures of those belonging to the Mediterranean subdivision looked a lot like Assad - or how many Arabs look today. It was described as a extinct sub-division basically due to the blurred lines were are talking about today. Isn't it interesting that an 1967 Encyclopedia would probably consider Assad and many Arabs White?

the word "race" comes from an arab word and was never used by white nations
it brings closer peoples that are not related
the closest word in english to the "gens" ancient europeans talked about would be "nation"
nation is a word related to "gens" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gens )
it means the people who are related to eachothers
today's whites are totally ignorant of what they call "race"


Nov 25, 2004
I haven't seen much evidence to convince me that Islam in the roots of it's religion is Anti-white. What religion is pro-white? Christian Identity (not modern everyday Christianity) is just about it. You can post words of a black supremacist Islamist but it doesn't carry any weight. Or post things extremists have said - but then again when have extremists ever been taken as serious Prophets of a said religion? If you can find something in the Koran that says we must kill white people, then you've got something. Until then it's all hearsay.


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
I haven't seen much evidence to convince me that Islam in the roots of it's religion is Anti-white. What religion is pro-white? Christian Identity (not modern everyday Christianity) is just about it. You can post words of a black supremacist Islamist but it doesn't carry any weight. Or post things extremists have said - but then again when have extremists ever been taken as serious Prophets of a said religion? If you can find something in the Koran that says we must kill white people, then you've got something. Until then it's all hearsay.

the koran says racism and nationalism are evil
it explicitely says you must obey to the one who is more muslim than you, regardless of his skin colour (they say "even if his face is black")
islam's only way to make difference between people is to see which is more muslim than the other
so it denies you the right to claim you are white
it denies you the right to defend your nation
it forces you to obey to black muslims like in the examples i gave in my first post
it forces you to accept non-white immigration to your country
it forces you to accept your daughter marrying a black man if he is a muslim
etc etc

bilal from the koran was black


Nov 25, 2004
the koran says racism and nationalism are evil
it explicitely says you must obey to the one who is more muslim than you, regardless of his skin colour (they say "even if his face is black")
islam's only way to make difference between people is to see which is more muslim than the other
so it denies you the right to claim you are white
it denies you the right to defend your nation
it forces you to obey to black muslims like in the examples i gave in my first post
it forces you to accept non-white immigration to your country
it forces you to accept your daughter marrying a black man if he is a muslim
etc etc

bilal from the koran was black

Ok, fine. Just quote me the text examples and then I don't have to take your word for it.

And still none of that stuff is being forced on us by muslims. They don't have organizations that effectively keep whites from uniting in nationalism, nor do they have any say on our immigration policy, nor has islam "forced" a single White American to accept their daughter marrying a black man.

Now if you wrote as passionately about those who do have control over all of that stuff as you do for your hatred for Muslims I would listen.


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
Ok, fine. Just quote me the text examples and then I don't have to take your word for it.

And still none of that stuff is being forced on us by muslims. They don't have organizations that effectively keep whites from uniting in nationalism, nor do they have any say on our immigration policy, nor has islam "forced" a single White American to accept their daughter marrying a black man.

Now if you wrote as passionately about those who do have control over all of that stuff as you do for your hatred for Muslims I would listen.

the reason why i wrote this is because very few people amongst us "racists" know about it
i don't need to write about jews, there are enough people doing it
and i have already done it
but writing about islam and race-mixing from a white point of view, it is not done often

"“Those who take pride in their nation and ancestors, should abandon it and remember that such sources of pride are nothing but fuel of hell. If they do not abandon it, they are worse before God than the filth they carry with them.â€￾"

“Islam has done away with the pride of paganism and boasting of forefathers. All people are from Adam who was of earth, and none has superiority over another except in chastity.â€￾

It is the duty of Muslims to fight unyieldingly against every other ideology and school including nationalism, communism and liberalism, politically and intellectually and they should not rest until the school of God comes to dominate over the personal, social, political, economic, intellectual and religious life of man:

“Fight with them until there is no mischief left and only the religion of God remains in the world.â€￾ (8:39)

see more here: http://www.al-islam.org/islam-and-nationalism-dr-ali-mohammed-naqvi


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
like jews, muslims have an agenda and they will lie to you, lie by ommission usually, so that their worldview becomes the dominant one
they are growing in influence, there are many very rich muslim countries that have a big cultural influence, and it will only get worse
so we have to prepare for the future by knowing our enemy


Jul 6, 2011
French Muslims are influential. Their vote was the difference between the two candidates in the last French election.

In many of England's cities they put the white-hating Labour Party over the top. In Belgium too the Socialists are increasingly dependent on Muslim votes.


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
French Muslims are influential. Their vote was the difference between the two candidates in the last French election.

In many of England's cities they put the white-hating Labour Party over the top. In Belgium too the Socialists are increasingly dependent on Muslim votes.

not to mention the rich arabs:


white "racists" are so naive
there are people who side with arabs against jews just like others side with jews against muslims

let's keep a coherent worldview

you wouldn't believe what some anti semitic and far-right movements do here in france


here is famous revisionist and self admitted nazi vincent reynouard with another far right activist


Nov 25, 2004
the reason why i wrote this is because very few people amongst us "racists" know about it
i don't need to write about jews, there are enough people doing it
and i have already done it
but writing about islam and race-mixing from a white point of view, it is not done often

see more here: http://www.al-islam.org/islam-and-nationalism-dr-ali-mohammed-naqvi

I have been on websites back in the antiquity of the internet that were completely dominated by so-called conservatives who used much of the daily traffic to rant about how horrible Islam is but at the same time were aghast that I was Christian Identity. They also worshipped Israel to no end and supported every war cause we ever had. They were classic neocons.

I still get facebook messages daily from loosely associated friends telling me of the evils of Islam. I think the message is out. I strangely never ever receive a message warning me about other religions.

If Islam is for race-mixing (still seen no real evidence) I would be as alarmed as I would if Buddhists from China were for race-mixing. If Chinese want to race mix then have at it is my philosophy. If Arabs, who I have been assured are 100% all non-white, want to race-mix then have at it.

Now if you have information that shows that the agenda for Islam is to get little blonde Christian girls to race mix with deep black Muslim Somalis then let me know. I want to know their organization and how successful they are at getting white Americans to race mix. I want to know exactly how they are doing it so that I can be prepared to fight this disease. Although, I wonder why John McCain hasn't already told me?


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
I have been on websites back in the antiquity of the internet that were completely dominated by so-called conservatives who used much of the daily traffic to rant about how horrible Islam is but at the same time were aghast that I was Christian Identity. They also worshipped Israel to no end and supported every war cause we ever had. They were classic neocons.

I still get facebook messages daily from loosely associated friends telling me of the evils of Islam. I think the message is out. I strangely never ever receive a message warning me about other religions.

If Islam is for race-mixing (still seen no real evidence) I would be as alarmed as I would if Buddhists from China were for race-mixing. If Chinese want to race mix then have at it is my philosophy. If Arabs, who I have been assured are 100% all non-white, want to race-mix then have at it.

Now if you have information that shows that the agenda for Islam is to get little blonde Christian girls to race mix with deep black Muslim Somalis then let me know. I want to know their organization and how successful they are at getting white Americans to race mix. I want to know exactly how they are doing it so that I can be prepared to fight this disease. Although, I wonder why John McCain hasn't already told me?

i know those kind of people too, but they attack islam in a very different way
they don't do it from a white point of view
usually they talk about islamo-fascism, tell that islam is racist etc
i do the oposite

i have put info in this thread that show that their views are not limited to arabs
they will indeed try to do that to white peoples
islam is not only for arabs
Oct 24, 2012
like jews, muslims have an agenda and they will lie to you, lie by ommission usually, so that their worldview becomes the dominant one

Its called Taqiyya:

Lying and cheating in the Arab world is not really a moral matter but a method of safeguarding honor and status, avoiding shame, and at all times exploiting possibilities, for those with the wits for it, deftly and expeditiously to convert shame into honor on their own account and vice versa for their opponents. If honor so demands, lies and cheating may become absolute imperatives.â€￾ [David Pryce-Jones, “The Closed Circleâ€￾ An interpretation of the Arabs, p4]


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
The Moslem nations minded their own business and weren't bothering anybody until the Jews brutally invaded Palestine.

Then they engineered the immigration invasion of the western white nations with third world moslems and blacks and also asians, and that, along with the force breeding of negroes through the welfare programs, is their Final Solution to the goyim problem.

The so-called immigration reform act of 1965 that is very rapidly changing what was once the USA into a third world hell hole, for instance, was entirely written by Jews. Ted Kennedy was only the front man.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
a lot of people amongst the "racists" have sympathy for islam or muslim countries
even adolf hitler, who knew nothing about islam, said that it would be a good religion for whites...

Hitler said he respected Islam because it was a warrior religion.

Are you Jewish?
Oct 24, 2012
The so-called immigration reform act of 1965 that is very rapidly changing what was once the USA into a third world hell hole, for instance, was entirely written by Jews. Ted Kennedy was only the front man.

Yes,we know that Jews are evil incarnate and our primary enemy,but let me repeat once again for all the Americans:

Just because you are fortunate enough to not have your cities overrun with muslims,because you live in America...don't expect those who have to deal with them on a daily basis to share your delusion of muslims as a something of a lovable race who mind their own business and are largely pro-white.

"But muslims don't rape my daughters"

"But muslims don't control my tv"

"But muslims don't stop me from speaking the truth"...... :blah: