An article entitled "PISA Scores Show Demography Is Destiny In Education Tooâ€"But Washington Doesn't Want You To Know"
Interesting to note that in the latest for Math release by ethic group in 2003 for Asians they scored 506 and White scored 512 and in science in 2006 Whites scored 523 and Asians 499, but Asians beat Whites in reading in 2009, but aren't Asians suppose to clobber Whites in all academic matters?
White Americans students outperformed the national average in every one of the 37 historically white countries tested, except Finland (which is, perhaps not coincidentally, an immigration restrictionist nation where whites make up about 99 percent of the population).
my top chart does not offer a true apples-to-apples comparison of whites in America to whites in other traditionally white countries. For example, New Zealand whites scored 541 on reading in 2009, 16 points above American whites. But the Kiwis' national scores are dragged down somewhat by the indigenous Maori and by Pacific Islander immigrants, who do more for the current competitiveness of New Zealand's national rugby team than for the future competitiveness of its 21st Century economy.
Interesting to note that in the latest for Math release by ethic group in 2003 for Asians they scored 506 and White scored 512 and in science in 2006 Whites scored 523 and Asians 499, but Asians beat Whites in reading in 2009, but aren't Asians suppose to clobber Whites in all academic matters?