Race, Intelligence and Propaganda


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "PISA Scores Show Demography Is Destiny In Education Tooâ€"But Washington Doesn't Want You To Know"

White Americans students outperformed the national average in every one of the 37 historically white countries tested, except Finland (which is, perhaps not coincidentally, an immigration restrictionist nation where whites make up about 99 percent of the population).

my top chart does not offer a true apples-to-apples comparison of whites in America to whites in other traditionally white countries. For example, New Zealand whites scored 541 on reading in 2009, 16 points above American whites. But the Kiwis' national scores are dragged down somewhat by the indigenous Maori and by Pacific Islander immigrants, who do more for the current competitiveness of New Zealand's national rugby team than for the future competitiveness of its 21st Century economy.


Interesting to note that in the latest for Math release by ethic group in 2003 for Asians they scored 506 and White scored 512 and in science in 2006 Whites scored 523 and Asians 499, but Asians beat Whites in reading in 2009, but aren't Asians suppose to clobber Whites in all academic matters?

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Yeah that Asian superiority over Whites stuff is all hoey for the most part.

But here's a little known fact the jerks running this country don't want to get out. The poorest Asian children score higher on academic tests than the children of the richest blacks. Of course, that obviously goes for White children as well.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Tom Iron said:

Yeah that Asian superiority over Whites stuff is all hoey for the most part.

But here's a little known fact the jerks running this country don't want to get out. The poorest Asian children score higher on academic tests than the children of the richest blacks. Of course, that obviously goes for White children as well.

Tom Iron...

Right thou art. This supposed "Asian intelligence" is overstated. It's the East Asians that tend to have high IQ (Chinese, Japanese and Koreans). South East Asians don't have the high(er) mean IQ. I know most "studies" show Europeans behind the East Asians, but having a superior mean IQ than all other races. The lowest seems to be sub-Saharan Africans, Australian Aborigines, and Kalahari Bushmen & Congo Pygmies. No doubt the intelligence quotient is genetic & heritable. Even IF the mean IQ of East Asians is a tad higher than Europeans/Whites, we are still the superior race, and this can be validated based on contribution to mankind...industrial, medicine, arts, literature, technology & our natural warrior spirit (see the Vikings, Alexander the Great, the Highlanders, British Empire, Spartans, etc.).

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
DixieDestroyer said:
Tom Iron said:

Yeah that Asian superiority over Whites stuff is all hoey for the most part.

But here's a little known fact the jerks running this country don't want to get out. The poorest Asian children score higher on academic tests than the children of the richest blacks. Of course, that obviously goes for White children as well.

Tom Iron...

Right thou art. This supposed "Asian intelligence" is overstated. It's the East Asians that tend to have high IQ (Chinese, Japanese and Koreans). South East Asians don't have the high(er) mean IQ. I know most "studies" show Europeans behind the East Asians, but having a superior mean IQ than all other races. The lowest seems to be sub-Saharan Africans, Australian Aborigines, and Kalahari Bushmen & Congo Pygmies. No doubt the intelligence quotient is genetic & heritable. Even IF the mean IQ of East Asians is a tad higher than Europeans/Whites, we are still the superior race, and this can be validated based on contribution to mankind...industrial, medicine, arts, literature, technology & our natural warrior spirit (see the Vikings, Alexander the Great, the Highlanders, British Empire, Spartans, etc.).
As i remember the argument of Asian "IQ" superiority is based on a very small sampleing
of Asian [less than one hundred] in highend Colleges in Engaand..
May 1, 2006
I think the Asian IQ thing was a red herring used by Lynch and Rushton to keep from having their work banned a "RACIST". I know a Neurological Psychologist who was fired from a State owned University for publishing research on structural difference in male and female brains. The factual correctness of his ground breaking research was not a considered only that his work was divisive and unacceptable. A couple of caveats. The 106 score was achieved by testing NE Asians residing in the US. Many of these people were recruited by industry and academia because of their technological or academic accomplishments. Short version . They were brought to the US because they are smarter than average. This raised the score slightly. NE Asians test in Asia average a 103. If you test only NW Europeans they average a 105. One last caveat. Many testers hwo usually went through a college or university Psychology curriculum do not consider Hispanics to be a race. If the tested client is darker than say an Italian they will classify them as Native American if not they will classify them a Caucasian. This tends to slightly lower the score for whites.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I also think the scores for asians are inflated. There is no way that an accurate assessment could be made on intelligence for the literally millions of asians that live far enough away from civilization for it to be practical.

On the other hand virtually all white people live in fully civilized countries where extensive testing is performed. Each and every low IQ white person is tested dragging down average white scores. While asians scores are done only among an already self selected intellectual elite.

Sailers analysis mentions all this however, he, like others who write about this subject, are slaves to the "numbers" that they do have, and thus make their assumptions based on the info they do have, which is somewhat faulty.