Pushing Out Whites In America


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Texas Now a Majority-Minority State

The Associated Press
Thursday, August 11, 2005; 12:42 AM

EL PASO, Texas -- Texas has become the fourth state to have a non-white majority population, the U.S. Census Bureau said Thursday, a trend driven by a surging number of Hispanics moving to the state.

According to the population estimates based on the 2000 Census, about 50.2 percent of Texans are now minorities. In the 2000 Census, minorities made up about 47 percent of the population in the second-largest state.

Texas joins California, New Mexico and Hawaii as states with majority-minority populations _ with Hispanics the largest group in every state but Hawaii, where it is Asian-Americans.

Five other states _ Maryland, Mississippi, Georgia, New York and Arizona _ aren't far behind, with about 40 percent minorities.

Public policy analysts said these states and the country as a whole need to bring minority education and professional achievement to the levels of whites. Otherwise, these areas risk becoming poorer and less competitive.

William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., said lawmakers need to start with immigration reform, while striving to bring minorities' education and salary levels in line with Anglos.

"Immigration is good for the United States ... it's important for us to keep our doors open, but we need to keep an eye on the people coming in," Frey said. "While initially it will be a state problem, eventually it will be a national issue, and education is the best way to deal with it."

Complications from the cultural shift aren't likely to be exclusive to states that already have majority-minority populations, Frey said.

Nevada, for instance, has seen a massive influx of minorities in the last 15 years, reducing the percentage of Anglos since the 1990s from nearly 80 percent to about 60 percent. Such a rapid shift is likely to cause growing pains that include trying to balance the needs of a bigger and younger minority community with an aging Anglo community, Frey said.

"That's the kind of state that is going to have to deal with quick transition," Frey said.

Though some areas may never see this shift, the country as a whole is expected to continue the trend first noticed more than a decade ago.

The nation should be more than half minorities by 2050, said Steve Murdock, a demographer at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

"If you look in the 1990s, in every one of the 50 states, non-Anglo Hispanic populations grew faster than Anglo populations," Murdock said. "It's a very pervasive pattern."

[url]http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08 /11/AR2005081100031.html[/url]
Just great. As a Texan born and bred, I have steadily watched our culture and the Old Texas deteriorate. This will only hasten our demise.
I just heard on the news Supercuts is being sued for racial discrimination because they asked two hispanic employees to not speak Spanish while cutting hair.
The corporate, political, and media entities already consider the USA to be a majority nonwhite country, even though it isn't yet by the numbers. They pretty much have been doing it for fifteen years now.
I'm a Texan, and this developoment makes me think I should be camping on the banks of the Rio Grand with my rifle.
Five other states _ Maryland, Mississippi, Georgia, New York and Arizona _ aren't far behind, with about 40 percent minorities.

Um, why does Maryland have such a large population of non-whites?
Spanish Set to Become Official Language of Seven Denver Public Library Branches
In a sharp break from American tradition, the Denver Public Library is promoting a plan that would make seven of its branches "Spanish focused," banishing English language books to the backroom. The "Languages and Learning" plan would dramatically increase Spanish language offerings and staff, designating some locations as Spanish dominant. The proposal is currently under review by the Library Commission and an advisory board.

"Denver's action is a dubious first in American history: a major U.S. city is creating a public institution that intentionally excludes native-born Americans," explained Mauro E. Mujica, Chairman of the Board of U.S. English, Inc. "This action goes against the model of assimilation that has successfully served the United States for centuries."

"In a nation of immigrants, focusing on a single non-English language is the type of favoritism that we should have abandoned years ago. The taxpayers of Denver â€â€￾ residents who speak 68 languages â€â€￾ should not stand idly by while their money goes to support immigrants from El Salvador or Colombia over immigrants from Vietnam or Egypt."

Library officials counter that the switch to Spanish dominant libraries is an extension of the institution's purpose. They claim that the Languages and Learning plan will assist Spanish speaking residents in becoming members of their community. Proponents call the plan "cutting edge" and "revolutionary."

"I fail to see how an 'Official Spanish' Library will aid immigrants in learning English and becoming Americans," Mujica continued. "If anything, it will further the notion that Spanish-speaking immigrants can live in relative comfort without needing to learn our common language. If we are to successfully continue as a nation of immigrants, we cannot send an 'English Optional' message to any immigrant group."

U.S. English, Inc. is the nation's oldest and largest non-partisan citizens' action group dedicated to preserving the unifying role of the English language in the United States. Founded in 1983 by the late Sen. S.I. Hayakawa of California, U.S. English, Inc. (www.usenglish.org) now has more than 1.8 million members.
[url]http://www.usenglish.org/inc/news/preleases/viewRelease.asp? ID=167[/url]
It's almost funny that the government and media still considers Mexicans and other dark-skinned people "minorities". It's actually rather pathetic. Whenever the white general public hears about these so called "minorites" they automatically feel pity for them and try and help them as much as possible. Why?I mean for crying out loid, now YOU, the white population, are the minorities. Oh but that would be racist to consider that. Not only have us whites been surppressing blacks for millenia, I guess we have somehow been doing the same to Mexicans.
American Freedom News