Prison Joke



So ive been seeing this show about life in some of this countries "toughest" prisons. They interview gaurds and and prisoners alike to show Joe six pack what prison is like. What a joke!! The gaurds are basically admitting that the prisoners run the show. Rapings, beatings, prisoners dating female gaurds are all the norm in todays system.

They inteviewed one grey haired white guy who was serving a life sentence for "cheating at the slot machines". LIFE sentence for that
Not only that, but after getting the money, he said he would just blow it at the blackjack table. I guess they needed to make an example out of him.

One more thing ive noticed happening is the following scenario: Your white and got in a some "minor" legal trouble. You get an unfair sentence of 1 year in prison but can be released early on good behavior. You accept this thinking you will go and quietly serve your time. Think again. You are now a target of Jamal, he wants you for a girlfriend. He is in prison for life on armed robbery and a murder conviction. Jamal has nothing to lose. Being in prison is his life.
So Jamal approaches you with the opportunity to be his bitch, you decline. A fight breaks out, you get sent to the "hole" and are now serving a longer sentence because you didnt let Jamal rape you.

Lesson of the day? If you are white, stay out of trouble at all costs..
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
mr.wonderfull said:
So Jamal approaches you with the opportunity to be his bitch, you decline. A fight breaks out, you get sent to the "hole" and are now serving a longer sentence because you didnt let Jamal rape you.

Lesson of the day? If you are white, stay out of trouble at all costs..

Thats a pretty acurate depiction of how prison really is. My uncle was in the can for a few years (he was a non-violent offender, convicted of embezzlement and a few other things) and according to him, it was always the blacks who who trying to "get down" with other men. The hispanics and Whites did it on rare occasion too, but it was primarily the blacks who have the fixation with anal sex. As a matter of fact, the guards and other prison officals pretty much ignore an inmate who complains that another inmate is trying to sexually assault them. You're only options are submitting to him OR beating the holy sh*t out of him (or killing him) and getting additional time added to your sentence. You pretty much have no choice.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Ground Fighter said:
mr.wonderfull said:
So Jamal approaches you with the opportunity to be his bitch, you decline. A fight breaks out, you get sent to the "hole" and are now serving a longer sentence because you didnt let Jamal rape you.

Lesson of the day? If you are white, stay out of trouble at all costs..

Thats a pretty acurate depiction of how prison really is. My uncle was in the can for a few years (he was a non-violent offender, convicted of embezzlement and a few other things) and according to him, it was always the blacks who who trying to "get down" with other men. The hispanics and Whites did it on rare occasion too, but it was primarily the blacks who have the fixation with anal sex. As a matter of fact, the guards and other prison officals pretty much ignore an inmate who complains that another inmate is trying to sexually assault them. You're only options are submitting to him OR beating the holy sh*t out of him (or killing him) and getting additional time added to your sentence. You pretty much have no choice.

That's why alot of people come out of prisons and even juvenile facilities much worse than they were coming in. Where are all the compassionate liberal do-gooders on this issue, this is where the real prison reform is needed. How can anybody be rehabilitated under these conditions?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
guest301 said:
Where are all the compassionate liberal do-gooders on this issue, this is where the real prison reform is needed. How can anybody be rehabilitated under these conditions?

Good point 301.


Apr 13, 2005
Rehabilitation does not exist. Prison is meant for two things: 1 punishment and, 2. warehousing the anti-social to limit their damage to society. Just a little time in some form of lockup will zap the head of any sensible person.

A guy I served with in the Marines joined a motorcycle gang later and did some county jail time in New Mexico for an offense. He came out and went straight because he didn't ever want to go back to jail again.

And, yeah, no white person wants to go to any form of prison. Your first crime is called a misdemeanor. After that, they drop the misdo and it just gets meaner.Edited by: Bronk


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Bronk said:
Rehabilitation does not exist. Prison is meant for two things: 1 punishment and, 2. warehousing the anti-social to limit their damage to society. Just a little time in some form of lockup will zap the head of any sensible person.

A guy I served with in the Marines joined a motorcycle gang later and did some county jail time in New Mexico for an offense. He came out and went straight because he didn't ever want to go back to jail again.

And, yeah, no white person wants to go to any form of prison. Your first crime is called a misdemeanor. After that, they drop the misdo and it just gets meaner.

Rehabilitation may beone of thestated goals, but I agree with you Bronk. It is a very rare thing. I can't imagine what spending time in prison would do to someone, especially if you end up having to deal with minorities and bulls all the time.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Bronk said:
Rehabilitation does not exist. Prison is meant for two things: 1 punishment and, 2. warehousing the anti-social to limit their damage to society. Just a little time in some form of lockup will zap the head of any sensible person.

A guy I served with in the Marines joined a motorcycle gang later and did some county jail time in New Mexico for an offense. He came out and went straight because he didn't ever want to go back to jail again.

And, yeah, no white person wants to go to any form of prison. Your first crime is called a misdemeanor. After that, they drop the misdo and it just gets meaner.

I agree with you that prison is mostly about punishment and the protection of society outside those prison walls. But that being said, most convicts will not be serving life sentences and therefore rehabilitation should certainly be a priority of the prison system and not foster a system where man-rape is going on constantly as well other illegal activities such as drug dealing and gang activity. If more funding is needed to build more cells and hire more guards, so be it. It's worth the investment.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

For the most part, rehabiliataion isn't possible I think. To rehabilitate someone, you have to have a starting point. That's what's missing with the vast majority of people in prison today. They're adults with no focus. Even if you were able to teach them a viable trade, that doesn't mean they will get out and work willingly at a trade. That only means they can do work, not that they will. Anyway, we're talking about a miniscule group out of the overall prison population.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
There are alot of excellent prison ministries such as the work Chuck Colson and Mike Barber do in cordination with prisons all over the country that have excellent rehabilitation records. If the rehabilitation program has a religous componet to it that teaches values along with a trade then there is far more hope for that individual.


Aug 9, 2005
The current system is designed to keep the productive white man in line while his assets and freedom are slowly stolen from him. It really works pretty well at what it's designed to do.

At this point in time, you drink one beer and drive home afterwards, you're risking getting yourself in to "the system."


Apr 14, 2005
freedom1 said:
At this point in time, you drink one beer and drive home afterwards, you're
risking getting yourself in to "the system."

I know man its all f*ckin' BS!!! Give me a break...


whiteCB said:
freedom1 said:
At this point in time, you drink one beer and drive home afterwards, you're
risking getting yourself in to "the system."

I know man its all f*ckin' BS!!! Give me a break...

Funny this was mentioned as I just had this almost happen to me last weeK after softball. I passed the breathalizer and physical tests with flying colors. However, since I did show some alcahol(.03) he said have your wife drive home or your under arrest. I said how could I get a DWI, I passed the tests. He said DUI. I laughed at that point and just said ok..ok.

The worst part was the cops attitude, rolling his eyes and being a dick the entire time. He pulled me over for a burnt out license plate light after watching me pull out of the bar.

They seem to be targeting the middle class white guy way more rapantly now days. Maybe the departments are getting finacailly pinched in these tough times? The minorities do ,on average, have less money to pay tickets.
Caution to all white males, we are the targets.
Edited by: mr.wonderfull


Nov 25, 2004
mr.wonderfull said:
whiteCB said:
freedom1 said:
At this point in time, you drink one beer and drive home afterwards, you're
risking getting yourself in to "the system."

I know man its all f*ckin' BS!!! Give me a break...

Funny this was mentioned as I just had this almost happen to me last weeK after softball. I passed the breathalizer and physical tests with flying colors. However, since I did show some alcahol(.03) he said have your wife drive home or your under arrest. I said how could I get a DWI, I passed the tests. He said DUI. I laughed at that point and just said ok..ok.

The worst part was the cops attitude, rolling his eyes and being a dick the entire time. He pulled me over for a burnt out license plate light after watching me pull out of the bar.

They seem to be targeting the middle class white guy way more rapantly now days. Maybe the departments are getting finacailly pinched in these tough times? The minorities do ,on average, have less money to pay tickets.
Caution to all white males, we are the targets.

No question we are being targeted. I know cops that don't even pull over blacks or mexicans for traffic violations because they know they will never pay their ticket. If they lose their license (if they even have one), they could care less. They don't put minorities in prison for traffic violations because the prisons are already filled to the brim with them.

As crime increase the laws will get tougher, but only white people will pay the price. It only takes about 2-3 drinks now to blow over the legal limit. Meanwhile, I would estimate that about 1/2 of the black population driving cars on any given night is doing something illegal. Tougher laws will only be enforced on us - just as they are now.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Good insight, guys. I've been saying this for years. The system needs working class white men in the "justice" system in order to offset somewhat the huge number of blacks and illegal Mexicans in the prisons. And they work to get them any way they can -- entrapment and Nazi-style roadblocks being the favorites.

There's just way too many government and law enforcement officials in this country, and now with "homeland security" and all the airport screeners the number just keeps growing and growing. The vast majority of white people are law abiding, so they have to be set up in one way or another for the zillions of law enforcement agencies to justify their budgets.

A lot of the vets of the Iraq occupation are coming back mentally effected by that ongoing crime against humanity. Many of them will end up in law enforcment of one kind or another so expect the problem to get far worse before it gets better.

This whole entrapment/roadblock b.s. is one of the great unspoken issues of our time. It's greatly affecting the entire restaurant and entertainment business, not to mention the tens of millions of Americans who are getting to the point where they figure it's not worth it toleave their house and have a good time. A "third" party or candidate could run on the sole issue of abolishing roadblocks and other guilty-until-proven-innocent totalitarianschemesand generate huge support.

Russia, Mexico and many other former one-party states now have political opposition. When will this great "democracy" have legitimate opposition to Republicrat one party rule?Edited by: Don Wassall


Apr 14, 2005
DUI check points are soooo un-American it makes me sick to my stomach. Ben Franklin, John Hancock, Tom Jefferson, and all the other men who founded this country with an emphasis on keeping the gov't out of people's lives would be rolling in their graves if they knew this crap was going on.

Last summer I was exiting the interstate exit to get back home at like 1 am. This a$$hole cop had his lights off and was just chilling underneath the freeway exit. Next thing I know about a quarter mile down the road heading towards my house the motherf*cker is on my bumper like a fly on the wall. This a$$hole was so close on my bumper I thought he might hit me. However, we all know what he was doing which is scanning my plate like the pig he is. Luckily I have a spotless record and was driving flawlessly so he had no reason to pull me over. Plus he probably saw my address while scanning my plate and knew I was heading home. So he finally stopped tailgating me when I got into my suburb. I actually thought about going to city hall the next day to complain about the cop's dangerously close bumper to bumper driving as I felt he was violating my safety driving like that.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
You should have CB, thats the only way we can ever hope to stop it. Protest them to the highest degree that we can. If we give them a big enough headache they will get the message and leave us alone.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

It's my opinion that if you're going to make a complaint, you send a letter, return receipt requested. Also, of course, make a couple of copies. Make the letter as courteous as possible, emphasizing how you respect and support the police, but in this instance, in the interest of safety, he should be spoken to about his tailgating. Also, of course the time of day should be noted and your destination. Maybe a compliment towards his diligence as far as checking out a motorist.

I'm not on the cops side at all. I just want to be helpful to you if I can.

Tom Iron...

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
whiteCB said:
DUI check points are soooo un-American it makes me sick to my stomach. Ben Franklin, John Hancock, Tom Jefferson, and all the other men who founded this country with an emphasis on keeping the gov't out of people's lives would be rolling in their graves if they knew this crap was going on.

Last summer I was exiting the interstate exit to get back home at like 1 am. This a$$hole cop had his lights off and was just chilling underneath the freeway exit. Next thing I know about a quarter mile down the road heading towards my house the motherf*cker is on my bumper like a fly on the wall. This a$$hole was so close on my bumper I thought he might hit me. However, we all know what he was doing which is scanning my plate like the pig he is. Luckily I have a spotless record and was driving flawlessly so he had no reason to pull me over. Plus he probably saw my address while scanning my plate and knew I was heading home. So he finally stopped tailgating me when I got into my suburb. I actually thought about going to city hall the next day to complain about the cop's dangerously close bumper to bumper driving as I felt he was violating my safety driving like that.
I'm Canadian but speed traps are a joke, especially in transition zones from rural areas to semi-rural suburbs you can get flagged for racing, yet just 1km to the west the street was a country highway. I have noticed that cops will let you slide if your polite to them and look them in the eye. As for rape in Canada its rarer but beatings for the phone and television occur all the time. Also in Toronto the county jails are majority black and the hardcores will let you know it.....


Nov 25, 2004
Here's another example of a white people law/tax:

I talked with Mr. Wonderfull and I thought I would share another one of his stories that shows how ridiculous our laws have become. I'll recall it as best I can.
Anyways, I would guess a good amount of us fish and hunt and thus pay ever increasing fees for every type of animal or fish we are in search of as well as fees to fish or hunt in other states or counties. Mr. Wonderfull and a couple friends were out fishing when a game warden approached them. They had all their licenses, life jackets, and took no illegal fish. However, he didn't have a fire extinquisher and therefore was fined 70 some dollars. The stricter the law the whiter the criminal.
Meanwhile, drunk Indians who don't have to buy licenses, have no jobs, and make their living off of casino funds are netting in boat loads of fish on the same lake. I thought we won the war against the Indians? I guess not.


Mexicans do not have to obey any laws, as far as I can tell. They are free to do things that if law abiding white people were to attempt, would immediately bring out the authorities and a hefty fine.

They are quite like black athletes in that white liberals who try to stop white people from doing certain things will never lift a finger to stop mexicans from doing them.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
White people are held to higher standards because everyone knows we are better. It's an implicit admission of society of the superiority of white people. If they weren't so damn stupid they would realize that everytime they bust a white guy for something they wouldn't think about busting a non-white for they are saying: "you're a better human being so we are holding you to a higher standard". It's a compliment albeit a left handed one.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
While there are many solid law enforcement officers across our nation, there are also a ton of them on a power-trip & all too willing to follow the police-state mandate being quickly implemented. These types would have you grovel & lick their boots or else taser you. I've got a few old buddies that are cops, and always cool with me. However, I know there are "bad apples" in every bunch. I just don't like any infringement of our Constitution. I also take serious issue with all this federal training & subsidizing of local & state police. I'm a big believer in seriously limiting what handouts are taken from Uncle Scam (to avoid "indebtedness" to the Feds).

Regarding prison, if I ever had the misfortune of landing their...I'd try to fly straight, but would definitely shank ol' Leroy before I let him punk me. Something's are worth killng for...and that's one of them.Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
DixieDestroyer said:
Regarding prison, if I ever had the misfortune of landing their...I'd try to fly straight, but would definitely shank ol' Leroy before I let him punk me. Something's are worth killng for...and that's one of them.

Ditto! I agree with that statement. I don't think "ol Leroy" would be particulary interested in going after all 6'8 290 of you right now Dixie, so I think you would do just fine in the slammer.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
guest301 said:
DixieDestroyer said:
Regarding prison, if I ever had the misfortune of landing their...I'd try to fly straight, but would definitely shank ol' Leroy before I let him punk me. Something's are worth killng for...and that's one of them.

Ditto! I agree with that statement. I don't think "ol Leroy" would be particulary interested in going after all 6'8 290 of you right now Dixie, so I think you would do just fine in the slammer.

Leroy don't go after you in the joint, Leroy, and Shante, and Demarcus, and many of his homies do. Ink a swastika onto your forehead and make some friends that will help. No lone rangers in the slammer.