Povetkin VS Wilder

Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
According to Alex Povetkin, a deal has not been reached in the negotiations for his titleshot VS Deontay Wilder and Povetkin's side will thus be bidding at the purse bid which the WBC has set for Feb 26.

I think Alex has more money behind him and will win the bid, setting the fight in Russia. Wilder has said he will refuse to fight in Russia. So I guess that means he'll be vacating?

Its been a hilarious past few months at the boxrec forums where Ive been reminding wiggers and other assorted DWFs about how fraudulent Wilder and his team are. I even predicted over a year ago that Wilder would likely vacate rather than fight Alex.

Ive been watching boxing as a diehard fan since 2000, and in those 16 years Id say this is the biggest duck Ive ever seen in pro boxing.

If Wilder's team had any confidence in him whatsoever they'd take the fight but they *know* Wilder would get KTFO so theyre ducking at all costs.

Its going to be hilarious in the boxing forums hearing the justifications from the crying wiggers, American DWF's, and Negroes after their hero vacates. They can justify all they want but the truth is he would get smashed and his team knows it. Biggest. Duck. Ever.
Supposedly the PBC end game is to set up their own champions similar to the UFC. Wilder could be the canary in the mine so to speak.

If the fans fall for that narrative they deserve what they get. At this point if Joshua wins in April there will be no easy belts for Wilder to get so I wouldn't be shocked if this is true.
According to Alex Povetkin, a deal has not been reached in the negotiations for his titleshot VS Deontay Wilder and Povetkin's side will thus be bidding at the purse bid which the WBC has set for Feb 26.

I think Alex has more money behind him and will win the bid, setting the fight in Russia. Wilder has said he will refuse to fight in Russia. So I guess that means he'll be vacating?

Its been a hilarious past few months at the boxrec forums where Ive been reminding wiggers and other assorted DWFs about how fraudulent Wilder and his team are. I even predicted over a year ago that Wilder would likely vacate rather than fight Alex.

Ive been watching boxing as a diehard fan since 2000, and in those 16 years Id say this is the biggest duck Ive ever seen in pro boxing.

If Wilder's team had any confidence in him whatsoever they'd take the fight but they *know* Wilder would get KTFO so theyre ducking at all costs.

Its going to be hilarious in the boxing forums hearing the justifications from the crying wiggers, American DWF's, and Negroes after their hero vacates. They can justify all they want but the truth is he would get smashed and his team knows it. Biggest. Duck. Ever.
It is almost impossible for Wilder to win this fight!
Supposedly the PBC end game is to set up their own champions similar to the UFC. Wilder could be the canary in the mine so to speak.

If the fans fall for that narrative they deserve what they get. At this point if Joshua wins in April there will be no easy belts for Wilder to get so I wouldn't be shocked if this is true.

Joshua beating Martin is no sure thing. A long fight with Martin winning a late TKO or by points is possible.
It is almost impossible for Wilder to win this fight!

Vacating and not going to Russia would be a disaster for Wilder's career because he won't get paid and he'll look like such a fraud even to the saps that suck up to his persona.
Fighting in Russia may be a disaster for Wilder's career because he'll have to face rigorous drug testing, fight in a hostile environment, and has but a puncher's chance of winning but risking an embarrassing KO in front of millions of white people -his worse nightmare.
Vacating and not going to Russia would be a disaster for Wilder's career because he won't get paid and he'll look like such a fraud even to the saps that suck up to his persona.
Fighting in Russia may be a disaster for Wilder's career because he'll have to face rigorous drug testing, fight in a hostile environment, and has but a puncher's chance of winning but risking an embarrassing KO in front of millions of white people -his worse nightmare.

Mark my words, he will not fight if it has to happen in Russia. What you have with Wilder is a fraud, maybe not as big as Tye Fields, but in the same ballpark.
And the fight IS going to purse bid: http://www.boxingscene.com/povetkins-promoter-confident-winning-wilder-purse-bid--101538

Ryabinsky sounds sure he'll win and make the fight in Russia. Haha! This is going to get interesting!

There is already talk of Wilder vacating the title if it ends up being in Russia which is about 90 percent at this point. Even the queer Scott Gilford from Boxingnews24 is suggesting this. Povetkin is at least two levels about Szpilka and Szpilka put up a good fight. As long as Povetkin doesn't walk into a huge power shot he will win. If Wilder vacates he will be an even bigger joke than he is now. What's it gonna be Deontay?
Mark my words, he will not fight if it has to happen in Russia. What you have with Wilder is a fraud, maybe not as big as Tye Fields, but in the same ballpark.

He's better than Tye Fields because he does have an amateur apprenticeship and, agree, he's green, green, green, and his record mostly reflects beating guys that aren't really professional boxers but more like club bouncers.
There is already talk of Wilder vacating the title if it ends up being in Russia which is about 90 percent at this point. Even the queer Scott Gilford from Boxingnews24 is suggesting this. Povetkin is at least two levels about Szpilka and Szpilka put up a good fight. As long as Povetkin doesn't walk into a huge power shot he will win. If Wilder vacates he will be an even bigger joke than he is now. What's it gonna be Deontay?

I posted after the Szpilka bout with Wilder (a post that went into the tech vortex) that Szpilka knocked himself out in that fight -not the other way around. Szpilka is a stupo, a dummy: he boxed very well with that clutz Wilder for eight rounds and was heading for a respectable points loss (no way judges were giving him the "win" no matter what he did) when he stopped boxing, back up Wilder, slowly opened up his defence and through his weight into a looping left hook which anyone who has boxed knows is instinctively countered with a short, straight right. Of all the punches to throw,of all the things to do, Szpilka made the worst possible choices against a taller man. Idiot: poor chin (knocked out by Jennings ffs) and sets himself up for a perfect counter shot. If you look at Wilder's face you'll see surprise as he thought he hardly threw a punch! I know. I knocked guys down with the same punch and thought the same thing (wtf?).

Wilder is full of flaws but he's tall, takes his peds, and has a lot of reach, wants to fight, has aggression, and does come very fit. A fight with Povetkin is a live fight, probably a fire-fight. Povetkin has the better chin though and Wilder's head sits on a long skinny neck which will bobble when hit. Wilder gets backed up on the ropes by weak fighters because he's slow afoot without lateral movement when under forward pressure, what will he do when Povetkin backs him up on the ropes?
Wilder is quoted on boxingscence.com this morning that he plans to use Klitschko's tactics against Povetkin; he plans on fighting "tall" and being "aggressive". He has plans.

He also says he's much faster and more athletic than Klitschko. Wilder's white coaches have been telling him for years that he is naturally "athletic" and "fast"; this is American mantra. I have asked the same question to boxers and boxing writers many times: what is athleticism? Everyone has a different opinion or can't answer the question. Is athleticism a natural ability to jump over an opponent?

If athleticism is fleet of foot and precise foot movements, Wilder is lacking; he is often cornered or backed to the ropes; watch his fights and look for the "athletic" footwork? Wilder is tall, but he's actually quite easy to hit because he doesn't have this mythical "athletic" ability to step away and out from attacks. Klitschko is still, at 40, better on his feet than Wilder.

"Speed" in boxing either means foot speed or hand speed. Videos of Wilder's fights show he has about the same hand speed as most heavyweights more or less. He's not with lightning. With very tall fighters with long arms it is not so much their hand speed that allows them to succeed but their reach; yes, Wilder has long reach. But long reach fighters have two disadvantages if an opponent can make opportunity from them: most know that once inside a tall fighter, his long arms are a liability, but a second disadvantage is power at the end of the long, fully extended arm diminishes like the fall of a parabola. If you want to see evidence of this, watch Wilder/Spzika: at the end of Wilder's punch met Szpilka's face a few times; Szpilka was not bothered by the tail end of Wilder's punches. Watch Wilder/ Stiverne: up close with Stiverne's head touching Wilder's, Stiverne was untouchable so Wilder who kept trying to push Stiverne forward to make room for his punches.

What I write here is not a prediction, but more honest assessments than a fighter's ego talking.
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Povetkin tested postive for a PED. The level of PED is low. Could jeopardize the fight. Damn!
Awful news, was looking forward to this fight happening and was fully expecting a Povetkin KO win. Its still early to say and maybe there is some sort of recourse for Povetkin (Ryabinsky is implying the positive may have resulted from usage before 2016 when the ped is banned) but my best guess is the fight will likely not happen now. The WBC will have the final say and it is possible the fight goes ahead because of what Povetkin's team is claiming. At worst Povetkin may lose his mandatory shot and it may go to WBC #2 (Whoever that is, no idea, probably some unknown no hoper like Eric Molina or some faded ex-contender from years ago like Monte Barrett).

Wilder was up against it here and hes managed to get off. Hes claiming now that he was always going to take the fight but in my opinion he *had* to take this fight. Every boxing site on the internet would have slammed him as a fraud if he didnt take it. So its not like he chose to defend VS Alex, more like he was forced into it by the huge negative reaction the community would have had if he didnt take it.

Its still early to comment and Im just speculating here but it can be hard to trust the doping agencies. Like the judging they can be manipulated. Ideally wed want a neutral body doing the testing, but its possible Wilders team was able to influence this outcome to get out of a fight they knew theyd lose.

American and British networks in particular tend to strongly promote Negro athletes and will do anything to railroad opposing figures (look atFury's blacklisting in the UK, theyd rather market an unproven Negro fake champ).

It is also possible Povetkin is in fact guilty. Hard to say. In any case, totally sucks. Easy out for team Wilder Iif the fight is cancelled. So many dopers in this sport its hard to believe anyone is clean. Maybe it comes down to whoever has the better relationship with the drug testing body. It could also just be a case of Americans trying to dismiss the credibility of Russians.
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Unfortunately my best guess had been proven correct and this fight is now "postponed indefinitely" according to the WBC. I would guess that most likely the fight is simply off and will never happen.

Deontay Wilder has got to be the biggest fraud in boxing history. He's been carefully matched since Day 1 and these American cowards have pulled out all the stops to prevent this fight with Povetkin from taking place.

Its amazing that a guy like Wilder can be 35-0 and hasnt fought a single credible top 10 heavyweight. This circus will continue. Talk about politics ruining the sport. Bunch of American cowards IMO.

Who's he going to fight next? Monte Barrett? Evander Holyfield? Tye Fields? Give me a break. This is obviously political.
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Think PED is a spy-vs-spy Piccadilly Circus. Wait till Genetically modified cyber-athletes arrive. Brave New World indeed.
It is the administrators of the sanctioning corporation known as the WBC that have cancelled the bout. Was Wilder's team pushing for any little excuse they could find? Was the WBC seeking the same? We'll not know.

In 3 out of 4 tests Povetkin tested negative for Meldonium and on the fourth test he was barely over the limit at 70 nanograms! For your information, 1 nanogram equals 0.001 microgram; therefore, Povetkin's test -not Povetkin- tested at .070 micrograms. A very small amount and certainly worthy of more tests by other testing bodies to verify, and, certainly, if other tests proved the same, this is not a reason to cancel a fight as other measures may be taken. For example, Mayweather received intravenous injections before the Pacman fight and no action was ever taken.

This cancellation seems as though Wilder's team leaped at the opportunity to get out of this fight. Wilder's team always have the option of not taking any action as they are the opponent and they can always concede a contractual right. The test result itself may be a fake and probably is. Wilder's team may have planned this all along or they simply got scared and ran at the first opportunity.

The fight will never happen. Boxing is often a scam. But you all know that right?
Not surprisingly, another Russian athlete has been caught doping. The Sochi Olympics was a farce for the same reason. Wilder AGREED to fight on Russian soil, yet his no name opponent felt the need to further stack the deck by taking meldonium. It's the same drug that Sharapova doped herself up with; too bad she still couldn't get the job done against Serena in the Australian Open. Pathetic.
^ amazing the trolls come out when one of our guys gets caught with trace amounts of a PED. This ****** blackstarline is a funny one. First off Povetkin isn't a "no name opponent" get real. Wilder hasn't fought a top 10 heavy yet and has compiled an undefeated record by facing buttercup competition in the USA. To top it off the troll even mentions his girl crush on bodybuilder Serena Williams. Keep us posted when Wilder fights and beats someone worth bragging about.
Wilder just dodged a bullet. I'll be him and his camp breathed a serious sigh of relief when the news came in.

Now he can fight another tomato can and puff up his phony record. We're going to have our great black champion whether he is real or not.
We have confirmed from the Wilder pull back from this fight that Wilder was all along afraid to fight Povetkin in Russia or doubtful of his own ability to beat Povetkin in Russia.It seems Wilder has a fragile psyche ; can't see him recovering from his first loss which will come eventually once he finds himself in a real fight with someone that can get to him -and they're out there- just a matter of time.
We have confirmed from the Wilder pull back from this fight that Wilder was all along afraid to fight Povetkin in Russia or doubtful of his own ability to beat Povetkin in Russia.It seems Wilder has a fragile psyche ; can't see him recovering from his first loss which will come eventually once he finds himself in a real fight with someone that can get to him -and they're out there- just a matter of time.
Yes while Wilder had the right to do what is camp did it shows you the mind set of his team about the abilities of Wilder and his marketability with or without the "green belt". It's pretty obvious that the belt makes Wilder.

I suspect with so much money on the line Povetkin's promoter would have been willing to let the fight go off as a non title bout.

Ps. Boxing does have a PED problem and the sport can't seem to solve it. For years boxing had a bunch of old school trainers who didn't believe in modern training and diets. I recall the diets of fighters hadn't changed since the days of Jack Dempsey. Around the late 80's Holyfied and to a lesser extent Michael Spinks showed that bulking up was possible with weights and you wouldn't get muscle bound. After this "discovery" we have been slowly heading to this mess we have today.
Yes while Wilder had the right to do what is camp did it shows you the mind set of his team about the abilities of Wilder and his marketability with or without the "green belt". It's pretty obvious that the belt makes Wilder.

I suspect with so much money on the line Povetkin's promoter would have been willing to let the fight go off as a non title bout.

Ps. Boxing does have a PED problem and the sport can't seem to solve it. For years boxing had a bunch of old school trainers who didn't believe in modern training and diets. I recall the diets of fighters hadn't changed since the days of Jack Dempsey. Around the late 80's Holyfied and to a lesser extent Michael Spinks showed that bulking up was possible with weights and you wouldn't get muscle bound. After this "discovery" we have been slowly heading to this mess we have today.

I agree W.I.R., PEDs are rampant, but they are in almost all professional sports these days. The lure of big money has a very strong appeal.
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