Posting Pro-White Signs in Public Places


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
In another thread a few weeks ago, I mentioned a large, pro-white political sign that a like-minded friend and I constructed and placed along a major route traversing a neighboring town. We used stencil patterns and painted the sign, which was 8-ft tall X 4-ft wide and turned out to be very professional-looking. Another CF poster asked me to post a picture of the sign, so I called my friend the other day and told him to take a photo with his cell phone. Unfortunately, he told me that the sign had already been removed, presumably by the township, state police, or some random Cultural Marxist. Mind you, the location in which it was placed is 100% white in terms of residency, however, some non-whites (truckers?) could be “passing through.”

So anyway, I made another sign by myself this past weekend featuring a similar message. I didn’t spend as much time on it (knowing that it would likely be removed in short order), just printing letters from a computer and using clear tape to fasten the letters to sheets of plywood that I got for free somewhere. The sign measures about 9-ft tall X 5-ft wide and it took about an hour to make. For size perspective, here is a picture of it in my garage prior to installation…


My friend was out of town, so I put up the sign myself last night around 1 AM. I chose an even busier highway, with several thousand cars per day passing by. I live about 20 miles from this location, but it was worth the drive. Here is the sign after being installed…


I believe my only “crime” is littering…or possibly vandalism? Either way, I’ve been doing this sort of thing since college and I don’t ever plan on getting caught in the act. I always place the signs in remote areas where there are no houses and the property is owned by the municipality. Of course, installation at night is preferable.

I plan to post more in this thread whenever I have the time to create more signs. Just curious what everybody thinks about this sort of activism?


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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
In another thread a few weeks ago, I mentioned a large, pro-white political sign that a like-minded friend and I constructed and placed along a major route traversing a neighboring town. We used stencil patterns and painted the sign, which was 8-ft tall X 4-ft wide and turned out to be very professional-looking. Another CF poster asked me to post a picture of the sign, so I called my friend the other day and told him to take a photo with his cell phone. Unfortunately, he told me that the sign had already been removed, presumably by the township, state police, or some random Cultural Marxist. Mind you, the location in which it was placed is 100% white in terms of residency, however, some non-whites (truckers?) could be “passing through.”

So anyway, I made another sign by myself this past weekend featuring a similar message. I didn’t spend as much time on it (knowing that it would likely be removed in short order), just printing letters from a computer and using clear tape to fasten the letters to sheets of plywood that I got for free somewhere. The sign measures about 9-ft tall X 5-ft wide and it took about an hour to make. For size perspective, here is a picture of it in my garage prior to installation…


My friend was out of town, so I put up the sign myself last night around 1 AM. I chose an even busier highway, with several thousand cars per day passing by. I live about 20 miles from this location, but it was worth the drive. Here is the sign after being installed…


I believe my only “crime” is littering…or possibly vandalism? Either way, I’ve been doing this sort of thing since college and I don’t ever plan on getting caught in the act. I always place the signs in remote areas where there are no houses and the property is owned by the municipality. Of course, installation at night is preferable.

I plan to post more in this thread whenever I have the time to create more signs. Just curious what everybody thinks about this sort of activism?

Thank you Thrashen for doing this. I asked you to post this whenever you put more signs up and I like the idea. Whatever it takes to get people to think and get out of the brainwashing that's been taking place over the last 40-50 years! I wonder if you keep doing this would the local media report it on the news?

I've been trying to think of what I could do or say to get white folks attention! I wish there were enough of us to do more. I wonder sometimes if whites will ever stick together. Things like the the Chick- fil-A owner coming out against gay marriage and all the support he got from mostly white people gives me some hope, however it doesn't seem to be translating into athletics yet.

I have been able to discuss these issues with some and feel like I've made some progress, but it's not enough.

I've been vaguely touching on racism in sports, especially the NBA and NFL with some people in my church. I heard a guy today make fun of what he called the "Racist" Redskins because they won't change their name. I think he was just kidding, but I almost turned to him and said, did you not know that the entire NFL is Racist, however service was about to begin and there was no way I was going to be able to get my point across in time. I hope I get the opportunity to speak to him about this someday.

Again thanks. I think it's great. Keep doing it. I may start something like that here.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
You're a good man Thrashen. I appreciate your willingness to take 'action''s very admirable. You do an outstanding job on your poignant, well thought posts here & are a CF "favorite" (I do believe). Thanks for looking to take a stand. :)

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
In another thread a few weeks ago, I mentioned a large, pro-white political sign that a like-minded friend and I constructed and placed along a major route traversing a neighboring town. We used stencil patterns and painted the sign, which was 8-ft tall X 4-ft wide and turned out to be very professional-looking. Another CF poster asked me to post a picture of the sign, so I called my friend the other day and told him to take a photo with his cell phone. Unfortunately, he told me that the sign had already been removed, presumably by the township, state police, or some random Cultural Marxist. Mind you, the location in which it was placed is 100% white in terms of residency, however, some non-whites (truckers?) could be “passing through.â€

So anyway, I made another sign by myself this past weekend featuring a similar message. I didn’t spend as much time on it (knowing that it would likely be removed in short order), just printing letters from a computer and using clear tape to fasten the letters to sheets of plywood that I got for free somewhere. The sign measures about 9-ft tall X 5-ft wide and it took about an hour to make. For size perspective, here is a picture of it in my garage prior to installation…


My friend was out of town, so I put up the sign myself last night around 1 AM. I chose an even busier highway, with several thousand cars per day passing by. I live about 20 miles from this location, but it was worth the drive. Here is the sign after being installed…


I believe my only “crime†is littering…or possibly vandalism? Either way, I’ve been doing this sort of thing since college and I don’t ever plan on getting caught in the act. I always place the signs in remote areas where there are no houses and the property is owned by the municipality. Of course, installation at night is preferable.

I plan to post more in this thread whenever I have the time to create more signs. Just curious what everybody thinks about this sort of activism?


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I told my neighbor about the sign yesterday because I know he drives past it every day while travelling to work. He texted me this morning to inform me that there was a huge traffic back-up (due to a lane closure for construction) in the area around the sign, forcing hundreds of cars to crawl past, forcing them to notice its contents. For once, PennDOT did me a favor! He sent me a picture as he was slowing driving past early this morning...


I usually “install” my signs on a Saturday night/Sunday morning, which limits the amount of police presence and municipal personnel available to remove it. A holiday that extends the weekend such a Memorial Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, President’s Day, or Michael Queen Day usually provides such extra longevity, too.

I’m not sure how my next sign will read. I try not to be “offensive,” but simply raise awareness about the overt persecution of whites. Perhaps something like:

Anti-White Jews Control:
Federal Government
All Media
Homosexual Agenda
Feminist Agenda
3[SUP]rd[/SUP] World Immigration
Marxist Politics
Hollywood / TV
U.S. Foreign Policy

Any suggestions are welcome!


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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Good work, kamerad - but cynic that I am I'm afraid that signs won't make any difference at this point in time. Events will take their course.

As for not being offensive, they'll react just the same if you even dare to mention that Jews might be, uh, a teeny tiny trifle disproportionate in their control over the media or the financial system or the US politicians as if you said they should all be turned into lamp shades and bars of soap this afternoon. Sensitive antennas they have.

Have you heard how a zionist thug severely beat British MP George Galloway on a busy street in London last week? Minimum publicity.

And speaking of the trashing of white nations, here's British Labor Party negress demanding MORE immigration:

Countries mentioned above like Switzerland - they're flooding Switzerland with Africans too. I was there a couple of years ago and saw it in action.