Possible Scenario


Mar 25, 2008
Unless you're the Strom Thurmond type, most politicans will vote for seemingly necessary things, even if they go against their true beliefs. I'm sure Senators take heat if they openly vote against things such as subsidies for minorities, etc. No one would would want to so thoroughly fry their political career that they always vote on the "extreme" side of legislation.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I choose the Ron Paul simulacrum - Chuck Baldwin.

I either cast a so-called protest vote, or act as a co-conspirator in the destruction of my country and vote for Obama, et al.

I choose to protest.

"When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: Liberty, sir, was the primary object."- Patrick Henry

And so is mine.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
White Shogun said:
ToughJ.Riggins, well, you found some things that separate McCain from Bush. Of course, all the things that you've pointed out put McCain squarely on the Democratic platform, not the Republican, so maybe a better question would be, 'What separates John McCain from Hillary and Obama?'

Everything you've indicated that you favor about McCain make me despise him even more. I don't understand how people can choose McCain over Hillary or Obama and act like it's such a great thing that he can win the general election. Who cares if he wins the general election if his policies are the same?

Ron Paul already lost the election to the Democrats - during the Republican primary, to John McCain.

Well maybe I wasn't clear. McCain is certainly not anti-gun anti-rural hunter. And speaking of hunters; McCain's environmentally friendly legislation will help ensure that fathers and sons have places to hunt for generations.

I also believe McCain supported Arizona's law that allows citizens with a license to carry guns in pubic. Because he probably saw that it was working and there was a low violent crime rate in his home state.

Maybe people were too scared to whip out a gun to commit a robbery in Arizona when another man might whip out his and shoot them dead. There's a lot of cowboy types in Arizona, especially in the rural areas that you don't want to mess with.

McCain is for mandatory background checks so only people who are upstanding citizens can get guns legally and for strict punishments for those who get guns illegally. He is for mandatory gun locks on most guns if I recall to protect children in the house. He thinks assault rifles are a military or swat team weapon that the general public has no reason to own. An assault rifle gives the shooter with it a clear advantage to kill another human being without another person having much of a chance to defend themselves.

Basically he is for reasonable gun laws, but does not support a ban on guns. In fact some of his legislation in Arizona could be deemed pro-gun by the left. I believe he voted for legislation to protect gun makers from uncapped lawsuits. And like I said, I think he supported Arizona's license to carry law b/c it was working so well in that state. He's an all-round reasonable guy, not McManiac.
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I am definitely not sold on the theory that McCain was such a wimp that he gave all his secrets away as a POW right away. That would also be very stupid b/c if he wanted to do that he would then have nothing left to give the enemy to get special treatment over the next 5 1/2 years.

I think McCain kept as many as secrets as he could, but probably leaked them out over time as they broke him b/c of the cruel conditions he faced as a prisoner. And even if McCain did do some anti-American broadcasts. He did them out of fear for his life and limb. I don't think McCain is responsible for any American soldier deaths in Vietnam b/c of his actions.

I mean in our country water boarding (very cruel, but not dangerous) can often break the most extreme of terrorists in less than an hour. I am sure the Vietnamese did some things just as scary, but much more dangerous to McCain as a POW. McCain is still a hero in my mind.
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I realize that most of you on this site have your mind made up that McCain is not getting your vote, so I am done arguing.

Just remember McCain's pro-family value and non anti-white policies are much better than Hillary and Obama's secular humanist value & anti-white policies. That is where the sharpest contrast is drawn between McCain and the Dems. And to those of you that think we can get out of Iraq keeping the safety of our soldiers and Iraqi citizens in mind in less than 9 months; you are dreaming!

That is why personally I would set a two year pull out plan, that could still be shifted if circumstances changed for safety of the soldiers and Iraqi citizens.
Maybe I'm dreaming, but I think McCain will have begun to pull most of our troops out of Iraq by the end of his first term which I am confident he will be voted in for!


Oct 21, 2004
Sorry, ToughJ, but McCainiac doesn't meet my definition of "pro-family." When he returned home after his years of captivity, his first wife was waiting loyally for him. He repaid her loyalty by dropping her like a hot potato for a young heiress to a beer fortune. That beer money, along with playing the POW card, was responsible for McCainiac's political career. If I remember right, I think McCainiac waited until his first wife had been paralyzed in a car accident before leaving her for the second wife. Might be mistaking this with another politician, but I'm pretty sure that's accurate.

Second wife Cindy McCain is a real piece of work. She was caught stealing prescription pain killers a number of years ago, but got the celebrity special- community service and/or suspended sentence.

Personally, McCainiac has a horrible reputation; hair trigger temper (this clown admitted in his autobiography that he engaged in daily fisticuffs well into his twenties- nice, stable guy to lead a nation), rude and abrupt with people when the cameras are off, and apparently still engaging in adultery (as witness his reported affair that hit the news earlier this year).
It wouldn't take much for the Republicans to get my vote, considering how odious Obama and Hillary are. But I just cannot vote for this certified madman, who wants to go to war with every nation in the world (except Israel, of course).


Nov 7, 2004
When he returned home after his years of captivity, his first wife was waiting loyally for him. He repaid her loyalty by dropping her like a hot potato for a young heiress to a beer fortune.

That's news to me. Whose beer fortune, bigunreal?

Dec 18, 2004
Don Wassall said:
Don't know if you're aware, but it didn't even take 5 1/2 minutes for the North Vietnamese to break McCain.  He cooperated with them from the beginning and did numerous anti-American propaganda broadcasts as well as provided them with all the military information he knew when questioned.  Then when in Congress he was the key member who scuttled all attempts to find and bring home POWs and MIAs from Southeast Asia.  McCain is no military hero.  McCain is scary bad for this country.

What really happened to McCain in captivity is not known for certain. His fans have long pointed out that the North Vietnamese offered McCain early release and he turned it down. They don't say that the senior officers in the Hanoi Hilton gave McCain a direct order not to accept early release.

McCain stood out among the other POW's in that his father was Commander in Chief of US Pacific forces. It appears that McCain told his captors this right after capture in order to get medical treatment. Some McCain critics claim that they gave McCain a LOT of favors. He did make more anti-American propaganda broadcasts than other prisoners. McCain's supporters claim that he was tortured into making them.

Most of McCain's injuries are from when he was shot down. When released, McCain appeared to have been well fed. Was he tortured? We only have McCain's word for it. When his supposed Communist torturer appeared before a Senate committee, McCain threw his arms around him like a long-lost comrade. There is an anti-McCain website, www.vietnamveteransagainstJohn McCain that claims that McCain needed very little persuasion.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
sports historian,

Yes, these are the things I've heard about McCain as well. I don't like or trust the guy. I think I'll be sitting this election out of writing in Ron Paul. I won't vote for the other.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I'll vote for Chuck Baldwin, the Constitutional Party candidate, if he's on the ballot.