Possible Scenario


Apr 6, 2007
While talking to some friends the other day one of them brought up a scenario where Obama wins the democratic primary and proceeds to get trounced in the general election by under the radar voters. In my friends scenario all that Obama won was D.C. Looking at the2004 election I can see this happening. My question is what do you think this would do for race relations as such an outcome would lead to calls of voter fraud, ect?Edited by: Menelik

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I think McCain will beat Obama in a general election.

Many of the Republicans who crossed over to vote in the Democratic primaries will vote for McCain in November.

And yes, there will be allegations of voter fraud, racism, etc. In their minds, Obama will have lost the election because he is black. There will probably be some riots by blacks throughout the U.S. The only acceptable outcome of this election for black Americans is an Obama victory.
Dec 18, 2004
The railing against working class whites for not supporting Brack Obama has begun. It will reach a thunderous crescendo if Obama loses in November, which he probably will if McCain can maintain a heartbeat, or does nor roll over completely.

A piece in the Washington Post referenced by Lawrence Auster at his VFR site calls it "Symbolic Racism." To one Alan Abramowitz, the problems blacks have are no fault of their own. It is all because of White Racism. Mr. Auster writes in part, "...is to say that whites are morally defective for using their own reason. Which is to say that whites don't have the moral right to use their reason." Here is the thread from VFR:


white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I can't see McCain winning with the US economy tanking. For Obama to lose he has to get more sound bites from Wright exposed to the general public. Or have a bufoon like Sharpton endorsing him nationally...


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I don't agree. McCain will draw a very similar amount of the moderate/independent vote as Obama. That voting bloc has been voting Dem lately. However, I think McCain is a good candidate, not only b/c I agree w/ most of his platform, but b/c he also has a good chance of winning.

He contrasts from George W. so much who is a lame duck President right now. And conservative Republicans will forgive their differences with McCain and come out to vote for him b/c they realize the harm Obama will do if elected. IMO McCain will win by a slightly bigger margin than George W. did in 2004.

Although most of you on this site aren't fans of Mr. McCain, personally I am a fan. His stance on immigration although not fair to those who came here legally, is actually well reasoned b/c it would be extremely difficult as far as time, energy and resources to deport 15+ million illegals. Especially since it would include breaking up many families. So the best option is to give those who haven't been convicted of a crime a chance to pay their $700 dollar fine (or whatever in is) that would give the government a little extra revenue and a chance to work to earn their citizenship.

This would also help our health care system that is being abused by illegals b/c they would the Hispanics would then be paying taxes and the government could send an aid package if needed to keep struggling hospitals afloat. To top this off most Hispanics are devout Catholics and family oriented and resourceful w/ their money. Hispanics seem to harbor much less racial prejudice on average against whites than blacks. Hispanics also have a slightly lower crime rate than black Americans.

McCain loves his country and was a victim of cruelty as a POW. He talked about the great man who would untie his tightly roped body most nights, if the man had the opportunity, so he could get rest. This great man upon McCain's release drew a symbol of a cross with his feet to tell McCain he was a Christian and that's why he did this. McCain is tough on terrorism, but IMO would not have started a war w/ Iraq like Bush if president. He is a moderate economically, who believes in tax relief for the poor and middle class, but has more of a Bill Clinton-esque tax policy for the top brackets. His policies may help to relieve the national debt which my generation will be paying for later.

McCain is Pro-life except in the case of rape,incest or the mother's life being in danger which is important to me. I think he realizes though that it would be hard to completely overturn Roe vs. Wade instantly and that we will probably have to chip away at it slowly (like gettin rid of all abortions except those induced by a pill, which is less barbaric b/c it causes no pain to the primitive embryo at that early stage. He believes gay marriage should be left up to the states, which although I don't agree with isn't an out of it policy. This may be because he believes in states rights so strongly. Overall McCain is much better than Obama and I hope you fellows realize what we have to lose if Obama is elected and come out to vote for McCain. Obama will not lose the Presidency b/c of race like many blacks will claim, he will lose b/c he's far left!


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
If Obama were elected president, the media in general will ensure that any good that ensues will be his doing where as any bad that occurs will be the fault of uncooperative whites.

He can't lose.

Well, unless he loses the election, where in which case, he'll have only lost because America's too corrupt and racist to accept him.

If America is attacked by terrorists during any point in his presidency rest assured he will receive no blame, and responsibility for the tragedy will be attributed to residual hate against GWB.

Even if America were to eventually grow disillusioned with Obama he will continually be excused because he was the first Black president and was thus pressured more than any other before him or likely after him.

If Obama is elected he's basically got a blank check to ruin the country and he probably will [worse than it already has been ruined].

He's being groomed to be a hero in this giant media fiasco in the making.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
ToughJ.Riggins said:
He contrasts from George W. so much who is a lame duck President right now.

How is he any different than George W. Bush?

His position on Iraq is no different than Bush - stay the course. McCain puts it like this: 'Stay til we win.'

He co-sponsored the McCain-Kennedy Amnesty Bill, which Bush said he would sign if it made it to his desk.

They're both pro-life. Bush was mainly pro-2nd Amendment but in the D.C. gun case before the Supreme Court, the Justice Department filed an amicus brief siding with the ban. I'm not sure where McCain sits on 2nd Amendment issues.

Bush is pro-life, so is McCain. McCain has vowed not to raise taxes, and says the Bush tax-cuts should be permanent. He favors the Patriot Act and all the other invasions of privacy Bush has authorized by executive order, so there is no difference there.

About the only difference between the two is McCain wants to sign the Kyoto Treaty to combat global warming.

Can you point me to some sources that illustrate how McCain is different than GW?

EDIT: I found a couple for you. He hasn't been really strong against gay marriage and favors embryonic stem cell research. I don't know your position on those issues, but in my opinion neither of them are worthy enough for selecting a President.Edited by: White Shogun


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Although most of you on this site aren't fans of Mr. McCain, personally I am a fan. His stance on immigration although not fair to those who came here legally, is actually well reasoned b/c it would be extremely difficult as far as time, energy and resources to deport 15+ million illegals. Especially since it would include breaking up many families. So the best option is to give those who haven't been convicted of a crime a chance to pay their $700 dollar fine (or whatever in is) that would give the government a little extra revenue and a chance to work to earn their citizenship.

This would also help our health care system that is being abused by illegals b/c they would the Hispanics would then be paying taxes and the government could send an aid package if needed to keep struggling hospitals afloat. To top this off most Hispanics are devout Catholics and family oriented and resourceful w/ their money. Hispanics seem to harbor much less racial prejudice on average against whites than blacks. Hispanics also have a slightly lower crime rate than black Americans.

I believe we are not going to turn things around and do the things required to prevent this country from becoming another third world cesspool. We are already well on the way. Riggins sounds like the typical man on the street.Demographics and crime stats seem not to have an impact on such people. Ifsites such as New Nation Newsor the factual, well reasoned articles of Jared Taylorand Frosty Woolridge aren't persuasive enough to wake us from our slumber --- what will?


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
White Shogun said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
He contrasts from George W. so much who is a lame duck President right now.

How is he any different than George W. Bush?

His position on Iraq is no different than Bush - stay the course. McCain puts it like this: 'Stay til we win.'

He co-sponsored the McCain-Kennedy Amnesty Bill, which Bush said he would sign if it made it to his desk.

They're both pro-life. Bush was mainly pro-2nd Amendment but in the D.C. gun case before the Supreme Court, the Justice Department filed an amicus brief siding with the ban. I'm not sure where McCain sits on 2nd Amendment issues.

Bush is pro-life, so is McCain. McCain has vowed not to raise taxes, and says the Bush tax-cuts should be permanent. He favors the Patriot Act and all the other invasions of privacy Bush has authorized by executive order, so there is no difference there.

About the only difference between the two is McCain wants to sign the Kyoto Treaty to combat global warming.

Can you point me to some sources that illustrate how McCain is different than GW?

EDIT: I found a couple for you. He hasn't been really strong against gay marriage and favors embryonic stem cell research. I don't know your position on those issues, but in my opinion neither of them are worthy enough for selecting a President.

He actually is different than Bush economically. He originally opposed the Bush tax cuts and actually had spoken out against them when they were implemented. McCain has been pressured into supporting them by the conservative wing of the Republican party. He may not have won the nomination if he didn't backtrack on this.

I could definitely see McCain creating a new tax policy with a 2 or 3 more brackets at the richest end of the spectrum and increasing taxes on them, so he can bring in more revenue to help pay off the debt. If he did this he could cover his tracks from being a flip flopper by saying

"well I didn't raise taxes on the existing brackets, I created new ones, and the people I have slightly raised taxes on are rich enough that it won't be hurting many small business owners."

McCain is much better on the environment than Hummer supporting George W. McCain IMO would not have made the decision to go into Iraq if he were President. This was a propaganda campaign of the Bush administration who were able to get the sheeple general public and the House and Senate behind it.

McCain is reasonable enough IMO that if toward the end of his 1st term if Iraq hasn't shown any more improvement than it already has, that he will have to consider leaving w/o victory. This is despite a possible takeover by radical Shiites turning it into another Iran b/c we can't continue forever to waste resources and lives and spread our military thin. He will especially have to reconsider if he wants re-election.

McCain is more reasonable on gun control IMO. He favors more assault rifle bans, regulation of sales at rural gun shows (where Assault Rifles have been sold without backround checks and children have been illegally sold guns), gun locks and background checks than Bush. However, he does not want to ban guns completely, which I agree wouldn't be right. Overall McCain is a better candidate IMO than George W.

I basically consider myself an Independent mind politically, but generally despise the democratic party. And although I have my issues with the Republican party, they are the all round better choice!

And Ron Paul. Yeah he is clearly a better choice than the Dems also; I do have respect for Mr. Paul, especially his foreign policy and he is without a doubt an intelligent man. But I am one of few on this site who prefers McCain to Paul. And Ron Paul would have lost in the general election to Obama or Hilary anyway b/c he is a grass roots type (very Libertarian and quite conservative) candidate that does not have much support from Americans in the center of the political spectrum. However, McCain will win!


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
ToughJ.Riggins wrote:

"McCain is reasonable enough IMO that if toward the end of his 1st term if Iraq hasn't shown any more improvement than it already has, that he will have to consider leaving w/o victory. This is despite a possible takeover by radical Shiites turning it into another Iran b/c we can't continue forever to waste resources and lives and spread our military thin. He will especially have to reconsider if he wants re-election."

TJR: So if McCain has a chance he will keep us in Iraq for at least 4 more years, continuing to pursue that elusive victory after 5 years of unabated warfare, and you find this somehow a "reasonable" policy for a hypothetical McCain first term?

It`s nice to know that he might also have to reconsider the Iraq War by 2011/12 if he wants to be re-elected.

We`ve already wasted too many lives and resources, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

White Shogun wrote:

"About the only difference between the two is McCain wants to sign the Kyoto Treaty to combat global warming."

If this is true it is virtually meaningless, as the Kyoto Protocol "goals" for the signatories are supposed to be met between 2008-2012. The Japanese signed it, of course, pledging to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions 6% below 1990 levels, but have had an overall increase in emissions amounting to some 7-8% over 1990 levels, let alone actually making any cuts. Their plans to save face on this issue include fuzzy math games with carbon sinks and carbon emissions trading.

The U.S. will be under a lot more pressure to go along with the successor to the Kyoto Protocol in a few years. The Japanese are going to propose some sort of "Cool Earth 2050" idea this summer at the G-8 in Japan, which envisions cutting the world`s greenhouse gas emissions by half, or something like that. Yeah, real difficult to agree to something and give pats on the back all around when most of the people who make the agreements will be dead long before the middle of this century arrives. Just passing the buck....ÂÂ￾@

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
ToughJ.Riggins, well, you found some things that separate McCain from Bush. Of course, all the things that you've pointed out put McCain squarely on the Democratic platform, not the Republican, so maybe a better question would be, 'What separates John McCain from Hillary and Obama?'

Everything you've indicated that you favor about McCain make me despise him even more. I don't understand how people can choose McCain over Hillary or Obama and act like it's such a great thing that he can win the general election. Who cares if he wins the general election if his policies are the same?

Ron Paul already lost the election to the Democrats - during the Republican primary, to John McCain.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Unlike Billary and Obama:

McCain is against Affirmative Action (which is greatly harming whites) and is Pro-life and pro-family values unlike the other two. McCain also supports that if sex education in public schools is taught the liberal teachers will have to bring up the fact that many H.S kids are practicing abstinence and that it is not as rare as people think to balance things (Rather than only preaching the fact that random sex is fine as long as it is safe ie. condoms and birth control).

John McCain also may put justices on the supreme court that will eventually rid this country of the legal sale of hard core pornography, which is extremely harmful and easily accessible to children. Those are some very important issues to me!

He is an all round classy guy, who IMO would not have gotten us into Iraq in the first place. He is just currently worried about it turning into another Shiite theocracy if we leave now, and honestly thinks we can win. I do think another 4 yrs. is too long though, I would say we should be out by 2!

I am a staunch environmentalist and McCain is very good on the environment compared to GWB. The environment is one of the most important issues of our day. The rain forest will be gone at the rate it's going in 25 years. We have caused as many as 5 million species to become extinct. Global warming will cause drought and famine on the planet which will cause more terrorism against the wealthy U.S.

Everyone should vote on this site for McCain even if you think he is barely the lesser of two evils. We have to stop the Obama machine! Guys it is worth it to vote for McCain even if you don't like him. He is certainly better than Obama and Hilary, who will bring anti-white, anti-family policies! McCain isn't perfect as he we know he has a problem with his temper, but he is a Christian man who loves his country and is a hero who was a POW! Vote for McCain, don't let Obama win!


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
And McCain is not an outright liberal economically like Hilary and Obama. Hilary and Obama will raise taxes on the upper middle class.

McCain does not want to hurt upper middle class families and small businesses. I read an article where McCain makes a quote about how virtually every industrialized western nation has a larger spectrum of tax brackets, so they can tax the exorbitantly wealthy at a more progressive rate without hurting small businesses.

McCain is pro middle class family. Pro small business. And does not desire a radical tax code like they have in Sweden where multimillionaires pay over 70% taxes like I think Hilary does, although she keeps it undercover.

Actually, surprisingly I found out that England taxes income earnings over 8 figures at almost 90% which is why British actors and multi-millionaires usually move out of Britain and often to America. I am not sure if that is accurate about England b/c 90% tax is absolutely crazy! That is pure socialism. In Canada the government takes about half of multi-millionaires money and that is certainly good enough!

Edited to add: And just b/c McCain has had an issue with his temper doesn't mean he is a mad man. McCain was a prisoner of war, which could cause any man to have an issue with his temper. He is also Irish/Scottish who have been known to have tempers. McCain is a reasonable person overall. He will have better advisor's than GWB. Cheeney and Rumsfeld sucked! Vote for McCain and stop Obama's far left machine!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
ToughJ.Riggins wrote:

"John McCain also may put justices on the supreme court that will eventually rid this country of the legal sale of hard core pornography, which is extremely harmful and easily accessible to children. Those are some very important issues to me!"

I can appreciate your opinion on this issue, TJR, but I can`t believe that a John McCain presidency and some new Supreme Court justices would make any difference with this problem as you see it. The business is too big, the Internet is everywhere, and, to be honest, too many people like pornography to really change things in the way you would like.

Anyway, I`ve heard that Clarence Thomas is a big porn fan.

At least 2 more years in Iraq? It won`t make any difference in the long run other than more American lives lost and treasure spent.

I most definitely will not vote for B. Hussein Obama, but I`m leaning toward voting for a third party candidate, and not McCain.

I believe John McCain will win the presidency anyway.


Oct 21, 2004
I think that an Obama presidency is inevitable. Too much is at stake here culturally, for those who have created the nightmare that is Don King's America. While I probably would say that Obama is actually the least objectionable, policy wise, of the three carbon-copy candidates we've been given to choose from, his election would be a disaster symbolically for all white Americans. Black self-esteem, already unbelievably overinflated, would shoot into the stratosphere. The "pride" all African-Americans would then feel would be almost unbearable for any whites who have to interact with them.

Personally, I don't think they count the votes, anyway. I believe they know who is going to be the next president far in advance of the election date. The problem here is, unless they desire massive riots and civil disorder, bordering on anarchy, our corrupt rulers will not allow Obama to lose. If he loses, as has been noted, black people will not be happy, to put it mildly. At this point, they have been primed and readied for the first black president. In Don King's America, like spoiled children, they always get what they want. Edited by: bigunreal


Apr 6, 2007
It appears that some voters are voicing their opinion outloud instead of flying under the radar.

Racist Incidents


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Menelik said:
It appears that some voters are voicing their opinion outloud instead of flying under the radar.

Racist Incidents

I really wonder if all those statements are true or not exaggerated. I mean a good excuse has to be in place when McCain beats Obama. The "hang darkie from a tree" disgusting comment I especially don't believe actually happened. Liberals have no problem lying to the masses. It's for our own good.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Unlike Billary and Obama:

McCain is against Affirmative Action (which is greatly harming whites)

Sort of...

McCain voted that Affirmative action is OK for specific programs, but no quotas in 1998.

He also voted NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business, and YES on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities & women.

LinkEdited by: C Darwin


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
C Darwin said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Unlike Billary and Obama:

McCain is against Affirmative Action (which is greatly harming whites)

Sort of...

McCain voted that Affirmative action is OK for specific programs, but no quotas in 1998.

He also voted NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business, and YES on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities & women.


Like I keep telling my friends. It took the North Vietnamese 5 1/2 years to break John McCain and it took Washington DC 5 1/2 minutes to break him. All this mainstream media love for John McCain will disappear the moment the Democratic nomination process is over. The NY Times has already declared war on McCain.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Don't know if you're aware, but it didn't even take 5 1/2 minutes for the North Vietnamese to break McCain. He cooperated with them from the beginning and did numerous anti-American propaganda broadcasts as well as provided them with all the military information he knew when questioned. Then when in Congress he was the key member who scuttled all attempts to find and bring home POWs and MIAs from Southeast Asia. McCain is no military hero. McCain is scary bad for this country.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I have heard those stories before. I am just not sold on them yet. I am no fan of McCain and haven't been since the late 90's. Of all the republicans running for President at the start of last year, Mccain was my least favorite, I would have even taken Rudy Guiliani over McCain. He's a brownnosing to the mainstream media worm with a huge ego. But that being said, If my choice is between Obama and McCain, I will hold my nose and vote for McCain. Don, if all the stuff you posted above is true, then he's worse than I thought.


Oct 21, 2004
What Don posted about McCainiac and his POW experience is true. Supposedly, there are video tapes somewhere that prove how extensively he cooperated with the Vietnamese, including regular sex acts with a mistress(es) he was provided with by "the enemy."

Those who followed the POW-MIA Senate Select Committee hearings saw clearly how McCainiac felt about POW family activists. He actually walked out, in a childish tantrum, when the committee gave some real activists a day to testify before them. McCainiac was also accused, at least twice, of engaging in a physical confrontation with POW activists; one of those times, he was alleged to have pushed the wheelchair bound mother of a missing solider.

Like Don said, this lunatic would be a nightmare for our country.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
I lost respect for McCain the moment he agreed to debase himself to appear on that aggressively unfunny and annoyingly talentless hell-hole known as Saturday Night Live in 2003.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Rumors, rumors. If you can provide me with links to any of these theories maybe I will change my view of McCain.

But don't you think if you were tied up for 5 1/2 years and beaten and were scared for your life that you and your comrades might give away some military information to protect yourself. It would give yourself a glimmer of hope that you will see freedom and your family again. Information was probably gradually given away by McCain and any other POWs with information.

And even if McCain did vote in favor of some Affirmative action type laws in the past, in the last 5 years he has seemed to be anti-affirmative action as far as I can tell. This is unlike his economic policies which he has just changed since running for Prez b/c he knew he wouldn't win the nomination without saying he approved of the Bush tax cuts.

I don't think McCain is perfect, but I think he's at least a little better than GWB and significantly better than Obama or Hillary.

And McCain wouldn't be able to get away with being pro-affirmative action in the Republican party. Middle class white males are a huge voting bloc of it. Siding with higher taxes to pay off the debt might not make it impossible for him to win reelection, but alienating white males who have been completely screwed by AA politics will insure that a lot of them stay home in 2012 when McCain is looking for his 2nd term. Without a good turnout of white males the Republican party doesn't win in a national election.

I think most whites of both genders are now on the side of getting rid of Affirmative action at this point if they can see a black male can get to the pinnacle of success so much that he may become the next President.

McCain's vote for government subsidies for minority and women owned businesses were also supported by the Bush administration if I recall, b/c they wanted to try balance things out. That is not a fair way of looking at things. To be fair; government aid should be for the poor of all races and genders. But in general McCain has been against AA as an overall policy unlike Hilary and Obama.