TJR, outstanding post sir! As a fundementalist Baptist, I think that pornography is certainly one of Satan's best "weapons" (along with alcohol, drugs & gambling) & is extremely devastating to men & families. Although I'm a paleo-conservative/Constitutionalist, this is where I part ways with the Libertarian viewpoint. In that, I believe each state should open a referendum and allow voters to decide on vices such as gambling/casinos & pornography. I think each communities should be allowed to decide if they want strip clubs, liquor stores, etc. via the vote (old-school, not the rigged Diebold machines). Let the taxpayers decide at the voting booth.
As far as Jewish involvement in the "adult" industry, I think most of them are souless profiteers who've capitalized on the opporunity for "ill-gotten gains". You have to look to the next level up to see the Globalist Elite who fund & enable the vice-industry. While I'm anti-Zionist (as they're funded by Elites like the Rothschilds), I am not anti-Hebrew (ie - Old Testment, Orthodox Hebrew). The Zionists (House of Rothschild, etc.) who are part of the Globalist Elite are very dangerous indeed, BUT the Elite is comprised of far more than just Zionists. We need to see the BIG picture to identify all of the Puppet-Masters (& their many shills). The "mainstreaming" of pornography has been enabled by the Globalist Elite controlled media & "Sheepletainment"'s all part of their masterplan to tear apart tradition values, morals, the family & our Constitutional Republic!
The Marketing of Evil