
Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Pornography has become mainstream in North America during the past 40 years or so. I just found an interesting article on another website, and I'd like to read your thoughts on it.



Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Should we be surprised?


Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK, Prof. Nathan Abrams. He boasts that Jews were the driving force of the modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.


Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews in particular have become involved in porn? ...

Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said "The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism." Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged. ...

Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. ...

Nov 8, 2006
The jew isn't usually as honest about their intentions as Goldstein, but that's what they are. Pornography, feminism, communism, cultural marxism, "civil" rights, the sodomite agenda, etc are all jew productions designed to attack normal, White Christians.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
I think these types of Jews stopped believing in Yahweh a long time ago.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
I don't want to sound especially anti-semitic, but the Jews I've had experience interacting with seem to have this "exclusive club" mentality -- as in, they engage in all these activities that are implicitly and explicitly Jewish-Only (such as social events)-- and they often behave in a shamelessly selfish manner.

For example, last Christmas at our company office party, all of the employees brought in little treats for our Christmas celebration, and we put them in the top-floor employee lounge, and throughout the day, everyone would be perfectly free to come in and out to help themselves to the treats.

I remember this one Jewish lady and this fruity little Jewish guy who worked in another department did nothing but bitch all day long about how our company party was "racist" because it was for Christmas and not for Jewish people or people of any other religion.

A lot of the other workers reminded them that they could have treats whether they were Christians or not, and that anyone -- even the janitors at the middle of the night -- could have whatever they wanted.

Long story short -- after all their complaining (and certainly, after having contributed nothing to the community table), these two Jewish employees were observed to be taking a lot of the treats to their desks -- certainly more than they could possible eat in one sitting, indicating that they were taking some home.

Most of the other executives don't like these two workers -- the Jewish man and lady kind of have this idea that we hate them because they're Jewish, but the fact is, we don't hate them. We simply dislike the fact that they behave in such a reprehensible manner and yet expect us to be as nice to them as we are to people who behave in a spirit in keeping with both the season and a happy, healthy work environment.

What does this have to do with pornography? Probably nothing.

But it is an example of how Jewish people sometimes want to behave in whatever manner they please, and they get upset with you if you don't treat them as nicely as they treat themselves.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Bottom line: Soft core pornography should be legal, it is art and has been around for millenniums. However, hard core pornography leads to depravity in our culture, a higher sex crime rate from increasing the sexual frustration of violence prone depraved men and corrupts the minds and actions of teenage children who look at it. It is more damaging to people than prostitution ever could be.

Prostitution is a real interaction between a man and a woman that eases sexual frustration, rather than between a lonely man and a screen that for some people increases sexual frustration. I personally don't like either of the two, but despise hard core pornography far more. This is because of hard core pornography's easy accessibility to children and it's much stronger ability to corrupt people and increase the sex crime rate.

The bottom line is; hard core pornography destroys the lives of far more men than women (financially from addiction, corruption of their minds, destruction of marriages etc.) However, since prostitutes for the most part are women you could make the argument that prostitution destroys the lives of more women than men (at least emotionally, certainly not financially). Ultimately though, having prostitution illegal and underground makes it easier for the women to be mistreated.

Should we be surprised at all; that in our ultra-feminist pussified anti-male American culture that hard core pornography is legal everywhere, but prostitution is not. This is a perfect example of anti-male/ pro-feminism/ cultural (ACLU) Marxist hypocritical policy. Porn stars are without a doubt in my mind the epitome of hookers, that only have sex with other porn-stars and are paid by a business man for the general public to watch instead of participate in the sex.

The bottom line is; America is a flawed culture at its root and it has to do with a caste system. Women, blacks and Jews and basically everyone else, is ahead of the Christian white man in our society and you can see it in the politics and opportunities available. I am not surprised at all that the driving force behind the rise of hard core pornography was Anti-Christian cultural Marxist Jews.

Furthermore, I'm probably gonna take heat from this from fellow posters, but is it any wonder that many Muslims are calling America the great Satan? More so than Europe and Canada for sure (I'm a duel American/ Canadian citizen) America is controlled by the special interests of Jews and feminists. Muslims are from a patrilineal family oriented culture, that believes in self restraint and order and despises Marxist Jewish values and their self interest of Zionism.

Comparatively, America is a liberal country controlled by Jews and feminists that places Individualism and (ACLU type) civil liberties way before order, morals and restraint. We are also the biggest backers of Israel, largest global oil consumers and have the most aggressive and Anti-Islamic foreign policy in the world. Is there any wonder why America is disliked so much in the Middle East.

I say just the opposite of what wacko "phony Christian" Bush is preaching. Allow more Muslim immigrants in to our country to participate in our democracy to balance out the Marxist Jewish population. Maybe we wouldn't be getting into war after war in the Middle East anymore.

I fear what Marxist Jews are doing to white Christian males like myself, and our children, much more than what Muslims are doing. The above quote, from Al Goldstein, is your perfect example of what your common morally bankrupt anti-Christian Marxist Jew believes. If we stop being so Anti-Islam and Pro-Jew in this country, I would predict much less of a chance of another terrorist attack. I would also predict much less of a cultural attack on the white male.

Edited to Add: This post does not include my views on Orthodox Jews. I don't mind them. I dislike the great majority of Jews though b/c they are secular humanist ACLU supporters.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
TJR, outstanding post sir! As a fundementalist Baptist, I think that pornography is certainly one of Satan's best "weapons" (along with alcohol, drugs & gambling) & is extremely devastating to men & families. Although I'm a paleo-conservative/Constitutionalist, this is where I part ways with the Libertarian viewpoint. In that, I believe each state should open a referendum and allow voters to decide on vices such as gambling/casinos & pornography. I think each communities should be allowed to decide if they want strip clubs, liquor stores, etc. via the vote (old-school, not the rigged Diebold machines). Let the taxpayers decide at the voting booth.

As far as Jewish involvement in the "adult" industry, I think most of them are souless profiteers who've capitalized on the opporunity for "ill-gotten gains". You have to look to the next level up to see the Globalist Elite who fund & enable the vice-industry. While I'm anti-Zionist (as they're funded by Elites like the Rothschilds), I am not anti-Hebrew (ie - Old Testment, Orthodox Hebrew). The Zionists (House of Rothschild, etc.) who are part of the Globalist Elite are very dangerous indeed, BUT the Elite is comprised of far more than just Zionists. We need to see the BIG picture to identify all of the Puppet-Masters (& their many shills). The "mainstreaming" of pornography has been enabled by the Globalist Elite controlled media & "Sheepletainment"'s all part of their masterplan to tear apart tradition values, morals, the family & our Constitutional Republic!

The Marketing of Evil


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
DixieDestroyer said:
TJR, outstanding post sir! As a fundementalist Baptist, I think that pornography is certainly one of Satan's best "weapons" (along with alcohol, drugs & gambling) & is extremely devastating to men & families. Although I'm a paleo-conservative/Constitutionalist, this is where I part ways with the Libertarian viewpoint. In that, I believe each state should open a referendum and allow voters to decide on vices such as gambling/casinos & pornography. I think each communities should be allowed to decide if they want strip clubs, liquor stores, etc. via the vote (old-school, not the rigged Diebold machines). Let the taxpayers decide at the voting booth.

As far as Jewish involvement in the "adult" industry, I think most of them are souless profiteers who've capitalized on the opporunity for "ill-gotten gains". You have to look to the next level up to see the Globalist Elite who fund & enable the vice-industry. While I'm anti-Zionist (as they're funded by Elites like the Rothschilds), I am not anti-Hebrew (ie - Old Testment, Orthodox Hebrew). The Zionists (House of Rothschild, etc.) who are part of the Globalist Elite are very dangerous indeed, BUT the Elite is comprised of far more than just Zionists. We need to see the BIG picture to identify all of the Puppet-Masters (& their many shills). The "mainstreaming" of pornography has been enabled by the Globalist Elite controlled media & "Sheepletainment"'s all part of their masterplan to tear apart tradition values, morals, the family & our Constitutional Republic!

The Marketing of Evil

Why in the hell should the brain dead sheeple, *as you constantly point out* be the ones to decide what one can do in their personal lives? Freedom and liberty are white concepts, learn to embrace them.

Porn, alcohol, and gambling are NOT the reasons why this country sucks. "Democratic" processes whereby people give the power to the government to make laws concerning personal freedom ARE the problem.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
jaxvid said:
DixieDestroyer said:
TJR, outstanding post sir! As a fundementalist Baptist, I think that pornography is certainly one of Satan's best "weapons" (along with alcohol, drugs & gambling) & is extremely devastating to men & families. Although I'm a paleo-conservative/Constitutionalist, this is where I part ways with the Libertarian viewpoint. In that, I believe each state should open a referendum and allow voters to decide on vices such as gambling/casinos & pornography. I think each communities should be allowed to decide if they want strip clubs, liquor stores, etc. via the vote (old-school, not the rigged Diebold machines). Let the taxpayers decide at the voting booth.

As far as Jewish involvement in the "adult" industry, I think most of them are souless profiteers who've capitalized on the opporunity for "ill-gotten gains". You have to look to the next level up to see the Globalist Elite who fund & enable the vice-industry. While I'm anti-Zionist (as they're funded by Elites like the Rothschilds), I am not anti-Hebrew (ie - Old Testment, Orthodox Hebrew). The Zionists (House of Rothschild, etc.) who are part of the Globalist Elite are very dangerous indeed, BUT the Elite is comprised of far more than just Zionists. We need to see the BIG picture to identify all of the Puppet-Masters (& their many shills). The "mainstreaming" of pornography has been enabled by the Globalist Elite controlled media & "Sheepletainment"'s all part of their masterplan to tear apart tradition values, morals, the family & our Constitutional Republic!

The Marketing of Evil

Why in the hell should the brain dead sheeple, *as you constantly point out* be the ones to decide what one can do in their personal lives? Freedom and liberty are white concepts, learn to embrace them.

Porn, alcohol, and gambling are NOT the reasons why this country sucks. "Democratic" processes whereby people give the power to the government to make laws concerning personal freedom ARE the problem.

Those who are "Sheeple" are generally blinded to the plight of our Constitutional Republic and the existence agenda & puppets of the Elite. However, I believe that most Americans (by a thinning margin) still have fairly solid morals, and would outlaw destructive trash like hardcore pornography. BTW, some democratic practices are still effective, although usually just on the local level(s). The farther up the governmental scale, these less effective the "democratic" processes become.

IMO, the country is going to hell in a handbasket due to a number of factors...the main/key one being the success of the Elite to gain control of politics, MSM, entertainment and government schools and implement their agenda(s) through those avenues. While we have become a nation of Sheeple, there is still a shred of decency left in most folks (at least I hope & pray so). If I'm wrong, then the democratic process would let folks legalize whatever vices they'd wish and we'd continue our breakneck descent into a modern day Sodom & Gomorrah.


May 20, 2005
The arguements that people use against the social ills of allowing pornagraphic content are nearly identical to the ones anti-racialists use to make make anti "hate speech" laws. Children could read this website and grow up to shoot Black felons attempting to rob them or Mestizos attempting to invade their country...horrible thought

If I had to choose between a society with moralistic legislation aimed at perceived social "ills", or a Libertarian one, I would choose the latter. I tell you why. There is no way in HELL that a society today which goes to legislating against perceived "immoral" behavior won't make racism their #1 evil. I would much rather have hard-core porn stores in every Babylon in this damn country if I also have the right to associate with who I wish, do business with who I wish, and say what I wish about anybody. Edited by: White_Savage


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
But WS, it makes absolutely no sense to have hardcore pornography legal in every single state and prostitution not as I explained in my above post. That is IMO "the most hypocritical legislation existing in the entire world."

If we are going to make gratuitous sex mainstream all over the internet with no boundaries. Then there has to be an outlet for horny men, who have no sexual relationships in their lives. Basically the current laws are just asking for trouble and an increase in sex crimes. So I say if there is really no way to get rid of hardcore pornography, then make "the oldest profession" mainstream as well.

Of course I would prefer neither legal, but that's probably just dreaming at this point in our depraved morally bankrupt culture. It is too bad that the elite have left morals by the wayside. In the old days the Jewish media wasn't so secular and Christian hating. Jews were involved in the production of movies like It's a Wonderful Life, Casablanca etc. Now it is the Jewish secular media at the forefront of mainstreaming moralless behavior. Very few Jews are truly Jews anymore. Orthodox Jews are a very small sect.


May 20, 2005
Okay, Riggins, I am one of those people who is also libertarian to think that legalizing prostitution might be okay, but your way of comparing the two is absurd. No one ever caught an STD from porn, and porno movies don't form swarms on the sidewalk on certain streets, etc.

I also put the idea that pornography nessecarily leads to hordes of sex-crazed rapists right up there with the idea that violent video games lead to shootings or that allowing so-called "racist" dialogue leads directly to another incarnation of 1940s Germany...silly and alarmist.

BTW, the thing responsible for the break-up of most White families, and I have seen this over and over, has nothing to with booze, drugs, porn, or anything else. It has to do with the fact that women have been carefully taught to be insufferable harpies towards the boyfriend/husband, to believe they are doing him some sort of a favor by having a relationship with him, to be disastisfied and blame the husband when life isn't like a romance movie, and to think that the fact that a man wants to run his own household is some sort of tyrannical oppression. Oh yeah, and the incredible strain, tension, and bad economic effects caused by encouraging/forcing married women to work full time.
May 10, 2005
United States
My Dad did porn in the late 70's to early 80's, then was involved in the distribution of porn in the late 80's thru early 90's(I'm Not sure if he did porn himself again in late 80's to 90's,wouldn't surprise me if he did, but don't know). My Great Uncle did porn, & I have 3 cousins that did/Currently do porn, All male & all on my dad's side of the family. I have 1 female cousin on my mom's side of the family who also did porn in the early to mid 90's. 6 relatives in all(That I know of, LOL!)

They all call it the "Adult Entertainment Industry", as if their professional actors or something.LOL.

Although I'm not really for nor opposed to pornography, I do however feel it's too easily accessible to children. I will also say that each & every one of my relatives that have been involved in porn were & are SCUM in every way imaginable & I have nothing to do with any of them people for reasons that have nothing to do with the porn aspect at all, their just flat out scum people!

At one time I did consider doing porn myself, For money not glory, thought it would be an easy way to make money(Although men don't make much money compared to women), Looking back now I am glad that I never did & will never do porn, would be something that I would look back on with regret & shame.

BTW, for thread purposes, I am not of Jewish decent, I'm mostly Irish/Scottish/etc...

Edited by: Doc Holliday


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
While I dobelieve therearenegative consequencesto porn and legalized prostitution, I think White_Savagemakes pretty good points in both his posts. I don't think we can trust the populace to make decisions that will always be in thebest interests of whites. The populace that could have made those kinds of decisions is long gone. I do think a moral compass is needed for society to maintain itself, but if the people don't agree on themoral compass or just don't care about it, how can you guarantee that someone's liberties won't be trampled upon by others? I'll give you an example that will hopefully better explain my position.

This morning aman sent me a message about joining/helping starta "Nationalist" movement. When I asked him what his/their ideas are, he replied that all ideas would be entertained and that the group would decide which ones they would use and which ones they wouldn't. As a racialist, thisstartedthe alarm bell to ringing for me. If they decide a racialist platform is too extreme, how could I in good conscience support them? I believe that we have to adopt such a platform, and without it, I don't see how it could help matters for white people in the long run.

Feminism,thanks in large part to the Jewish controlled media, has had unreal negative impacts on the family. At the same time, the perversion of Christianity to what it has largely become in this country along with thebanishment of that old Christian morality in the public sphere has also hurt the family and the white race. Couple this with liberal social policy, and you have the U.S. of today. I do know offamilies that have been torn apart by addiction to pornography. These are all problems, and I think they are somewhat linked,but I don't see how we can rely on a dumbed-down, non-racialist, morally depravedelectorate to save us through legislated morality when that kind of populace has largely been lost.

Maybe its the un-reconstructed Southerner in me, but there's always secession!

Seriously though, I think we are going to have to have a reformation of our society before anything will get better. Whether that will happen as a result of war, I can only speculate.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Internet porn prevents rape. Really.

On screen sex reduces real life rape

Pornography in Japan reduces sexual crimes

Within Japan itself, the dramatic increase in available pornography and sexually explicit materials is apparent to even a casual observer. This is concomitant with a general liberalization of restrictions on other sexual outlets as well. Also readily apparent from the information presented is that, over this period of change, sex crimes in every category, from rape to public indecency, sexual offenses from both ends of the criminal spectrum, significantly decreased in incidence.

Art, pornography, and censorship

And a resounding ditto for White Savage's comments.

Edited by: White Shogun


May 20, 2005
Colonel_Reb said:
While I do believe there are negative consequences to porn and legalized prostitution, I think White_Savage makes pretty good points in both his posts.

Oh, there are terrible consequences to the existance of prostitution, and as Doc Holliday points out, the porn industry is highly unpleasant.

I just think prostitution is a far uglier thing in NYC than in Nevada, and the same principle probably applies to the porn industry.

BTW, when we speak of families broken up by porn, I cannot help but have this image of a scenario where a woman catches her husband looking at some naked chick on the internet and applies the same furious female jealousy response as if he was diddling the neighbor. But he makes a living, isn't a drunk or an addict, doesn't beat her, and in fact does not diddle the neighbor...The problem here IMHO would be that family life and society has not taught the wife to STFU and count her blessings.

Interesting articles Shogun, but really, the only solidly proven statistical principle about rape/crime is Fewer Blacks=Less crimeEdited by: White_Savage
Oct 24, 2005
Hugh Hefner of playboy, Larry Flint of Hustler, and the guy from penthouse are the biggest names in the porn industry. They make the decisions that effect the porn industry. They are not Jewish. Al Goldstein and Reuben Sturman were minor players. They never came close to the wealth that Hefner and Flint have. Jews play a minor and uniportant role in the porn industry. In the MSM.... they have a dominant role, but that may be wanning.
What is the difference between hard and soft porn? I consider many primetime TV shows to be obscene. I am sickened by some of the previews for the "Special Victims unit" show. (I consider the Law and Order series to be Jewish anti-white male propaganda, but that's a story in itself.) XXX rated movies are different. No violence. Even the S&M videos have less violence than many primetime shows. Interracial couples are rare in XXX videos, but now it seems that every TV show must have one.
I am not worried about the XXX stuff. It is what I see on primetime television than bothers me.
Jan 18, 2006
screamingeagle said:
Hugh Hefner of playboy, Larry Flint of Hustler, and the guy from penthouse are the biggest names in the porn industry. They make the decisions that effect the porn industry. They are not Jewish. Al Goldstein and Reuben Sturman were minor players. They never came close to the wealth that Hefner and Flint have. Jews play a minor and uniportant role in the porn industry. In the MSM.... they have a dominant role, but that may be wanning.

Are you serious?

Playboy and Hustler are softcore magazines.

The porn industry that we are talking about is that of hardcore movies. To say Jews play a minor role in that industry is hilarious.


Apr 6, 2007
screamingeagle said:
... Interracial couples are rare in XXX videos...

I'd check that. Theres a HUGE category of porn dedicated to interracial couplings.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
White_Savage said:
BTW, when we speak of families broken up by porn, I cannot help but have this image of a scenario where a woman catches her husband looking at some naked chick on the internet and applies the same furious female jealousy response as if he was diddling the neighbor. But he makes a living, isn't a drunk or an addict, doesn't beat her, and in fact does not diddle the neighbor...The problem here IMHO would be that family life and society has not taught the wife to STFU and count her blessings.

WS, it is fine with me if you have that image of families being broken up by porn, but that is notthe case in thefamilies I know of. Ever heard of child porn?

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
I banged my wife last night. It was super! She's been going to the gym and has shed a few stones in the last couple of weeks. She's been lookin' good, so I sent her off to sleep properly. I really don't fell the need to go runnin' around on her. She takes care of me, so my needs are met. I'm sure we're all familiar with that old fable about 'only' being with one woman for the rest of your life is some sort of unnatural sacrifice. That's total BS. If we want to change this world in any way, it starts with populating it with people that think like us. Women like my wife are out there. Seek them out and find them. Commit to them, and them to you. Spread your seed and teach your children about Liberty.Edited by: C Darwin


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
C Darwin said:
I'm sure we're all familiar with that old fable about 'only' being with one woman for the rest of your life is some sort of unnatural sacrifice. That's total BS.

How long have you been with her?


Oct 11, 2005
The real danger is the loss of traditional white communities,the staple of the white world until 50 years ago.With record numbers of people living alone,the isolation between white men and women is greater than its ever been before that the growth in porn,virtual sex and other lust fulfilling outlets is the obvious result of lifestyle choices.What happens when porn replaces the real thing?

This is a problem in Japan.Roughly 1/4 of Japanese men over 30 are virgins.Studies have indicated that porn,masturbation,web porn sites,prostitution allow men outlets for sexual fullfillment while not fulfilling other needs such as procreation.The increasing social allienation with the virtual world replacing the real one is a contributing factor to Japans plummeting birth rate according to these studies.The same factors are obviously at play in Western societys.Theirs no doubt in my mind though of the destructive consequences in the growth of porn over the last twenty years.Men like Hefner and Flint and other porn perveyers have propagated the batchelor lifestyle amonst white men of material possesions,hedonistic sex and cheap throwaway women in place of the responsibility of marriage,children and family,the support block for any community.After all,thats just boring and expensive and what man truly wants responsibility.This has had just as much affect by my reckoning as femininity and homosexuality on the appalling white birthrate.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
jaxvid said:
C Darwin said:
I'm sure we're all familiar with that old fable about 'only' being with one woman for the rest of your life is some sort of unnatural sacrifice. That's total BS.

How long have you been with her?
10 years this June. (12 years all together)Edited by: C Darwin


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
C Darwin said:
jaxvid said:
C Darwin said:
I'm sure we're all familiar with that old fable about 'only' being with one woman for the rest of your life is some sort of unnatural sacrifice. That's total BS.

How long have you been with her?
10 years this June. (12 years all together)

Congrats C.Darwin, I've also been married 10 years this August (12 years all together as well).
We've been blessed with three beautiful children & a fourth one (3rd son) is due this month.

Iron, outstanding points as well!

I am very old-fashioned & believe in "one woman/one man" (the sacred institute of marriage) is indeed for life. My Mom & Dad have been married 41 years and my maternal Grandparents were married for 52 years before my Grandad passed away. There's an elderly couple at my Church who've been married 60+ that's how it should be (IMO)!I know "human nature" causes minds/eyes to drift at time, but I'm a firm believer in upholding marriage vows. The growth/enablement of "divorce on demand" has also been detrimental to American families (by design in my estimation). I think the breakdown of White families is due to a large number of factors (all alluded to in the above posts..pornography, the funding/push of the feminazi movement, flawed "Democracy" on the Federal level, the demonization of White men, etc.), but the driving force behind all of these factors is the Globalist Elite and their nefarious, highly-effective agenda to destroy our sovereign Constitutional Republic (& to implement an Orwellian quasi-socialist dystopian One World Government enforced by an authoritarian police-state). The writing is clearly on the wall.

Pawns in the Game

The Secret EmpireEdited by: DixieDestroyer