Porn, Swinging, and the Super Bowl


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I just found this on James Edwards' blog and thought it should be posted here.

<h2>NFL: Conservatism unacceptable; wife swapping just fine!</h2>

Remember a while back when it came to light that Rush Limbaugh was
trying to become part owner of the St. Louis Rams? And liberals went
ape, and a few days later the NFL made it clear that Rush Limbaugh
wouldn't be allowed to be a part owner of any NFL team, because the
league didn't want to be associated with the kinds of things he says on
his show?

Well, check this out. It's the official calendar of upcoming events in the Dallas area for the Super Bowl, which have all been officially sanctioned by the National Football League.

On February 4th, there's the Penthouse Super Party:


When: Friday, February 4, 2011 â€" 9:00pm

Venue: American Airlines Center Platinum Club

Spend the evening with athletes, musician, tastemakers, and of course
Penthouse Magazines SuperPets! One of the hottest parties year after
year at one of Dallas' finest venues.

Ticket Prices: $150

Expected Attendance: 1500</blockquote>

On February 3rd, you can attend XXX Bowl Encroachment:


When: Thursday, February 3, 2011 â€" 9:00pm

Venue: Iniquity Private Club

This is the first event to kick-off your Super Bowl weekend! We are
bringing you the first party of its kind for this years Big Game! Held
at the hottest adult night club in DFW, this prestigous venue will be
offereing you 3 venues in 1 parking lot! Come experience the activities
UNDER THE BIG TOP. Featurin hot tubs and a full service bar! Next make
your way to THE LOCKER ROOM replicating a football field as a floor!
pass and kick for cash and prizes. Had enough of outside? Just make your
way into Club INIQUITY to spend the rest of your night at the sexiest,
hottest adult club and lounge.

Ticket Prices: $50 General

Expected Attendance: 600-1000</blockquote>

What kind of "club"Â is the Iniquity Private Club? Well, it's not
your typical nightclub, as you might have guessed from the XXX. In
fact, it's a members only club, normally open only to couples or single
women. And the club encourages "playful behavior."Â In other words, it's a club for wife swappers or "swingers"Â, and that's exactly what goes on in the place. And it's not like it's a secret:

Best Swinger Clubs in Dallas, Texas

Big D Offers Great Couples Clubs for Those in the Lifestyle


10821 Composite Drive

Suite 300

Dallas, Texas

While it might sound cliche or unbelievable to say it, the fact is
that Iniquity is a place that swingers and non-swingers alike can attend
and both groups can enjoy equally well, if for different reasons.

The fact is, the screening process that one goes through to attend
Iniquity, while not overly onerous, is enough to ensure that the crowd
will be at least reasonably attractive, well dressed, and that the
people will actually be on their best behavior. This is the highest end
swingers club in Dallas.

It's been said that well run swinger clubs such as this one show more
respect and restraint for women and their relationships than a typical
night club. That might be hard, if not impossible, to prove, but a place
like Iniquity is excellent for first time swingers, experienced
swingers and couples jut looking for a night out in a very sexy
atmosphere. </blockquote>

There's not one, but two officially sanctioned NFL events taking place at Iniquity Club. There's another event the night of the big game itself:


When: Sunday, February 6, 2011 â€" 8:00pm

Venue: Iniquity Private Club

Your weekend is coming to an end but that doesn't mean you have to
spend it packing. Join us for the final kick off release. Whether you
decide to watch the BIG game with us or make this your after party,
there is no other place to be.

Held at the hottest adult club in the DFW, this prestigous venue will be

offering you 3 venues in 1 parking lot!

Come experience the activites UNDER THE BIG TOP. Featuring hot tubs
and a full service bar! Next make your way to THE LOCKER ROOM
replicating a football field as a floor! Pass &amp; Kick for Cash and
Prizes. Had enough of

outside? Just make your way into Club INIQUITY to spend the rest of your night at the Sexies, Hottest Adult Club and Lounge.

Party doesn't end until the Sun Comes Up!

Ticket Prices: $50 General Admin

Expected Attendance: 1000</blockquote>

There you have it, folks. Conservatives are beyond the pale for the NFL, but perverts and wife swappers are just fine.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
The Super Bowl since it has taken off has always had a weekend to let your hair down image. Previously it was always private and non sanctioned by the league. This is sanctioned by the league, yet Vegas sports books can't have Super Bowl parties.....
Edited by: white is right


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Typical American madness and hypocrisy. Meanwhile my cousin who has Aspergers and has been picked on his whole life goes to a hard core porn star autograph signing with his "friends" for his 21st birthday in Atlantic City. His "friends" took him there to pressure him about him "getting some" and being a virgin. His "friend" then calls an escort service to get him a hooker and when she goes to his private hotel room (he didn't solicit on a street corner where it is dangerous) when he's drunk after the "friends" leave it's an undercover cop. Meanwhile Eliot Spitzer, athletes and the rich can do whatever they want, the last 3 Presidents and Mayor of NY can smoke weed, but innocent guys like my cousin get arrested and get criminal records for smoking it in their friends garage or being "set up" to lose their virginity to a escort. Porn "stars" (basically a sadistic version of a hooker) can do anything on camera b/c it's "art" (S&M violent porn etc.) and put it all over the internet to provoke lonely men like my cousin into getting a hooker and where young children can stumble across it, but I guess violent porn is "safe". And meanwhile the former "john" who led the service that Spitzer used gets out of prison and starts a DNA Diamonds site for wealthy men to basically buy pretty wives with prenups. Almost anything goes as long as it's ELITIST in America.

Ain't that America the land of "liberty and justice" where underdogs, addicts and vulnerable broken people are treated with dignity. Yep, America really is the land of "in God we trust". It couldn't be further from the truth.

There has never been a place IN THE HISTORY of the world with the level of double standards of current AMERIKA.

Sorry for the rant, all we can do is refuse to buy the NFL network, refuse to buy NFL products except for a few white player jerseys "maybe" and refuse to buy tickets. America is declining more and more every year.

On this topic I have a prayer request for my cousin, who is currently in the mental hospital after an attempted suicide. This is a kid who got a 790 on his math SAT, but has had nothing but more and more bad luck every year and has become so hurt and jaded he can't hold a job. Please pray for him, he was my best friend when I lived in Jersey and me and my wife were treated almost as bad as he was down there. I don't think there is a place on earth with as low a quality of person as Jersey where cops entire families carry PBA Gold "get out of jail free cards". Yes, some departments don't even test for marijuana. Great system of justice you got there sheeple. In other police states on earth, the people generally are in poverty and when things like weed and soliciting sex in private are illegal it isn't part of the "culture" with different laws for different people. And hate and violence in these countries is mostly because people are broken, suffering and just trying to get by which encourages things like gangs and armies fighting and competing for resources.

As Canadian Christian musician Bruce Cockburn says about the U.S "call it Democracy" talking about how you can have so much (power etc.), but give so little (forgiveness, love or dignity) to your own people. How people don't talk things out, but instead quickly ask you to talk to their lawyer. Where in an economic crisis an expensive health care bill is passed, but where doctors will continue to get sued (most of the time frivolously with no suffering caps or legal recourse for the doctor for lost work time when facing the suit) and malpractice insurance companies will continue to fold and the state governments will take over and give so little coverage that hoards of doctors will accept malpractice and have their pocket picked up to about 1/5th of what the coverage should be instead of risking losing their home. Of course this makes health care even more unaffordable and of course the last two parts weren't in Bruce's song. I could go on and on and on.

Please keep my cousin in your prayers guys. I want him to move to Canada, but he isn't a citizen so I don't know if he could get up here. He has a big heart, but gets walked all over in "rats in a cage Jersey" because of his naivety, minor disability (that isn't apparent) and kindness. He also is so hurt he doesn't know how to stay quiet about the legal injustice or hypocritical lawmakers who have hurt him so much. Employers think he's a risk to employ since he won't be "a company man". He's been used, abused, chewed up and spit out.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Nov 25, 2005
geez, tough jriggins, is new jersey that f*cked up? i feel bad for your cousin, but if he can't make it to canada, he can try colorado, it's nice and peaceful over here,most of the time.


Sep 29, 2008
I will send positive thoughts and vibes to your cousin. The string of bad luck does suck, but at this point it is wise to just stop the bleeding and begin anew.
Perhaps he can get some of those legal concerns expunged from his record. It is possible.
Yes, the system does suck and is only there to mentally and physically enslave is all a sick and twisted game.
Perhaps he made some unwise choices, perhaps his "friends" are just total scum and yes, perhaps it is also uncanny bad luck.
Sometimes bad decisions lead to a strange spiral of more bad decisions..I personally think it's bad toxic energy that literally is out there in the Universe and also within us and others.

Anyway, not to get all space age with you, but your Cousin needs to know all hope is not lost.
The system in many ways enslaves those who allow themselves to be enslaved. It is kind of a mental game...
We all lose some life 'battles' and then have to pay the price or try to minimize the consequences. No, it's not fair at all and life is full of hypocrisy.
Look at any 3rd world country: hypocrisy in action all the time.

At this stage, his mental outlook is key. The body will follow.

Can he pay fines and get some of this stuff off his record?
Can he plea for community service?

#1, he needs to remove himself from such a toxic negative environment that seems to be his physical location, New Jersey. This state sucks.

Why could he not immigrate to Canada? I mean what would be the legal obstacles?

Tell him to hang tough. People have been in even worse situations and have survived and then thrived in life.

It WILL get better for your Cousin.
But he needs to leave NJ ASAP.
Jul 14, 2007
Tough J., my prayers and positive thoughts are with your cousin.

Yes we do need more love, compassion, and understanding in this country. Many people in this country, black, white, and otherwise have been sickened with poisonous attitudes and personalities, and this affects the other people around you.

I have been infected with this from time to time. There is only one way out, and that's controlling your emotions and being determined to stay positive and happy in your own body. This involves taking actions and doing things you like and enjoy. In times of crisis, I have simply decided I was going to be nice to myself, go down to the river, see some local landmarks, or go to the movie theater in the middle of the afternoon.

Also important I believe is reading about building up positive attitudes and constructing a happy and successful life. For a time tested take I would recommend both "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" as well as "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.

Your cousin appears to be a very intelligent guy, and it always stumped me why highly intelligent people would be socially inept or chronically disgusted with life. With their high IQ they should be able to figure out the particular steps to find happiness and success in their own life. The only thing to do is study people who have been in the same situation and created an alternative outcome.

Dale Carnegie's dad almost committed suicide in the late 1800s after their farm and all their property were completely repossessed. He made a last minute decision to make a career change, became a salesman and wound up being decently successful.

It's not too late for your cousin to find happiness and success in their life. They just have a lot of wounds to their mental health that they need to heal. Just like skin, bones, and muscle tissue heal from damage with the proper care and healing environment, so does the mind and soul when given the right treatment.

As far as all the Super Bowl parties and D list celebrities etc., yes it's sickening, but I believe we've gone into this before. There's a lot of things that need to change, but we really have nothing to gain in dwelling on the hollow and vapid people who worship black athletes at these events. Let's focus on the positive and the great white players that will be in the Super Bowl.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
TJR, prayers unto thine cousin good sir. May he make a better choice of "friends" as well.

CR, I'm not surprised to hear of such vile debauchery being celebrated. With das juden running the "Sheepletainment" industry & "Madiscum" Avenue, this type of degeneracy is lauded & sold as not only acceptable but to be embraced. It's all about tearing down traditional, Christian values to make way for the coming dystopia. Sadly, our Republic is on a bullet train to hell.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I'll be praying for your cousin, Tough.


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
ToughJ - I sincerely hope that things work out for Your cousin, mate.

Pornography is an evil thing which can alter males' perceptions of reality and fatally twist their expectations in the line of intimacy with females, and in the process it also deals heavy blows in the area of self-esteem. Quite naturally, it is largely Jewish run, with all of the usual agendas to the fore...<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I recall years ago reading that Ali vs Quarry I had a Super Bowl type atmosphere and it seemed like every snake in the grass pimp and his harem had descended on the event to take advantage of the "Johns" that would show up for the event.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Not that it matters much but I would lay a good size bet that the two prostitutes were White. Pimps love to trade in girls with the "Mid-Western look"...
This was straight from the movie American Pimp.
Jul 14, 2007
white is right said:
Not that it matters much but I would lay a good size bet that the two prostitutes were White. Pimps love to trade in girls with the "Mid-Western look"...
This was straight from the movie American Pimp.

In all reality though they were probably not. Not too many all-American girls are working as prostitutes at 14, that's something much more common in the ghetto.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Ditto, hopefully that scumbag who manipulates underage girls into being hookers will be locked up for quite some time and will become the "Queen of Kings" of the cell. In fact any "pimp" who even puts girls of age out on a dark street corner in a city is low. That is a dangerous place for a girl to be. The great majority of western and southern Europe (which is more wealthy and modern than much of eastern Europe) and Canada allows the act of paying for sex, but usually there are restrictions on it to keep it out of dark allies. In Canada and a few Euro countries they don't allow brothels or a "service" (and arrest "service" owners in some counties), but only allow independent transactions in privacy. Some other countries limit the cut a pimp can take of a girl's earnings. I know several decent men- including my cousin, who's a gentle soul- who have gotten escorts, but it is something that "friends" shouldn't encourage of their friends and I'd call it a minor immoral act, although within private it should be kept out of the hands of the police state. Particularly, with so many of the other double standard "art"/media exceptions I've mentioned.
Jul 14, 2007
Great point Tough J., I see cops arresting down-in-the-dumps "johns," yet don't see them busting porno sets in California. Although there is something treacherous about seeing hookers flout the law out in the open. It's a sign of the deep down ghetto and I have seen this a few times, although not as much lately. It's usually either rail thin (on crack) or obese black girls doing it. I know there are meth-addict white chicks that do this at truck stops and stuff, but at least they are not as obvious. When the black chicks are doing it, they're in skimpy bright fluorescent colored dresses and high heels, and it makes you think that's all this community is good for, for a bunch of loser guys to dump their semen in a human receptacle, with some low-life black thug collecting money from the whole thing. Again, I too am weary of police attempts to stop consensual acts of sex, but I don't think a public street is an appropriate place of business, and that the sex-trade aspect should be regulated in order that nobody is becoming a slave in the whole situation.