Pope Francis Calls for a New World Order


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The current pope is a genocidist who supports, by his words and deeds, the genocide of the White race. He supports massive non-white immigration. He supports the replacement of White populations by third world non-whites. He supports replacing White culture with non-white culture.

Actually there was no problem between Christians and Mohamedans in Iraq before the zio-americans gratuitously destroyed the ancient nation, which under Sadaam Hussein was the fastest modernizing of all Arab nations and thus scared Israel and that was why it was singled out for destruction. Tariq Aziz, Christian, was the deputy prime minister of Iraq and its international spokesman. The zio-americans imprisoned him for crimes they invented and he died in prison.


Tariq Aziz, Christian, deputy prime minister of Iraq

By the way, if you ask the Pope what religion he is what would he say, or would he just quickly change the subject?
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This reminds me of that funny incident when I visited the Vatican a few years ago, but I think I told that tale already. So then are the Swiss Guards also selected for their poofiness?
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