Poor Poor Willie


Sep 11, 2006
Once more something goes wrong with a manager and the first words out of his mouth is that of course it is racism. Of course, I am referring to Willie Randolph who insinuated that he was treated poorly by the press because of the fact he was black. Are you kidding me? In New York? Put down for being black? Now he is trying to backtrack but I still gotta ask. What about when a white manager is hammered by the media? What excuse can they offer up? I guess they are just bad like the media says.But the black managers cry racism and it infers they are not bad it is just the media. And of course the media had to go and talk to that bastion of good manners Dusty Baker. And he mentions that he never apologized for his comments. Giving the impression he felt Randolph should not have either.

Yep, I called this with Randolph. From the first time I heard the guy, I could detect it in his voice. I knew that when things got rough, he'd run and hide under the racism blanket.

Tom Iron...
Par for the course in Don King's America. Virtually every black, in any position anywhere, knows that "the race card" is the #1 weapon in his arsenal. Providing blacks with this substantial perk is an essential ingredient of Affirmative Action; it is the primary means by which they are accorded preferential treatment by our insane society.

Actually, I am amazed that not every black accords himself of this tremendous advantage at every opportunity. Using it will result in a "not guilty" verdict every time, yet obviously the number of blacks in prison demonstrate that it isn't being utilized extensively. So many of them accept the nonsense about being "discriminated" against that they don't perceive the lofty position which is reserved for them in Don King's America; all they have to do is not commit too many crimes and accept the persistent praise of fawning whites without assaulting them in return.

The other great tool they possess is the utter fear most whites have of them. When I was very young, I used to jokingly tell some of the blacks I worked with that, if I was black, I would quit my job and just ask white people for money all day. Again, while they realize this fear is something they can use when the need arises, not many of them take advantage of it to the extent they could.

Anyway, sorry to ramble. Back to Willie Randolph; these public remarks of his just insured his job security for as long as he wants.
The mutts are playing right down to par. They're garbage and I can't wait to the manager and GM are gone.
A team full of misfit hispanics.

I know it's out of place, but Dontrell Willis got sent down to A ball. Outstanding.

Tom Iron...
The mutts finally got rid of Randolph. Now all they've got to do is get rid of Minaya and they'll be making progress.

Tom Iron...
They traded for Trot Nixon a couple of days ago. Could this experiment be over?
First thing that happens to the new manager of the mutts is that that bum, jose reyes gives him a bunch of lip about getting taken out of the game. Talk about a team coming apart at the seams

Tom Iron...
The mutts are starting to come apart at the seams. jose reyes has his head up his butt and johan santana's pointing fingers at his teamates. Two real stand up guys.

I can't wait for this Gm, omar minaya to get axed.

Let this be a lesson to any team that thinks hispanics are better than White players.

Tom Iron...
The mutts just dropped out of 1ts place. I hope they lose out again here at the finish. That'd be great, both the mutts and yanks out of the playoffs.

Tom Iron...
My mostly-white Phillies are back atop the NL East! As much as I hate the media orgy, Ryan Howard has caught fire at the right time.

But the real heroes here are the pitchers. The all-white pitchers. Brett Myers is 7-2 with an ERA under 2 since the All-Star break.
The real losers here in jew york city are the taxpayers who are funding their new stadiums while both the yankees and mets are not paying a dime. The yankees as far as I know got so much tax relief that it is just about criminal.
Well, the yanks and mutts didn't make the PO's. That's fine with me.

Tom Iron...
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