Pontius Pilate’s Account of Christ to Ceasar


Jun 4, 2020
Not that my faith needs external documentation, but for those on the fence about the validity of Jesus and his visage, this is fascinating.

There are many books by former atheist and agnostic scientists who changed their mind once they did enough research. Thanks
for posting this great video. The gift of eternal salvation is free but people must repent and turn from their sin and then just Believe.
The Battle of Good for Evil has always been here and if you just look around the world you should know that the hour is late & time is short.
This book was made up in the 19th century by some guy in Missouri who plagiarized a story from decades earlier. I'm not sure why this version lists Italian "translators", probably to lend some credibility to its origin. Regardless, no apologist or scholar even attempts to make a case for the authenticity of the "Archko Volume" or its Pilate narrative. It's an interesting read, but certainly fake so it shouldn't persuade anyone.
This book was made up in the 19th century by some guy in Missouri who plagiarized a story from decades earlier. I'm not sure why this version lists Italian "translators", probably to lend some credibility to its origin. Regardless, no apologist or scholar even attempts to make a case for the authenticity of the "Archko Volume" or its Pilate narrative. It's an interesting read, but certainly fake so it shouldn't persuade anyone.
Interesting. I’ll have to read more into its origins.

Odd it showed in my algorithm today.
There are many books by former atheist and agnostic scientists who changed their mind once they did enough research. Thanks
for posting this great video. The gift of eternal salvation is free but people must repent and turn from their sin and then just Believe.
The Battle of Good for Evil has always been here and if you just look around the world you should know that the hour is late & time is short.
Right WL. For any atheist here that is interested I suggest the book "The Case for Christ" written by former atheist Lee Strobel. Strobel a Yale graduate with a Masters of Studies in Law began by investigating the claims about Jesus Christ after his wife's conversion. Prompted by the results of his investigation, he became a Christian.
It's amazing how many people don't believe that Jesus was who he said he was or even existed when The New Testament has been preserved in more manuscripts than any other ancient work of literature.
As CS Lewis said He was either God or a madman. He certainly believed he was God and there are a lot of compelling reasons to believe.

One thing I’ve always found interesting is the shroud of Turin. Lots of people want to claim it is a fraud but the more you delve into it the more you realize it’s not a simple fraud or even an elaborate one.

There are many things like that with Jesus. We weren’t there but the counter intuitive nature of it makes it more believable to me.

The Jews wanted a warrior king and Jesus whole ministry while not being as wimpy as it’s portrayed now, certainly is not what they were looking for.

I think if you just look at how he is quoted in the gospels it’s very hard to come away unimpressed at the least, or even a believer.

I wish I had more faith in the institutional Church than I do but that’s a different topic. I personally think Jesus was the messiah but I can understand why it’s not easy to think so.

I read that Lee strobel book and it isn’t bad. However for me the two apologists that stand out the most are CS Lewis and GK Chesterton. Reading them makes you feel like it’s the most logical thing in the world to have Christian faith. Whatever gets you there though is not important. What’s important is getting there at all.
The Case for Christ is great. Another great persuasive book is Person of Interest where a former detective who specialized in “no body homicides” makes the case going through the same methodology It’s very very well researched. The best scientific apologist book I’ve read recently is Return of the God Hypothesis by Stephen Meyer. The scientific evidence for God is so overwhelming it’s unbelievable how anyone can make an intellectual argument for naturalism and evolution
The Case for Christ is great. Another great persuasive book is Person of Interest where a former detective who specialized in “no body homicides” makes the case going through the same methodology It’s very very well researched. The best scientific apologist book I’ve read recently is Return of the God Hypothesis by Stephen Meyer. The scientific evidence for God is so overwhelming it’s unbelievable how anyone can make an intellectual argument for naturalism and evolution
Should start a Christian apologist thread. I like Steve Meyer a lot.

I feel like most of the ID guys like him and Dembski are unfairly treated (and have been for 25 years), but they make some very persuasive arguments that random chance is not sufficient to explain either the origin or development of life.
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