Political News Thread


May 1, 2015
Oregon governor supports ‘universal’ gov’t visits for all newborns and their parents

OREGON, January 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – News from Oregon that Governor Kate Brown is on board with a bill which would establish "universal" invasive home visits by state employees to all households with newborns is causing shockwaves throughout the nation.

While the proposed legislation, known as Senate Bill 526, remains in a nascent form with very few published details, it has nonetheless generated great excitement among progressive statists while sending chills down the spines of parents and families who fear increased government interference in their private lives.

The controversial bill directs the Oregon Health Authority “to study home visiting by licensed health care providers.” It has also been given “emergency” status, meaning that action must be taken before the end of this year.

The “emergency” designation has an oddly ominous tone, stating that the measure is “necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety,” so “an emergency is declared to exist.”

The language of the bill that is available has some concerned that these "universal" visits could be mandatory, even though state authorities are denying it.

“What’s the big emergency?” asked Paula Bolyard in an opinion piece penned for PJ Media.

“Apparently, the state of Oregon is concerned that some parents are raising their children without the watchful eye of Big Brother monitoring their every move – a big no-no in the view of the progressive left,” continued Bolyard.

“It's frightening to think about what would happen to parents who refuse such visits,” noted Bolyard.
Oregon governor supports ‘universal’ gov’t visits for all newborns and their parents

OREGON, January 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – News from Oregon that Governor Kate Brown is on board with a bill which would establish "universal" invasive home visits by state employees to all households with newborns is causing shockwaves throughout the nation.

While the proposed legislation, known as Senate Bill 526, remains in a nascent form with very few published details, it has nonetheless generated great excitement among progressive statists while sending chills down the spines of parents and families who fear increased government interference in their private lives.

The controversial bill directs the Oregon Health Authority “to study home visiting by licensed health care providers.” It has also been given “emergency” status, meaning that action must be taken before the end of this year.

The “emergency” designation has an oddly ominous tone, stating that the measure is “necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety,” so “an emergency is declared to exist.”

The language of the bill that is available has some concerned that these "universal" visits could be mandatory, even though state authorities are denying it.

“What’s the big emergency?” asked Paula Bolyard in an opinion piece penned for PJ Media.

“Apparently, the state of Oregon is concerned that some parents are raising their children without the watchful eye of Big Brother monitoring their every move – a big no-no in the view of the progressive left,” continued Bolyard.

“It's frightening to think about what would happen to parents who refuse such visits,” noted Bolyard.

Pure communism. . .
Dems Seek to Ban Christianity in Texas Using So-Called Anti-Discrimination Laws

The 86th Texas legislative session got underway a few weeks ago, and liberals are already going on the offense in the traditional conservative stronghold. Left-leaning legislators have formed Texas’ first LGBTQ caucus while promising a “transformative” agenda. This includes a number of proposed “sexual orientation and gender identity” laws (SOGI) that would attack people of faith so aggressively that they can justifiably be described as “Ban the Bible” bills.


H.B. 244, for example, creates a $100 per day fine for any violation. H.B. 188 includes a Class A Misdemeanor, the same punishment for a DUI or domestic violence, which could lead to a year in jail if the anti-discrimination policy is not followed.


As if that’s not bad enough, these same bills would be used to force private business owners to allow men into the most intimate spaces designed for women. This includes places like showers and locker rooms at a gym, or any public bathroom.


A third bill, H.B. 517, would allow the government to punish counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, or any other mental health providers licensed by the state who help people from a Christian perspective. If these providers in any way discourage homosexual behavior, or the desire for a “gender transition” (including at the request of the client), they would face disciplinary action by a regulatory committee.


At this point you might be telling yourself there’s no way Texans will let this pass. Unfortunately, I wish that optimism were true. During Texas’ last legislative session, a bill similar to one introduced this year was voted out of committee with Republican support. Austin is not immune to the swamp sickness.

On top of this, Republicans just lost 12 seats in the Texas House in the last election. While Republicans still hold the majority, this session is different, and Texans who care about their liberty can’t take anything for granted.
What in the hell is going on here?? Mandatory home visits for no reason, anti Christianity bills, jail time for discouraging homosexual behavior... This is scary scary stuff. Do people not see what's going on here? I'm trying to talk to as many people daily as possible about these issues but no one seems to care. They just say "wow, that's messed up man" and then change the subject. It's as if white America is in a perpetual state of zombiefied smartphone dopamine hit mode.
What in the hell is going on here?? Mandatory home visits for no reason, anti Christianity bills, jail time for discouraging homosexual behavior... This is scary scary stuff. Do people not see what's going on here? I'm trying to talk to as many people daily as possible about these issues but no one seems to care. They just say "wow, that's messed up man" and then change the subject. It's as if white America is in a perpetual state of zombiefied smartphone dopamine hit mode.

That's been my experience too. The attitude seems to be so what? It's like they're disconnected from reality.
The big news story is the media got hold of an old yearbook that featured the Virginia Governor in a goofy black face/Ku Klux Klan picture. The talk shows lit up and the black commentators and many others want his head. He will surely have to step down and beg forgiveness despite the fact the guy has demonstrated no racism whatsoever in his political life. Assume the BJ position buddy because the throng has spoken.

Nonsense. People are offended my ass. Blacks live for these moments where they can pounce because lets face facts many derive great joy in beating the tar out of white folk. Fake outrage if you ask me. A harmless little goofy picture turns into a high level bogus racist debate.

When it comes to the "over sensitive" minds of blacks are we living in a 1930's Germany environment where nobody can say anything negative about the Fuhrer?

And one more thing. One of the Democratic candidates for President, Marianne Williamson, a new age love and spirits author, thinks we should give billions of dollars to blacks for reparations. And a national apology. Good grief. She has no chance of winning but I think a dead monkey could come up with something better than that idea.

This screaming out of racism is nothing but a black power play that continues to get full media support. I don't like racism and most people don't but that isn't what is being discussed on a daily basis. It is a bogus bunch of fibs blown way out of human proportion. There is very little true racism left in this country and actually most of the racism today is blacks against whites. Which is completely ignored.

Meanwhile blacks and many embrace the black superiority theme in sports without a second thought.

Pounding on whites makes blacks feel pure and innocent. They are just like everybody else full of flaws. Their holier than thou take is sickening.
The big news story is the media got hold of an old yearbook that featured the Virginia Governor [Ralph Northam; remember that name, Shadowlight and fellow CasteFootballers :)] in a goofy black face/Ku Klux Klan picture.

I'm surprised the Northam fiasco hasn't gotten its own thread.

On 2/15/19, the ubiquitous Fake News media parroted that RBG "Returns to Work at Supreme Court", however, the photo used was actually from November 2018:

US District Judge Roger Benitez Strikes Down California's Ban on "High Capacity" Magazines

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – High-capacity gun magazines will remain legal in California under a ruling Friday by a federal judge who cited a home invasion where a woman used the extra bullets in her weapon to kill an attacker and two other cases women without additional ammunition ran out of bullets.

"Individual liberty and freedom are not outmoded concepts," San Diego-based U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez wrote. He called the law that would have banned possessing any magazines holding more than 10 bullets unconstitutional.

California law has prohibited buying or selling such magazines since 2000, but those who had them before were allowed to keep them.

In 2016, the Legislature and voters approved a law removing that provision. The California arm of the National Rifle Association sued and Benitez sided with the group's argument that banning the magazines infringes on the Second Amendment right to bear arms.
Has anybody filed any motions in court to stop the illegal taking of bump stocks? A ten- year prison sentence for a bump stock is too long and costly for a rifle attachment. Just another right taken away from honest citizens.
Vermont Republicuck Governor to sign bill abolishing Columbus Day.
American Freedom News