Please everyone say a prayer for me

You have my sincere condolences.
My prayers are with you and your family.
Don't worry about posting in Polish Rebajlo I'm of the same background and would have posted the same if my Polish wasn't so fractured.I know what it's like to lose loved ones as both my parents are gone.Stay strong Whiteathlete33 and hang in there my brother.
Hey WA 33 sorry for your afflictions. Just the other day I had to rush my 83 yr old mom to the hospital becuase she was not feeling well. Once their doctors told me that her blood sugar was 700 pts! The norm is 90 to 120. They were able to stablize her. Anyways while in the hospital I cried and felt pain. I know you are going through tough times. But its part of life. Stay strong and know my prayers are being made for you! Know you are a valued member at CF. God speed.
WA 33 thanks she is doing great with taking three shots of insulin a day. She feels great and with so much energy. The wonders of medicine.
Exactly Westside. With the constant advances in medicine I am sure the average life expectancy in the US will climb over 85 years of age within the next 10-15 years.
My prayers and best wishes to you and your whole family, WA33!

May you and your whole family enjoy a good and fruitful life!
I am very sorry for your loss. Take strength in your family through the tough times but also know that your online family at CF are here for you as well.
Rebajlo said:
whiteathlete33 - bardzo wspolczuje Panu i pana Rodzinie - jest Pan w moich myslach i modlitwie.I feel for You and Your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.I know that it sounds trite (and I know that it's exceedingly difficult), but try to stay strong for Your family. You all need each other.
Kindest Regards,

To all board members - sorry about posting a bit of Polish in an English-language forum, but as whiteathlete33 appears to be of Polish/part-Polish ancestry I thought that he might appreciate it.

Dzienkuje!! Polska !
My deepest commiserations upon Your loss...

Wieczne odpoczywanie racz Jej dac Panie, a swiatlosc wiekuista niechaj Jej swieci, na wieki wiekow, Amen.
Edited by: Rebajlo

i was just wondering how your brother was doing. i'm hoping he (and you!) are doing well this Christmas.
He is doing good Jimmy. He had a heart valve replaced. Thanksgiving was the most depressing time of the year for me. Thank god it's over. Thanks for asking.

It's good to see you back on the boards. I understand your internet access is limited. Your fantasy team got creamed every week because you had the same lineup.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
whiteathlete33 said:
It's good to see you back on the boards. I understand your internet access is limited. Your fantasy team got creamed every week because you had the same lineup.

yeah. i was crushed!