Playoffs predictions


Dec 22, 2004
After coming back from a 4th quarter deficit the Suns are poised to win the whole thing--which they will. Nash is UNSTOPPABLE. He will not be denied this year mark my words. Elsewhere looks like the ultra boring Pistons will probably beat the Cavs if Cavs advance so Suns-Pistons final-- looks most likely with Suns winning in 4 or 5 games.
Nash will take over.
This has the potential to be a very white playoffs.

Whites starters per team.... And white subs who average greater then 15 minutes per game.

Bulls.... 1 starter, 1 sub
Pistons.. No significant white players.

Nets..... 1 sub
Cavs..... 2 starters

Suns..... 1 starter
Spurs.... 3 subs.

Jazz..... 3 starters, 1 sub

Warriors. 1 starter

For the Pistons Carlos Delfino mights see a few minutes but lets not act as though he is a significant contributor to the team.

The best case senario here whould to have the Jazz and the Cavs in the final. This would be the whitest final in recent memory. Between the two teams 5 whites would start each game and 6 whites would actually be on the floor at once at a certian points during the series. To have the Bulls and the Jazz in the final would also be very nice. The last time that we really had a white final was in 1997 when it was the Bulls vs. the Jazz (5 white starts total) hahaha.
With all of that being said I predict the Suns and the Pistons being in the final as well. This is the blackest senario but also the most likely.
I would love to see a Jazz/Cavs final but lets be realistic. The winner of the Suns/Spurs series will win it all and the Cavs will most likely lose to the Pistons like they did last year. Although that series the Cavs lost last year was in 7 games so it did come down to the wire. Also the Cavs now have the X-factor in Sasha Pavlovic so I think they are a better team this season. Being a Cavs fan I said in the beginning of the season, swear to god, called it on I would be happy if the Cavs made the east finals as it would represent a step up from last year and signal improvement.
I'm from AZ but I'm telling you that the Utah Jazz are going to go all the way.They will win the championship.You heard it here first!
white lightning said:
I'm from AZ but I'm telling you that the Utah Jazz are going to go all the way.They will win the championship.You heard it here first!
No way they get past the Spurs. I hope they do...but they will find it tough.
I think the Jazz would have a better chance against the suns, because of matchups, but I won't count them out against anyone.
I worry that the Nash-led Suns won't get past the Spurs now with the asinine suspensions of Stoudemire and Diaw for game five. They clearly didn't leave the bench to start a altercation, they took a few steps on the court and went back to the bench. It could cost the Suns the series.The NBA seems more concerned with the letter of the law and less with the spirit of it. Sheer instinct alone made Amare and Boris leave the bench. Let's see what a short handed Suns team does in game five. Wouldn't suprise me if Nash scored 35 or more tonight to help make up for the loss of Amare.
I follow the NFL, MLB, College football and to a lesser extent the NHL. I don't watch or follow the NBA and as a result find that the happenings in the league to be very bizarre. There seems to be some sort of controversy every 10 seconds with even stranger reactions to them. Sure every league has their share of problems, but the NBA to me seems in total disarray every time I load up
The Spur beat the Suns behind a huge game from Ginobli.He saved the game for the Spurs who really didn't play all that well.I feel bad for Nash as the suspensions really did hurt.The Suns would have probably won easily if not for Stern.I will say this however.First off,the Suns are not done yet and I believe they will win in San Antonio of Friday to force a deciding 7th game.Second,I applaud Stern for cracking down on the fighting in the nba.There are too many thugs that like to fight and he is doing the right thing in the long run.It is just too bad that sometimes guys will not get to play when they never even threw a punch.Oh well,it is for the best for the safety of the fans and their kids.
Manu has yet had another huge game and saved the Spurs yet the media still doesn't give him the praise that he really deserves! He is my faveourite basketballer and it's so frustrating that he never starts and he isn't getting any younger at 29 years old. Looking at it from another angle I suppose it could be tactical as he is the best 6th man in the whole NBA.
The league just handed the Spurs the title. The Spurs are good, and they have a lot of white players and have had a lot of white players for a couple years now on their championship teams, so it's OK in my opinion that they will win again.

But it would have been better if the Suns were allowed to play on a level playing field.
Steve Nash had a boatload of assists and scored 15 pts. in the fourth quarter, but Manu Ginobli had an awesome game andclinched the series for the Spurs.
nevada said:
The league just handed the Spurs the title. The Spurs are good, and they have a lot of white players and have had a lot of white players for a couple years now on their championship teams, so it's OK in my opinion that they will win again.But it would have been better if the Suns were allowed to play on a level playing field.
I concur with all that, especially the part about the NBA screwing over the Suns. That being said, I'm pulling for the Jazz and for the nation to discover who exactly AK47 is.
guest301 said:
I concur with all that, especially the part about the NBA screwing over the Suns. That being said, I'm pulling for the Jazz and for the nation to discover who exactly AK47 is.

I'm not. It will just be yet another opportunity for white americans to hate a white player. The amount of hate the people in the bay area had for the Jazz was palpable. They wanted to beat the whiteys so bad. White guys don't even deserve to play, is what they were thinking. Beat those white guys, beat those white guys.

The Warriors are the biggest collection of assh_les in the league right now. They are pieces of sh_t. And the bay area loved them. They loved every flagrant foul, every chance to hurt or embarrass a white player.

White sports fans are the biggest morons on earth. They are already complaining about the Jazz, and they have long hated the Spurs. The western conference final will have more white players this year than in decades, and the amount of people who tune it out completely will be large. Already nobody wants to watch these "boring" teams.
nevada said:
guest301 said:
I concur with all that, especially the part about the NBA screwing over the Suns. That being said, I'm pulling for the Jazz and for the nation to discover who exactly AK47 is.
I'm not. It will just be yet another opportunity for white americans to hate a white player. The amount of hate the people in the bay area had for the Jazz was palpable. They wanted to beat the whiteys so bad. White guys don't even deserve to play, is what they were thinking. Beat those white guys, beat those white guys.The Warriors are the biggest collection of assh_les in the league right now. They are pieces of sh_t. And the bay area loved them. They loved every flagrant foul, every chance to hurt or embarrass a white player.White sports fans are the biggest morons on earth. They are already complaining about the Jazz, and they have long hated the Spurs. The western conference final will have more white players this year than in decades, and the amount of people who tune it out completely will be large. Already nobody wants to watch these "boring" teams.

I'm a little confused here Nevada. You said you won't be rooting for the Jazz because whites hate white players. What does that have to do with you, you don't have to participate in the self-hate ritual the rest of our race engages in...enjoy the Spurs-Jazz series and cheer on the white players, especially AK47.
The Jazz -Spurs series should be fun actually. The Suns were always a mixed blessing. Nash was great but the rest of the team has always been loudly trumpeted for speed etc. The speed of Barbosa--who sucked in this series, Marion and his matrix act--he kind of sucked too and big Stu a good player but Duncan bothered him and his D was poor.
The Spurs have Ginobli who was unbelievable the last few games.
nevada said:
I'm not. It will just be yet another opportunity for white americans to hate a white player. The amount of hate the people in the bay area had for the Jazz was palpable. They wanted to beat the whiteys so bad. White guys don't even deserve to play, is what they were thinking. Beat those white guys, beat those white guys.

So the Golden State fans aren't allowed to root for their hometown team? Especially if a rival team has white players?

If the team players were reversed, and Golden State fielded white players, do you still think the fans would "hate" white players, and want whiteys beatenso bad in favor of the all-black Utah Jazz team?
Detroit....Alot of us are having alot of trouble rooting for our hometown teams and even national teams when whites are not represented on that team and/or play any meaningful roles. For instance, it's very hard for me to be a Cowboys fan these days with only about 14 white players on the team. A team of 53. I live a hour or so away from Cleveland but if they play the Jazz in the finals, I will root for the Jazz. I like Sasha and Z and have respect for Lebron but I will root for the Jazz.
guest301 said:
I'm a little confused here Nevada. You said you won't be rooting for the Jazz because whites hate white players.

No, I will be rooting for the Jazz and the Spurs. I like players on both teams. I'm only saying that Kirilenko will exposed to a bigger audience of white fans, sportscasters, and sportswriters and these are the people who hate white basketball players. The amount of hate he and the rest of the white Jazz players generated in San Francisco was incredible. One sportscaster even said the garbage time dunk Davis had on Kirilenko was the most important thing that had happened in bay area sports in a decade, or something like that.

I've never seen people who were so quick to turn into the typical white hating audience that we're familiar with. The Warriors don't have fans. But somehow, in 2 seconds flat, they suddenly had thousands of blood thirsty fans ready to see white players get burned, postered, and embarrassed by black players who are literally criminals.

And of course, the league did absolutely nothing about the steady stream of flagrant fouls from these animals. Any time things did not go their way against the Mavericks and Jazz, they started in with the flagrant fouls. And their white fans ate it up. They loved every cheap shot. Sports have become crazy business.
Detroit Lions said:
So the Golden State fans aren't allowed to root for their hometown team? Especially if a rival team has white players?

The Warriors don't have fans. This is what you seem to not be understanding. They are long time losers. There is no such thing as Warriors fan. After the Jazz beat them in 5 games the exits on the Warriors bandwagon clogged up like rush hour traffic in Tokyo.

The people cheering for the Warriors were cheering for the worst group of sportsmen in the league and they were cheering for them to beat the weird, strange, and far too white mormons out of Utah. How do you cheer for such poor sports? They are clear and obvious sore losers who go directly to hard fouling when they start losing.

Not to mention Stephen Jackson is one of the worst humans in the NBA. How do you root for him so strongly? Why would bandwagon Warriors fans root for a piece of sh_t like that so strongly? I think I know why Don Nelson is thinking about not returning after only one year with the team.
I noticed that Don Nelson seemed to have little control over Jackson whenever he was going off. He didn't even try to talk to him on the court. Maybe Nellie is scared of him too, or he just doesn't want to waste his time anymore.
I'm going for a Pistons/Spurs series. Simply because it'll be the most unlikely watched series there will be. Maybe a Jazz/Pistons series would be less watched, but noway the Jazz beat SA.

As I've said many times, even with a semi resurgence of white players in the NBA, the NBA culture is the problem. This is a culture dominated by a selfish, narcistic, anti-white mindset. And even if whites break back to say 40% of the league, that culture won't change and it is bad for our people because our youth follow it.

So, whatever hurts the NBA is good. It's that simple. I do love how Ginobilli is kicking ass, but we need to root for the demise of the NBA and, for what it's worth, MTV as well.
The rewarding of players who are just trying to draw contact and get to the free-throw line is once again the order of the day in the NBA playoffs. Watching the Spurs/Jazz series could have been great, but it looks like a constant parade to the free throw line for Duncan and Parker. I see a lot of one on one basketball at both ends. The NBA game really sucks.
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