guest301 said:
I concur with all that, especially the part about the NBA screwing over the Suns. That being said, I'm pulling for the Jazz and for the nation to discover who exactly AK47 is.
I'm not. It will just be yet another opportunity for white americans to hate a white player. The amount of hate the people in the bay area had for the Jazz was palpable. They wanted to beat the whiteys so bad. White guys don't even deserve to play, is what they were thinking. Beat those white guys, beat those white guys.The Warriors are the biggest collection of assh_les in the league right now. They are pieces of sh_t. And the bay area loved them. They loved every flagrant foul, every chance to hurt or embarrass a white player.White sports fans are the biggest morons on earth. They are already complaining about the Jazz, and they have long hated the Spurs. The western conference final will have more white players this year than in decades, and the amount of people who tune it out completely will be large. Already nobody wants to watch these "boring" teams.